The 'unvaccinated' category - is this inclusive of the 14/15 days after injection? Essentially meaning the unvaccinated persons is likely even less than what is tabled?

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Wonderful to have this data.

The reality isn't wonderful - but great to have this info to give to any who are pro-injection.

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Given this data, the fact that anyone would continue down this path of repeated vaccinations is beyond me. Where are their critical thinking skills?

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I am no medical expert but this was obvious as i recorded data daily from the ON website. When omicron hit and they started boosting you could see the infection rate among the boosted was2x as everyone else. As i told my sibling, for you to land up in hospital or ICU, you have to get it first! my sister is well educated, no fool, she could not see it???? People cannot face the fact they were fooled which is why, the may not believe. We still have to keep pressing the message.

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Do not forget Ken Drysdale’s team at:


Run the report off for Manitobans and bring it into your police departments for them to investigate.

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When the masses do wake up, it will not be a pretty sight. Those of us awake are the rational, critical thinking beings. When the crowd finally figures things out, just stay out of their way. There will be no rationality. Just keep gently, best with humour if you can awaken the “normies”.

However, if you are like me, I prefer to stay away from most of them. Follow your instincts to keep you and those you love safe.

The truth will come out.

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They're going to need a bigger broom.

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By the way, if interested, follow the link to find Ken Drysdale giving an interview:

Have you seen the new interview with Ken Drysdale on the Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Board? Tony Lohnes and Ken Drysdale examine the data:


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I live in Manitoba and they haven't updated this data since May. I have emailed the government complaining about this and also that they have grossly misleading numbers on the main covid page as well saying something like you have a 45 times greater chance of dying from covid if you are unjabbed. There has been so much data manipulation and lying here but almost all adults are jabbed and nobody even looks at the numbers any more, especially since they started looking bad for the jabbed. The government doesn't even respond to my emails. It is very depressing in Manitoba as almost all are severely brainwashed. Substack is the only thing keeping me sane!

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Thanks for the link to that discussion. The whole gov't, the corporate media and the medical establishment continue to deny their own data. and people every where are just taking it up the tailpipe. But we're not all willing to fall on the covid sword for those lying bastards.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for your courage, Paul!

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I've been following the Manitoba data for over a year now. If they are using the same reporting methodology as with the 1st booster, none of this data includes anyone with a 2nd booster. 2nd boosters started in MB in mid-April.

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Fellow Canadians, I just sent this letter to my local newspaper. I suggest you do something similar. Take any of the ideas or wording here that you find useful:

July 15, 2022

Dear editor,

I hope that you will see fit to publish this letter in the Lethbridge Herald:

On July 14 Health Canada announced its approval of the Moderna Spikevax for children from the ages of 6 months to 5 years old. That evening, on the CBC’s “The World at Six”, in a segment starting at minute 8, a pediatrician, Dr. Daniel Flanders, says with regard to convincing vaccine hesitant parents, “When you weigh the risks and benefits of this vaccine it’s really not debatable.” Not debatable? Really?

In response to the Health Canada decision the Canadian Covid Care Alliance put up a couple of videos and a pdf on its website that walk you through the evidence. They conclude that kids do not need the shots, that they don’t work, and that they have NOT been proven safe. Perhaps they are wrong.

But why does the CBC never put anyone on who actually helps us all grapple with the evidence? All you ever hear is something like “After a thorough and independent scientific review of the evidence, the department has determined that the vaccine is safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 …” Okay, but then why not explain why the Canadian Covid Care Alliance is wrong?

Government funding for the CBC is well over a billion a year. Is that why they never present arguments that go against government policy? Preston Manning has called for a commission that is independent of government funding to assess the way that the government has managed the Covid crisis. You can find his proposal at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. You may not agree with anything else that Manning stands for, but I say let’s support him on this. What say you?


Andrew Blair

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Since the vulnerable are most likely to vax, wouldn't it be expected that the vaxxed have greater risk of hospitalization and death ? IE does the study say the vaccine increases risk - probably not ?

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When will everyone start acknowledging that this is actually happening?

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It’s easy to fool someone.

It’s harder to convince them that they have been fooled! The fear porn has them brainwashed!⚔️🤯⚔️

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