him, he owns them in their heads, he is an adult among babies IMO & like DeSantis, will damage their brands & names; Trump is the ONLY one among them in this class, who can DELIVER! rest plays 'house'
When is Trump going to come clean on the 'Covid' vaccines and admit they were a disaster...?
Do you understand how serious this is?
And call for an investigation into the incredible influence of Bill Gates - how the hell has this guy got so much power in the world, impacting on billions of people...WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!
I was aghast when, as we went into lock down for the first time, who did we have invited on our TV to explain about it? Was it a famous Doctor? A Virologist? Someone who studied disease control and contagion? No! It was a man who got rich by patenting his friend's design of a computer start-up program and then made millions by creating computers of a similar ilk. A man who knew that 'vack-seens' could make him very rich and so had gone into that market, using it to sterilise young women in other countries, particularly in poor areas and without their consent. A man who chuckled twice when he said "normalcy doesn't actually happen until we have largely vaccinated the entire global population". He gave himself away on that Breakfast TV program. The plan he had been involved in for so long, to drastically reduce the population, had begun.
Why has a software billionaire been allowed to dominate international vaccination policy for years? Not to mention dimming the sun, messing around with mosquitoes, fake meat, etc, etc… It’s unbloodybelievable what this guy has been getting away with, including buying the compliance of the media to promote his agenda, and censor dissenters, eg The Telegraph, The Guardian and the BBC in the UK.
Who IS this person Bill Gates to be calling the shots?! On what basis does he assume this power over all of us? We did not consent!
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the main funders of the World Health Organization, along with the BMGF-founded Gavi Alliance, plus the BMGF is involved with CEPI, otherwise known as the pandemic industry.
People associated with the WHO, aka the front for the vaccine industry, should be on trial for the devastation wreaked upon the world via the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid-19 response. How on earth is a treaty being negotiated with this evil shower, it’s insane!
We have not consented to be dominated by this organisation…or Gates…
With Gates’ enormous financial clout, and influence over the ‘PHEIC’ Covid response, was he, and others, manipulating the share market during the Covid debacle, with all the manufactured fear-mongering?
Is anyone investigating Gates’ associated organisations and their share market investments over the past few years? All the ‘pandemic’ paraphernalia stealing billions and billions from us?
When people realise they have not given valid consent to the worse than useless injections, nor the intrusive rubbish PCR tests, who will be held accountable for this assault on personal autonomy and bodily integrity, impacting on billions of people around the world?
And here we are, in the biggest scandal in history.
After nearly four years into this scam, they’re planning on keeping it going, planning on restrictions and masks again, and the never-ending ‘boosters’, people are being played for suckers…
Are they going to go along with this con job again? After all that’s come to light over the past few years?!
Way past time to wake up people! And demand accountability…and justice…
Trump and other presidential hopefuls need to think very carefully about their position in this Covid and vaccine mess…because it’s huge…
Looks like very treacherous individuals have been running this show…
You've got it right! We do Not have to go along with this...and we should let others know they don't have to go along with this. Have you thought of organizing a movement? Some information convincing people that they do Not have to go along with putting masks on their faces and getting poison tests and injections?
One very wise woman once said..." If the German people had not just gone along with the nazis, thing would have turned out very much differently"
We need people to know they will die from taking these bioweapon injections because we need people to not die or be sterilized, or have gross alien genetically modified DNA in their body.
Well said, not to mention his failure to deliver on every major campaign promise, and creating a constantly shifting administration of Neocons, and kleptocrats.
America has failed. We can not vote, pray, type or wish it to be restored. The people in total control, are the most expelled group of humans ever to walk the planet. They now have the technocratic control to administer all the horrors they have fantasized about since 72 AD.
Anyone who lined up for the shot gave their consent by allowing it to be injected into their body.
STOP giving your consent! You do have personal autonomy and no one can force you to do anything. Some people have been coercive however as they didn't want to lose their job, etc. You've got to count the cost BEFORE you go to war....
Trump was well compensated for his role (to be the avatar of a conquered white race). He made back the billions Trump Inc. lost, with his investments in the holding company that became his Twitter alternative. He is the literal representative of the now broken, defeated, impotent white race. They may well let him "win," and take him out legally or physically, just to break the spirit of the few, gullible, Magatards or QTards left. But, he is playing a role, long decided upon by him and some Rothschild, in a big castle.
