Any vaccine for that matter

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This times a trillion. Not a single vaccine has been properly tested for efficacy.

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Or safety.

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You took the words out of my mouth Rosalind

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However, there are well over 700 peer-reviewed studies showing that the COVID vaccines are (the title of my book on this topic) Neither Safe Nor Effective.


By now, a few months after publication, there are > 3,000 such studies.

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Your book is in my book pile waiting for me.

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This term "placebo control" is interesting.

The idea of a placebo (standing alone) originated with people getting "healed" because they "believed" they'd been given medicine that heals, but had only been given a sugar pill. But the often overlooked side-effect of NOT treating an illness with pharma products, (and instead giving an inert substance) is that the human body already KNOWS HOW TO HEAL ITSELF. And it wants to heal itself. This process takes place after an injury (or an infection) no matter WHAT the person's current belief is, or whether they get a sugar pill. So chalking up every placebo-healing as ONLY having taken place because the person "believed" they'd taken a drug, is a mistake. It turns out that even WITHOUT pharma products, (or the belief that we've taken them) the human body CAN heal itself automatically, and it does this more often than not. Belief in healing can help, but nobody has ever measured just exactly how much healing is due solely to beliefs, rather than fact the body is ALREADY DESIGNED to heal. If you get a scraped knee, that thing is going to heal without you actively "believing" it's going to, and without a placebo/sugar pill. It would be close to impossible to stop it from healing.

Although the idea of a placebo makes some sense in terms of measuring how effective a drug is at HEALING, it's important to note that a "placebo" has almost no relevance in TOXICOLOGY, (true "safety" studies) where the focus is on true CONTROLS who receive NOTHING that can possibly cause ANY biological effects. (The subjects to whom NOTHING is done.) The terms "placebo" and "control" have been conflated in vaccine "science" - where a newborn baby is assumed to be capable of suddenly DYING after injection with a "placebo" merely because of their "beliefs" about that injection. They KNOW this could never happen, but they inject the "control" babies anyway. So why then do they inject the "controls" with ANYTHING? And what do they mean by "control?"

They don't administer a "placebo" injection because they think someone could suddenly die merely because the subject might have a belief about NOT getting injected. They NEED to inject SOMETHING into the so-called "controls" because this opens a vital door for scientific FRAUD. They add things to the "control" injections that DO cause reactions. They LIE and say that the things in "placebo" shot are "safe" but they KNOW this is untrue. For instance, they often inject the controls with aluminum oxides, and/or OTHER vaccines. And then, when the new jab doesn't show a "substantially" worse effect than the so-called "placebo", the new jab is deemed "safe."

So if there are 50 in the "treated" group, and 50 FAKE "placebo controls" and 5 out of each group DIES, (or has immediate and disastrous reactions) they tell us that ALL of these deaths and injuries were IRRELEVANT and not caused by anything they injected these people with, because the new vaccine has been proven "safe" in a "placebo control" study. How about a true CONTROL GROUP (not a "placebo control") that receives NOTHING, like the toxicologists do it? I mean, the vaccines are not intended to HEAL anything, so there's no chance of a "belief" healing. And the so-called "safety study" is SUPPOSED to be checking for TOXICITY, not whether a person will recover from a disease based purely upon their beliefs about being injected.

Further, there is ZERO evidence to suggest that a normal healthy person will suddenly DIE (or have a heart attack, blood clots, anaphylactic shock, diabetes, cancer, etc.) merely because they were NOT injected with something. The entire pile of PURE FRAUD built up around this term "placebo control" is something I will never see reason or purpose in. Nor would I ever beg for MORE of it.

I'm still waiting for someone to show me any evidence that a NON-INJECTED person (a true control) could possibly ever be suddenly injured because they were NOT injected with anything during a "trial." And only if this was actually happening, would I believe we need to inject everyone with SOMETHING, or need "placebo controls" rather than just good old-fashioned CONTROLS.

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Your synopsis is most excellent. I completely agree. Furthermore, I think this fraud pervades the trials of all big pharma drugs to some extent. The body is miraculous...big pharma drugs only work to destroy the miracle that the body is.

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Pharma is just another arm of the system that controls and enslaves humanity. They are no more legitimate in their purported "purpose" than the Clinton Foundation. Pure evil. Nothing more. Anything pharma says their deadly drugs can do to "help", completely SAFE herbs and proper nutrition can do WAY better.

Most doctors are primarily just drug pushers for pharma and are entirely ignorant of anything even remotely related to the idea of "healing" -not that such an intention would be profitable for them in any case. ZERO help if your problem is related to a chronic condition, i.e., heart disease, diabetes, etc., and other IMMUNE disorders that almost everyone is suffering now from all of the vaccines we've been exposed to.

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Well presented. Have to agree. And imo best done in relevant, ethical animal research before any thought of ethical, informed-consent human trials.

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Yeah, good old "PETA" paved the way for the "it's unethical" (to pre-test on animals) argument. Which is further bolstered by pharma's argument that it's "unethical" to NOT inject every arm with SOMETHING, because you would be denying people a "life-saving" drug if you didn't inject them immediately upon contact with them;-)

We wouldn't want to risk harming very many rats, so we'll just use 20 of them, and then OUTRIGHT LIE about the results anyway, so that we can then inject MILLIONS of people in the next "phase" of the "trial" on the public. Then we'll order the hospitals to falsely classify recently-vaccinated people who show up dying or already dead as "UNVACCINATED."

So Pharma's new definitions:

"PLACEBO CONTROL": A subject that is injected with mystery "excipients", i.e., other vaccines, and/or adjuvants, and/or "saline" which CONTAINS adjuvants which are KNOWN to trigger the immune system. If the so-called "controls" and the "treated" (with the new vax) have similar outcomes, (even if 10% of them DIE) then the new vax tested is "safe."

"ETHICAL" : Obviously UNETHICAL and clearly nefarious actions which can ONLY produce nothing but SCIENTIFIC FRAUD.

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Check out this recent interesting podcast with Ahmad Malik and Hedley Rees:

Hedley Rees An Expert On Pharma Supply Chain Tells Me What Is Wrong With Big Pharma:


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Can you point to any large-scale randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) with placebo control which established that any currently licensed vaccines are either safe or effective? NO!

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Stay tuned for the release of Chapter 13 and Chapter 1 of Blood Red. If approved for release I think it will answer everyone's questions. Unfortunately I can't just up and post something on Notes. The US and the World is headed towards a very dark age. It came out of the deep North and some call it Evil for it came before Man. Stay tuned for a mini WW3. So help us God. The United Nations stand next to their coffins. They know not what they do. Their idea of peace is annihilation. As the Buzzards circle above. God shakes with anger and the Earth growns in pain. Suffer the Childen.

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I suspect that no RCTs or double blinded trials and studies are worth a hill of democrats. I think that all drug trials are faked to some degree. Look at poor Suzy Somers...they say she was battling breast cancer for 50 years before finally meeting her end. Speaks volumes for the efficacy and effectiveness of cancer drugs. Hey, they are just like endless mRNA boosters...useless.

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