Just showed this to my son who told me I was brainwashed and people weren’t dying from the vax...no reply. So sick of the wall my family is putting up.

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My son, his family and in laws all bought into the jabs. Now my son has heart problems, but still doesn’t think the jabs are the problem.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

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I am so sorry 💔 That’s got to be so tough for you and what I fear. How baffling people can’t make the connection because injuries and deaths are being shown everywhere.

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They’re not shown on the news in California. It’s always about the unjabbed getting sick and dying.

I can’t imagine what my son is going through emotionally knowing he took shots that caused his heart problems. The expression on his face when I gently attempted to discuss the truth about them is heartbreaking to see. All I can do now is hug him and pray for him.

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This one got to me I have to admit although I see a lot of similar posts. Can he be proactive with this issue and he should detox using supplements to keep other possible issues at bay.

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I doubt it since he doesn’t want to talk about it.

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That’s what another friend of mine said

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Please read all the way to the end and review the 'consumptive interventions' planned in the c40 cities. You can search your country and city on the first data base/ website link. Learn about what a c40 city is. These organizations seem to link together. (The Most Important link at the below, is also downloaded as an attachment for your thorough consideration.) https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/


Every single city that is involved in this initiative the entire planet is listed. Do you know which Canadian cities are involved? Mississauga is. Toronto is. North Bay is. Edmonton is and a host of others. But do you know they have a target about how much meat you should eat in C40 Cities? (hint by 2030 NONE. Go through the tables in the link and attachment for yourself)

How many new clothes you can buy? hint: 3 a year is the aggressive target.

Each link is searchable. Read to the end. Consider closely the consumption mitigation or intervention strategies. Personal Auto ownership? Y Vins governed. Your food? decided.

Even the search terms are spooky; "our mayors" or "our cities"



search your city. Find out if its there. Notice anything about the cities missing. By the time you read and consider all of this, those are the cities you'll want to move to.

Has anyone heard of this? shouldn't we understand how they want to regulate the 'goods and services' consumed in their cities as it relates to climate change? This is also known as consumption mitigation and intervention strategies and involves food you eat/ energy/ clothes you're allowed to purchase.

(explore c40 website, you'll see what initiatives, which companies support this) As an aside how would the Strong Mayors Act recently passed fit in with this?


search your city. Find out if it's there. But move to C40 the more aggressive brand to truly see what a C40 city is.




The commitment of our 97 cities representing 700 million residents to the Leadership Standards demonstrates the resolve of the world’s mayors to deliver the urgent action needed to tackle the climate crisis. In this unprecedented moment in human history, we know that we must act without hesitation to save our planet and create a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

In the crucial years ahead, these Leadership Standards set us on a path to achieve a zero-carbon future, build meaningful and broad coalitions, and set a global model for cities around the world to follow suit. This work is grounded in the principles of the Global Green New Deal as the cornerstone of a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the foundation of global efforts to address the climate emergency.

C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024:

Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary financial, regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

These Leadership Standards will guide our collective action until at least 2024."

now take a look at this pdf: did you know that c40 wants you to have 3 new articles of clothing; look at the life of the car; how much meat by 2030 you can eat in a C40 city (0kg on the aggressive target- you've got to dig in and understand this is an agenda that has you on a leash. But who are the people that think you under their thumb to the point of food/car/flight/clothing consumption.. is theirs to control. Does it remind you of anything at all. What does it make you think of when you review this. Fedex likes and supports this. You can search which companies are involved in supporting this. Decide if they deserve your business. Is Post Media covering this?


Look at the tables for 'consumptive interventions'; Table 6 for instance tells you that these c40 cities believe they can dictate how many flights you should be able to have by 2030; Table 6.6.1? how many people can own vehicles; There's a table for how many kg of meat you can eat in these c40 cities. Aggressive target? 0kg. 2030 is 7 years away. Do you have a kid? a grand kid? should they taste burgers? or no. It's their mitt year this year? or will you get them underwear.

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You're not alone. I will also put forth the hypothesis, in part arrived at through observation and part because we know the vax goes through the blood/brain barrier, that those vaxxed are also now mentally compromised, both literally and psychologically because of cognitive dissonance.

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It’s to late, if they’re double jabbed and triple boosted, they’ll keep going until it’s over.

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I think we all have family members who would rather risk dying under the flag of trusting big pharma drugs than question anything about them. All you can do is save yourself.

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Very sorry. Try to show the WHO data and all the official data and papers on adverse reactions, it might convince a few people. But by now, people who still don't get it or refuse to acknowledge the truth are a lost cause.