Stardot, I have never voted for a Democrat in my life, over 40 years of voting. I despise the very construct of the Democratic Party, which seems to celebrate low standards, failure, and degeneracy.
My problems with the Republican Party began when Reagan, whom i voted for twice, gave amnesty to 10M illegals. I later dug for research on his Communist background, his leadership of the Actors Union, and basically his conservation of NOTHING. A very common label that could easily be applied to both Bush Sr. and Jr., and more recently 1st term Trump. Trump remained pro NON-WHITE immigration, as long as it was "legal." He voted for a number of anti-2nd Amendment restrictions (bump stocks and red flag laws). His daughter married in to a very corrupt, jewish family, and Trump pardoned a bunch of black rappers, financial crime jews (Kushner's dad), and left his people to rot.
To answer your question, I would end the Uniparty, and this completely jewish run Nation in a number of ways. Primarily by white men and based white women exiting this anti-white system, and living a simpler life in white dominant regions (Idah, Oregon, Arkansas and Missouri already have such places). This would destroy both the smooth running of J World USA, and their tax base.
I would wait for the inevitable collapse, be it financial, or a civil war pitting whites against all the rest. We may have fallen from 91% of the population to 50%, but our productivity and wealth are still the most formidable aspect of keeping this place going.
I once felt "voting" and fairness, honesty, respect for the original intent for the Constitution would be sufficient to keep America safe, proud, free and growing forever. But, we caught a J Virus. EVERY problem we face, open borders, debt, war, LGBTQ+, drugs, anti-white and unfair application of justice, has a jew leading it. Most expelled in human history, and their claws are choking us, as they cling to banking and media dominance.
So, that's my two planks. No voting, complete separation by whites. Simpler, healthier life. Expel the jews. Not everything should be seen with your Two Party Lens. Those folks laugh about you, and party together on islands and in Antarctica. They spend 60B on datacenters to spy on you during a recession (NSA DC in Bluffdale, utah), and send hundreds of billions to crooked Ukraine most of which goes back to Demo operatives and appartchiks.
Lastly, I would impose harsh and fast punishment on politicians of any party who use their office for personal gain and obfuscation. The trial would be one day, and the justice I can't type here. That alone, would really reduce one of the problems I outlined above.
Aside from not voting, what can be done to rectify these problems? I do not believe all Jewish people are bad. The WEF, WHO, NATO, UN and a host of others are running the show.
Not ALL of any people are bad, BUT, they all have certain dominant traits that follow them. Blacks, have a statistical propensity to jump higher than us, and to suffer 30% lower cognition, and 100% lower impulse control. They grew up and evolved in places where food was readily abundant, and built far less complex, or future thinking groups. Vikings grew up in the cold, unforgiving lands, in which community and planning were critical to survival. Strengths, and weaknesses. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
OK, well I am aware that in the 90s he went bankrupt and he obviously had some bad guys hanging around him as he owned a casino in Jersey or somewhere.
However, he accepted Jesus in his heart and renounced whatever he did in his past and asked God & Jesus to forgive him. He is now washed in the blood of Jesus and Saved and covered in the blood of the lamb who took away the sins of the whole world, and his soul will be going to heaven instead of hell.
Let us hope. But, while we are hoping, I judge people by what they do now. And, if you pledged your soul, in a Faustian Bargain, to the Synagogue of Satan 30 years ago, and they now can easily threaten your children, your very freedom from prison, strange things do happen.
Tonight's winner was Trump, hands down. He and Tucker planned the timing to coincide with the fake UniParty debates. Over 100 million views already for Tucker and Trump.
The RINOs are all posers and pretenders. Trump has the nomination in the bag. That's why the deep state criminal syndicate/Biden DOJ is using malicious prosecution to go after an innocent man, because, as Dr Paul stated, Trump will wipe out the deep state once and for all.
And, it matters not. Trump rambled, prattled, and will do nothing but his master's will, if they decide he can do more damage than Kamala/Michael Obama/pickanog.
Why doesn't Trump admit the clotshot was a total failure? He still digs in.