EU database: 5 millions individual cases: https://dap.ema.europa.eu/analytics/saw.dll?PortalPages

WHO vigiaccess.org/ type "COVID vaccine" then select "COVID-19 vaccine" today update: 4,771,829 reports of adverse reactions now for the COVID injections. 22,755 deaths (inside "General disorders and administration site conditions").

1,366 peer-reviewed papers discussing adverse reactions https://www.thegms.co/publichealth/pubheal-rw-22042302-references.pdf

CDC PDF, p. 25. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2022-06-22-23/03-covid-shimabukuro-508.pdf

One example: Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report Focusing on Histopathological Findings https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8524235/

All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 12/2/2022 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 11/25/2022


List of Pfizer 1,289 potential adverse reactions, pp. 30-38 https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Medalerts deaths by manufacturer https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=MAN&TSORT=down&EVENTS=ON&PERPAGE=100&DIED=Yes

In China, so how well is the vaccination program working? Is everybody healthy, is the pandemic over there? Because, WHO data: "As of 28 November 2022, a total of 3,465,113,661 vaccine doses have been administered." 3.4 billion doses... https://covid19.who.int/region/wpro/country/cn

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You are not alone. We are also so very sick of the division this all is creating. So much division in many aspects of our lives. It's what the government is best at.

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Get the same from some family and friends.

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share this with him and on your social media feeds otherwise word wont get out https://thenewamerican.com/govt-criminally-ignoring-vax-injured-living-in-hell-on-earth/

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Dec 15, 2022
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Please read all the way to the end and review the 'consumptive interventions' planned in the c40 cities. You can search your country and city on the first data base/ website link. Learn about what a c40 city is. These organizations seem to link together. (The Most Important link at the below, is also downloaded as an attachment for your thorough consideration.) https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/


Every single city that is involved in this initiative the entire planet is listed. Do you know which Canadian cities are involved? Mississauga is. Toronto is. North Bay is. Edmonton is and a host of others. But do you know they have a target about how much meat you should eat in C40 Cities? (hint by 2030 NONE. Go through the tables in the link and attachment for yourself)

How many new clothes you can buy? hint: 3 a year is the aggressive target.

Each link is searchable. Read to the end. Consider closely the consumption mitigation or intervention strategies. Personal Auto ownership? Y Vins governed. Your food? decided.

Even the search terms are spooky; "our mayors" or "our cities"



search your city. Find out if its there. Notice anything about the cities missing. By the time you read and consider all of this, those are the cities you'll want to move to.

Has anyone heard of this? shouldn't we understand how they want to regulate the 'goods and services' consumed in their cities as it relates to climate change? This is also known as consumption mitigation and intervention strategies and involves food you eat/ energy/ clothes you're allowed to purchase.

(explore c40 website, you'll see what initiatives, which companies support this) As an aside how would the Strong Mayors Act recently passed fit in with this?


search your city. Find out if it's there. But move to C40 the more aggressive brand to truly see what a C40 city is.




The commitment of our 97 cities representing 700 million residents to the Leadership Standards demonstrates the resolve of the world’s mayors to deliver the urgent action needed to tackle the climate crisis. In this unprecedented moment in human history, we know that we must act without hesitation to save our planet and create a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

In the crucial years ahead, these Leadership Standards set us on a path to achieve a zero-carbon future, build meaningful and broad coalitions, and set a global model for cities around the world to follow suit. This work is grounded in the principles of the Global Green New Deal as the cornerstone of a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the foundation of global efforts to address the climate emergency.

C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024:

Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary financial, regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

These Leadership Standards will guide our collective action until at least 2024."

now take a look at this pdf: did you know that c40 wants you to have 3 new articles of clothing; look at the life of the car; how much meat by 2030 you can eat in a C40 city (0kg on the aggressive target- you've got to dig in and understand this is an agenda that has you on a leash. But who are the people that think you under their thumb to the point of food/car/flight/clothing consumption.. is theirs to control. Does it remind you of anything at all. What does it make you think of when you review this. Fedex likes and supports this. You can search which companies are involved in supporting this. Decide if they deserve your business. Is Post Media covering this?


Look at the tables for 'consumptive interventions'; Table 6 for instance tells you that these c40 cities believe they can dictate how many flights you should be able to have by 2030; Table 6.6.1? how many people can own vehicles; There's a table for how many kg of meat you can eat in these c40 cities. Aggressive target? 0kg. 2030 is 7 years away. Do you have a kid? a grand kid? should they taste burgers? or no. It's their mitt year this year? or will you get them underwear.

(if you want to support my activist work my book is on amazon - a thriller- To Death by Lorna Park)

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Thank you for sharing this- it is all connected!