He should name names regarding how he failed and lost a lot of credibility in not deporting illegals, close the border, lock her up and build the wall.... etc
Perhaps, but can he start by saying "I was dead wrong about the clot shots and we're going to fund a 100 Billion vax compensation fund with payout board headed by Peter McCullough" and accept a little executive responsibility for "safe and effective" genocide first??
im with you and i await the Trump comeback. i know he is not God and it will take a lot of people on his team helping and hopefully they will not back stab him. he learned from last time so this should be a great lesson.
People...quit being ridiculous and shortsighted. NO POLITICIAN of any stripe is going to fix any of this country's problems. It is the incompetence and arrogance of all previous administrations and politicians who have consistently created these messes and added to their complexity over several decades.
We vote, change politicians and the whole pit of destruction keeps on getting dug deeper and deeper. We are only another administration away from hitting China from the bottom up. More or different government IS NOT THE ANSWER. It never was and never will be...as witnessed by the last 10,000 years of history around the world. Government, by its very nature, is doomed to fail 100% of the time.
The answer lies in going boldly where no man has gone before or seldom has ever gone. There must be no presidents or czars or monarchs or politicians...no one who is gonna go bonkers by arrogantly enslaving the citizens to become ever more powerful. All power must be retained by the individual and not by some central force of clueless idiots. That would be the DC Swamp in the US, for sure.
The belief that there is ANY political relief from the dominance the jewish left has over this failing nation is the ultimate in puerile naivety. Drtumpf is actually slightly further Left than the mental midget Bush Jr (who denounced Trump!), and Jr. had a majority in the house, Senate and court to work with, as he led us in to wars that wasted trillions of dollars, and millions of lives.
It is ALL a scam. You sound like the idiot Obama Acolytes with their "Hope and Change" bullshit back in 2007. NOBODY is going to fix the filthy corruption that is the US Government, Federal Reserve, and media. Our Nation was targeted fro destruction by the most expelled group of people, whom we handed our money supply to in 1913, allowing them to buy all of our media, and any politician they wanted.
Their greasy, rat like fingerprints are all over EVERY shitty thing happening, from open borders to trannies grinding on our 3 year olds.
Stuff it up your anticommunist @$$. TRUMP is Not a Drumf as if you actually knew anything about him, he was orphaned as a small boy and adopted. You have a very bitter spirit and I'm fed up hearing you spew out your bitterness, trying to defile people with it. Gp look in the mirror and take the lemon 🍋 out of your mouth.
It is very common for people to shoot the messenger, and to actually suffer from the discordance of their hopes and dreams, and the unflinching reality. I used to defend Reagan in the same fashion. I was in universities, and leftist students loved Gorbachev, which had me, like you, calling them names, and asking them outside. I get it. Still, I take no pleasure in pointing out the obvious, and always stand willing to retract when presented with clear evidence I am wrong. I liked Trump when he was tweeting about autism and vaccines, a number of years before the 2016 campaign. I voted for him twice. Still, he gave us the clot shots with gusto, abandoned his loyal supporters on J6, did not build a wall, and most egregious of all, did not lock that roaring, corrupt, bitch Hillary up.
We're at a crisis moment in American history. Trump knows it. He's the only one I see on the stage with a chance of averting WW III and the defeat/fall of America.
When is Trump going to come clean on the 'Covid' vaccines and admit they were a disaster...?
Do you understand how serious this is?
And call for an investigation into the incredible influence of Bill Gates - how the hell has this guy got so much power in the world, impacting on billions of people...WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!
I was aghast when, as we went into lock down for the first time, who did we have invited on our TV to explain about it? Was it a famous Doctor? A Virologist? Someone who studied disease control and contagion? No! It was a man who got rich by patenting his friend's design of a computer start-up program and then made millions by creating computers of a similar ilk. A man who knew that 'vack-seens' could make him very rich and so had gone into that market, using it to sterilise young women in other countries, particularly in poor areas and without their consent. A man who chuckled twice when he said "normalcy doesn't actually happen until we have largely vaccinated the entire global population". He gave himself away on that Breakfast TV program. The plan he had been involved in for so long, to drastically reduce the population, had begun.
Bill Gates led the ‘race for a coronavirus vaccine’ see for example his GatesNotes published on 30 April 2020: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.gatesnotes.com/What-you-need-to-know-about-the-COVID-19-vaccine
Why has a software billionaire been allowed to dominate international vaccination policy for years? Not to mention dimming the sun, messing around with mosquitoes, fake meat, etc, etc… It’s unbloodybelievable what this guy has been getting away with, including buying the compliance of the media to promote his agenda, and censor dissenters, eg The Telegraph, The Guardian and the BBC in the UK.
Who IS this person Bill Gates to be calling the shots?! On what basis does he assume this power over all of us? We did not consent!
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the main funders of the World Health Organization, along with the BMGF-founded Gavi Alliance, plus the BMGF is involved with CEPI, otherwise known as the pandemic industry.
People associated with the WHO, aka the front for the vaccine industry, should be on trial for the devastation wreaked upon the world via the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid-19 response. How on earth is a treaty being negotiated with this evil shower, it’s insane!
We have not consented to be dominated by this organisation…or Gates…
With Gates’ enormous financial clout, and influence over the ‘PHEIC’ Covid response, was he, and others, manipulating the share market during the Covid debacle, with all the manufactured fear-mongering?
Is anyone investigating Gates’ associated organisations and their share market investments over the past few years? All the ‘pandemic’ paraphernalia stealing billions and billions from us?
When people realise they have not given valid consent to the worse than useless injections, nor the intrusive rubbish PCR tests, who will be held accountable for this assault on personal autonomy and bodily integrity, impacting on billions of people around the world?
And here we are, in the biggest scandal in history.
After nearly four years into this scam, they’re planning on keeping it going, planning on restrictions and masks again, and the never-ending ‘boosters’, people are being played for suckers…
Are they going to go along with this con job again? After all that’s come to light over the past few years?!
Way past time to wake up people! And demand accountability…and justice…
Trump and other presidential hopefuls need to think very carefully about their position in this Covid and vaccine mess…because it’s huge…
Looks like very treacherous individuals have been running this show…
You've got it right! We do Not have to go along with this...and we should let others know they don't have to go along with this. Have you thought of organizing a movement? Some information convincing people that they do Not have to go along with putting masks on their faces and getting poison tests and injections?
One very wise woman once said..." If the German people had not just gone along with the nazis, thing would have turned out very much differently"
We need people to know they will die from taking these bioweapon injections because we need people to not die or be sterilized, or have gross alien genetically modified DNA in their body.
Well said, not to mention his failure to deliver on every major campaign promise, and creating a constantly shifting administration of Neocons, and kleptocrats.
America has failed. We can not vote, pray, type or wish it to be restored. The people in total control, are the most expelled group of humans ever to walk the planet. They now have the technocratic control to administer all the horrors they have fantasized about since 72 AD.
Anyone who lined up for the shot gave their consent by allowing it to be injected into their body.
STOP giving your consent! You do have personal autonomy and no one can force you to do anything. Some people have been coercive however as they didn't want to lose their job, etc. You've got to count the cost BEFORE you go to war....
It all rests on if we the people can stop yet another election steal that the deep state will try.
Pray to keep POTUS45 safe.
Reps and dems are opposite sides of the same coin. Look into who controls them.
Trump promoted the “beautiful” vx.
He also invited people to the Capital Mall where he said “it’s going to be wild.”
Many still in solitary- and Trump says nothing about them.
It’s a fixed game and Trump is in on a lot of it. Is he better than Biden? Sure, a fence post would be preferable.
He should pay all of their legal expenses and help their abandoned families.
Trump was well compensated for his role (to be the avatar of a conquered white race). He made back the billions Trump Inc. lost, with his investments in the holding company that became his Twitter alternative. He is the literal representative of the now broken, defeated, impotent white race. They may well let him "win," and take him out legally or physically, just to break the spirit of the few, gullible, Magatards or QTards left. But, he is playing a role, long decided upon by him and some Rothschild, in a big castle.
What's your alternative? Another Rino do nothing? Are you a Biden supporter despite your moniker?
Stardot, I have never voted for a Democrat in my life, over 40 years of voting. I despise the very construct of the Democratic Party, which seems to celebrate low standards, failure, and degeneracy.