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Thanks Lisa. This is horrific. Makes me glad I’m in my late 50’s . I used to be sad I didn’t have children. Not so much anymore.

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I have been reading a little about the 15 minute cities...there are multiple names for this, just to get away from the term “smart city” they first used and people were into it. I read the first is in Netherlands where the gov’t was taking away the farms...then it all made sense. Read there was another city or two planned in the US and Canada but did my mind dare go there that this was planned for every city. You think you’re exempt if you don’t live in a big city but they will find a way to push us all there to control us. We are getting past do not comply I guess.

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I agree. I’m concerned that homes on the outskirts will become worthless and if we chose to stay we will not have heat, electricity and other resources as an attempt to force us into these smart cities. It is very scary what they are planning and most people think that we need to do this to support the climate. But I think there will be a huge uprising.

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if we get no meat. we get no pets. tell the vets. you tell pet owners of any stripe and they will be vicious. GET THE INFO TO all your clubs, chamber of commerce, restaurants, etc. team up with a few people break your city up into organizations adn carpet bomb. download copies in case they go rogue. only go the politics route once you've grassrooted it. signs on your lawns. NO CBDC NO C40 NO COVENANT OF MAYORS who'se organized and find them.

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Dec 16, 2022
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Th thing about this information is we are ahead of the psyop. they haven't taught the sheep that they can't feed their pets for climate'; heat their houses; have more than 3 items of clothes. We need to get this to every councillor; chamber of commerce; restaurant org etc.

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Can it usurp the constitution is the question...but when is the last time that was followed?

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The courts need filings to lift their swords. the constitution doesn't regulate itself.

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I doubt many people will be impressioned much by anything that is not in their narrative.

The true efficacy of the jabs...the 95% claims...seems to really refer to that 95% of the people who took the jabs would totally buy into all the bs that came with it. It was like a package deal. Get the jab...and all the fixins are yourstoo...to defend in earnest. The jabs....mandates...lockdowns...masks.

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They know. They cannot admit it.

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And that was just the warm-up. Gates said the next pandemic will really get our attention. My guess its killing off children with enterovirus, considerig his foundation just ran a mock pandemic exercise with Johns Hopkins(jesuit) i fear the kids that took the covid shots will not do well.

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zinc for those kids.

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At least you kept “CS” ...Common Sense!!!

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I'm confused at all the people I know who got vaxed last spring and don't complain of any side effects. It's like there is some truth to the theory that some people got just saline so as not to "kill off" everyone and they just got "marked" but are not a spike protein factory?

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This might also be explained through the degradation of the components in the vax before it is injected. Do you recall that early on, they said it must be kept at some ridiculously low temperature in order that the mRNA would not degrade? Then they nixed that altogether, IMO likely because it was not feasible, and they would not have made the billions upon billions through widespread distribution. I'm not discounting the "different batches or lots" theory, just putting forth an additional idea.

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Read an explanation from a lady who worked with vaccines and said the nano particles and MNRA somewhat coagulate and the batch has to be mixed before the vials are drawn out so if they didn’t do that, some people got the toxic doses and some got barely anything. I’ve read quite a few times that the quality control was pretty shoddy. 

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I think its also pretty random where the body might stick it or how they clear it. diet etc mechanisms. but we see reactions 2 days 2 weeks 5 months and that theres a cummulative effect. and how many have spurred on cancers that are latent.

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There is also strong evidence that there were big differences in vaccine batches, so your chances of getting an adverse reaction depended on what batch you got.

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Correct, some insurance numbers suggest some geographical areas (southern/red states) may have been shipped more lethal doses. Someone wrote an article on this?

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I think that could be attributed to the strong possibility that it will take awhile before people suffer side effects--some experts said about two to three years.

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Everyone reacts differently and we know the ingredients and mRNA integrity varies widely so results will also be more varied than if every jab had identical quality and quantity.

It may seem like nothing happened and maybe that's true. We all pray for our loved ones and others who bought the fear or caved to pressure to be transfected.

Prayers aside three friends who were in the first round of jabs have developed conditions recently that they would not imagine related but big red flag for me. One is losing her hair and suddenly "per-diabetic" another has a rare blood cancer and another relapsed from 15 year remission of breast cancer. We watch heartbroken in horror w afflicted in denial. :~(

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Just like Dr Zelenko called it, it’s the poisonous death shot created for genocide!

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He said, "We're all the jews this time!"

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No more beating around the bush. The more mRNA spike proteins that are coursing around in your body, the more harm you may experience and the sooner your death may come. These certainly aren't any health drugs or anything that would improve your survival rate.