My problems with the Republican Party began when Reagan, whom i voted for twice, gave amnesty to 10M illegals. I later dug for research on his Communist background, his leadership of the Actors Union, and basically his conservation of NOTHING. A very common label that could easily be applied to both Bush Sr. and Jr., and more recently 1st term Trump. Trump remained pro NON-WHITE immigration, as long as it was "legal." He voted for a number of anti-2nd Amendment restrictions (bump stocks and red flag laws). His daughter married in to a very corrupt, jewish family, and Trump pardoned a bunch of black rappers, financial crime jews (Kushner's dad), and left his people to rot.
To answer your question, I would end the Uniparty, and this completely jewish run Nation in a number of ways. Primarily by white men and based white women exiting this anti-white system, and living a simpler life in white dominant regions (Idah, Oregon, Arkansas and Missouri already have such places). This would destroy both the smooth running of J World USA, and their tax base.
I would wait for the inevitable collapse, be it financial, or a civil war pitting whites against all the rest. We may have fallen from 91% of the population to 50%, but our productivity and wealth are still the most formidable aspect of keeping this place going.
I once felt "voting" and fairness, honesty, respect for the original intent for the Constitution would be sufficient to keep America safe, proud, free and growing forever. But, we caught a J Virus. EVERY problem we face, open borders, debt, war, LGBTQ+, drugs, anti-white and unfair application of justice, has a jew leading it. Most expelled in human history, and their claws are choking us, as they cling to banking and media dominance.
So, that's my two planks. No voting, complete separation by whites. Simpler, healthier life. Expel the jews. Not everything should be seen with your Two Party Lens. Those folks laugh about you, and party together on islands and in Antarctica. They spend 60B on datacenters to spy on you during a recession (NSA DC in Bluffdale, utah), and send hundreds of billions to crooked Ukraine most of which goes back to Demo operatives and appartchiks.
Lastly, I would impose harsh and fast punishment on politicians of any party who use their office for personal gain and obfuscation. The trial would be one day, and the justice I can't type here. That alone, would really reduce one of the problems I outlined above.
Hail Victory.
Aside from not voting, what can be done to rectify these problems? I do not believe all Jewish people are bad. The WEF, WHO, NATO, UN and a host of others are running the show.
Not ALL of any people are bad, BUT, they all have certain dominant traits that follow them. Blacks, have a statistical propensity to jump higher than us, and to suffer 30% lower cognition, and 100% lower impulse control. They grew up and evolved in places where food was readily abundant, and built far less complex, or future thinking groups. Vikings grew up in the cold, unforgiving lands, in which community and planning were critical to survival. Strengths, and weaknesses. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
We're you there in that big castle?
I visited a few of their castles in the UK and Germany. Central Banking and world dominion pay very well.
Gotta disagree...just exactly how do you know that Trump is in on a lot of it?
https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/?sh=6938e428f820 Wilbur, was the head of Bank of Rothschild's Bankruptcy Division. Believe DJT suffered 5 bankruptcies. As you know, if you do major business with a Rothschildean Creature, it is a Faustian Contract.
OK, well I am aware that in the 90s he went bankrupt and he obviously had some bad guys hanging around him as he owned a casino in Jersey or somewhere.
However, he accepted Jesus in his heart and renounced whatever he did in his past and asked God & Jesus to forgive him. He is now washed in the blood of Jesus and Saved and covered in the blood of the lamb who took away the sins of the whole world, and his soul will be going to heaven instead of hell.
No one can pluck him from God.
Let us hope. But, while we are hoping, I judge people by what they do now. And, if you pledged your soul, in a Faustian Bargain, to the Synagogue of Satan 30 years ago, and they now can easily threaten your children, your very freedom from prison, strange things do happen.
Tonight's winner was Trump, hands down. He and Tucker planned the timing to coincide with the fake UniParty debates. Over 100 million views already for Tucker and Trump.
The RINOs are all posers and pretenders. Trump has the nomination in the bag. That's why the deep state criminal syndicate/Biden DOJ is using malicious prosecution to go after an innocent man, because, as Dr Paul stated, Trump will wipe out the deep state once and for all.
Trump is our retribution.
And, it matters not. Trump rambled, prattled, and will do nothing but his master's will, if they decide he can do more damage than Kamala/Michael Obama/pickanog.
You are very ignorant.
And you are so articulate, and enlightened! Go ahead, cling to your hope and change narrative.