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@GLK Yes, absolutely true, and also saw proof of that on the Highwire this past week.

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You know if the unvaxxed group data still include cases, hospitalisations or deaths within 14 days of an injection?

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Good point. That was such a sneaky trick to add in the mix.

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And this friend keeps telling me I should have gotten the vax bc I could stopped my husband from getting sick.

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I have a good friend who keeps telling me she gets the latest one for anything and she has also gotten sick more times than me and sicker at those times and I haven’t received any of those shots.

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Dr Alexander - to really compare those absolute figures, is there a way to get to percentages for each group? In other words, how many Canadians are unvaccinated, how many have partial etc, then decide this by the case / hospitalization / death numbers.

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The numbers are already adjusted in terms of the amount of people in each group. So, yes, if you remain unjabed your risk of death is way lower.

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Please read all the way to the end and review the 'consumptive interventions' planned in the c40 cities. You can search your country and city on the first data base/ website link. Learn about what a c40 city is. These organizations seem to link together. (The Most Important link at the below, is also downloaded as an attachment for your thorough consideration.) https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/


Every single city that is involved in this initiative the entire planet is listed. Do you know which Canadian cities are involved? Mississauga is. Toronto is. North Bay is. Edmonton is and a host of others. But do you know they have a target about how much meat you should eat in C40 Cities? (hint by 2030 NONE. Go through the tables in the link and attachment for yourself)

How many new clothes you can buy? hint: 3 a year is the aggressive target.

Each link is searchable. Read to the end. Consider closely the consumption mitigation or intervention strategies. Personal Auto ownership? Y Vins governed. Your food? decided.

Even the search terms are spooky; "our mayors" or "our cities"



search your city. Find out if its there. Notice anything about the cities missing. By the time you read and consider all of this, those are the cities you'll want to move to.

Has anyone heard of this? shouldn't we understand how they want to regulate the 'goods and services' consumed in their cities as it relates to climate change? This is also known as consumption mitigation and intervention strategies and involves food you eat/ energy/ clothes you're allowed to purchase.

(explore c40 website, you'll see what initiatives, which companies support this) As an aside how would the Strong Mayors Act recently passed fit in with this?


search your city. Find out if it's there. But move to C40 the more aggressive brand to truly see what a C40 city is.




The commitment of our 97 cities representing 700 million residents to the Leadership Standards demonstrates the resolve of the world’s mayors to deliver the urgent action needed to tackle the climate crisis. In this unprecedented moment in human history, we know that we must act without hesitation to save our planet and create a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

In the crucial years ahead, these Leadership Standards set us on a path to achieve a zero-carbon future, build meaningful and broad coalitions, and set a global model for cities around the world to follow suit. This work is grounded in the principles of the Global Green New Deal as the cornerstone of a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the foundation of global efforts to address the climate emergency.

C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024:

Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary financial, regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

These Leadership Standards will guide our collective action until at least 2024."

now take a look at this pdf: did you know that c40 wants you to have 3 new articles of clothing; look at the life of the car; how much meat by 2030 you can eat in a C40 city (0kg on the aggressive target- you've got to dig in and understand this is an agenda that has you on a leash. But who are the people that think you under their thumb to the point of food/car/flight/clothing consumption.. is theirs to control. Does it remind you of anything at all. What does it make you think of when you review this. Fedex likes and supports this. You can search which companies are involved in supporting this. Decide if they deserve your business. Is Post Media covering this?


Look at the tables for 'consumptive interventions'; Table 6 for instance tells you that these c40 cities believe they can dictate how many flights you should be able to have by 2030; Table 6.6.1? how many people can own vehicles; There's a table for how many kg of meat you can eat in these c40 cities. Aggressive target? 0kg. 2030 is 7 years away. Do you have a kid? a grand kid? should they taste burgers? or no. It's their mitt year this year? or will you get them underwear.

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Very sorry. Show the WHO data, it might convince a few people. However, by now, people who still don't get it or refuse to acknowledge the truth are a lost cause.


The 1,366 papers discussing adverse reactions after the shots: PDF https://www.thegms.co/publichealth/pubheal-rw-22042302-references.pdf

All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 12/2/2022 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 11/25/2022


CDC PDF, p. 25. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2022-06-22-23/03-covid-shimabukuro-508.pdf

European database of adverse reactions: 5 million individual cases https://dap.ema.europa.eu/analytics/saw.dll?PortalPages

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Those graphs are very misleading. Looks like a logarithmic scale was used to minimize the difference in the numbers.

It is quite apparent if you read the actual numbers and the y axis scale.

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Definitely log-scale, yes

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