The clear winner was Trump. Ramaswamy was a distant second but well in front of Meatball who was outed as a neocon.
Why doesn't Trump admit the clotshot was a total failure? He still digs in.
He should name names regarding how he failed and lost a lot of credibility in not deporting illegals, close the border, lock her up and build the wall.... etc
Because he will do anything for money, power and sold his daughter and soul to the jews, long ago.
ViFake PharmaSwampy
The Republican Obama.
Yes. Similar personalities and "entitledness."
Perhaps, but can he start by saying "I was dead wrong about the clot shots and we're going to fund a 100 Billion vax compensation fund with payout board headed by Peter McCullough" and accept a little executive responsibility for "safe and effective" genocide first??
im with you and i await the Trump comeback. i know he is not God and it will take a lot of people on his team helping and hopefully they will not back stab him. he learned from last time so this should be a great lesson.
People...quit being ridiculous and shortsighted. NO POLITICIAN of any stripe is going to fix any of this country's problems. It is the incompetence and arrogance of all previous administrations and politicians who have consistently created these messes and added to their complexity over several decades.
We vote, change politicians and the whole pit of destruction keeps on getting dug deeper and deeper. We are only another administration away from hitting China from the bottom up. More or different government IS NOT THE ANSWER. It never was and never will be...as witnessed by the last 10,000 years of history around the world. Government, by its very nature, is doomed to fail 100% of the time.
The answer lies in going boldly where no man has gone before or seldom has ever gone. There must be no presidents or czars or monarchs or politicians...no one who is gonna go bonkers by arrogantly enslaving the citizens to become ever more powerful. All power must be retained by the individual and not by some central force of clueless idiots. That would be the DC Swamp in the US, for sure.
All politicians are corrupt, but so are all individuals within all polities.
Strengthening checks and balances against this rampant corruption is the best we can do.
Uniparties and excessive central control are signs that we've failed to appreciate how important those checks and balances are.
DeRino was terrible. He spoke out of both sides of his mouth regarding Ukraine and is so scripted and phoney. I can’t stand looking at him.
Vivek was good but can’t be trusted yet as he has changed his positions too many times. It’s not his time and he needs more life/political experience.
It will never be Vivek's time. Neither he nor his wife can be trusted.
I do not see the difference in between them anymore.
Please look more closely.
The belief that there is ANY political relief from the dominance the jewish left has over this failing nation is the ultimate in puerile naivety. Drtumpf is actually slightly further Left than the mental midget Bush Jr (who denounced Trump!), and Jr. had a majority in the house, Senate and court to work with, as he led us in to wars that wasted trillions of dollars, and millions of lives.
It is ALL a scam. You sound like the idiot Obama Acolytes with their "Hope and Change" bullshit back in 2007. NOBODY is going to fix the filthy corruption that is the US Government, Federal Reserve, and media. Our Nation was targeted fro destruction by the most expelled group of people, whom we handed our money supply to in 1913, allowing them to buy all of our media, and any politician they wanted.
Their greasy, rat like fingerprints are all over EVERY shitty thing happening, from open borders to trannies grinding on our 3 year olds.
Stuff it up your anticommunist @$$. TRUMP is Not a Drumf as if you actually knew anything about him, he was orphaned as a small boy and adopted. You have a very bitter spirit and I'm fed up hearing you spew out your bitterness, trying to defile people with it. Gp look in the mirror and take the lemon 🍋 out of your mouth.
It is very common for people to shoot the messenger, and to actually suffer from the discordance of their hopes and dreams, and the unflinching reality. I used to defend Reagan in the same fashion. I was in universities, and leftist students loved Gorbachev, which had me, like you, calling them names, and asking them outside. I get it. Still, I take no pleasure in pointing out the obvious, and always stand willing to retract when presented with clear evidence I am wrong. I liked Trump when he was tweeting about autism and vaccines, a number of years before the 2016 campaign. I voted for him twice. Still, he gave us the clot shots with gusto, abandoned his loyal supporters on J6, did not build a wall, and most egregious of all, did not lock that roaring, corrupt, bitch Hillary up.
They did everything that they could to put Trump as our only option for President.
We're at a crisis moment in American history. Trump knows it. He's the only one I see on the stage with a chance of averting WW III and the defeat/fall of America.