Dr Alexander I have presented this initial Pfizer study data to many colleagues who are doctors. ( I am an ophthalmologist). You know the document that shows that MORE patients died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group. I have tried to argue that based on this study, the vaccine showed no improvement in chance of death over placebo. They dont accept it! Is there any other study that was done as a follow up? I dont think there was! I understand a couple of people at the FDA resigned over this when the FDA approved it for EUA. Does anyone know of any other study that was done as a RCT to show a lowered risk of death with the shot? I dont think there was one. Because my doctor associates dont seem to want to accept that this was pushed through with such incomplete and fraudulent data. WHen they argue with me what do you think is a good thing to say? They reply with "well clearly the vaccine has reduced deaths and hostpitalizations." They think this is the case b/c they think that the situation would have been WORSE without the vaccines. BUT I say there were MORE covid deaths in 2021 than in 2020 AFTER the vaxes were introduced which actually supports the conjecture that the vaxxes were CAUSING deaths.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

I was a pharmacist during the 80s when Fauci released AZT for HIV asymptomatic patients. When I opened the package insert at the drugstore on AZT it had a skull and crossbones on it and said that the pharmacist should not open the bottle nor touch the capsules and if we did, we should immediately call a poison control center! I found out shortly after that that AZT was designed to destroy the bone marrow!! I watched dozens of young men who were otherwise healthy, come in with their AZT prescriptions just because they tested HIV positive and very quickly begin wasting away and dying within a month to three or four months from beginning the AZT but of course their doctors called it AIDS! I knew better.. and these doctors should have known better as well…yet there were many doctors who prescribed AZT to be taken one capsule every three hours around the clock which was the dosing regimen recommended by Fauci and his team of killer quacks! I could not believe that any doctor worth anything would prescribe this poison to people who were asymptomatic and believe that it could do them any good whatsoever! So now I see the exact same thing going on among doctors now with this toxic deadly so-called vaccine…their patients could not possibly be dying from the Vax!! Let me te you! It is called malpractice and there’s no other nice word for it.

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I just finished reading the HIV/AIDS-related chapters in The Real Anthony Fauci. I am aghast.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Doctors / Nurses who are not accepting this study as factual should not be practicing medicine.

Show them how to extrapolate data from VAERS - sounds like they are clueless about this information.

Here's an October 2021 publication from Spiro Pantazatos - Columbia University.


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The only justification I have seen is that with 40,000+ study participants the greater amount of deaths in the treatment group was statistically insignificant.

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I get that a lot. So I say, "then what's the basis for claiming it saves lives"?

Haven't gotten an answer for that.

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Good video and appropriate reaction to the document dump. How can these companies continue to have no liability for damages? smdh

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There will be those who are in denial in the face the proof in the documents though. Mass formation explains it. some physicians I have had the displeasure of dealing with, reacted with the same fear to covid that the general population did. Sad.

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I’m sure everyone subscribed to Dr Alexander has seen the nine pages (#30-38) of adverse reactions the nurse is speaking about but here is the link to this document from Pfizer


I have sent this document as an attachment to my public health officer Bonnie Henry here in British Columbia. This should be sent to every health officer across Canada telling them they can no longer hide behind their mantra “safe & effective” because we all know the truth now and they must stop the mandates immediately.

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I am in British Columbia as well. Good idea sending the document to Bonnie Henry - will do the same. She has gone full-on mad and tyrannical.

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Hi Evie, I noticed that the front page says that the report is confidential. Is that still true at this point? I would like to post on Facebook.

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I have seen this report in many places on “alternate media”, but posting to Facebook will probably get you put in fake book jail for awhile or at the very least it would be labelled as misinformation! I gave up posting to Facebook after several warnings and posts removed!

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That's bizarre because it's an official Pfizer document. Too bad, it's the FB people that need the info the most I think.

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So post it!! Do you REEALLY NEED FACEBOOKS APPROVAL?? Or Pfizers?? Literally what is at stake is the future of the Human Race!

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Dr. Christiane Northrup - whom I'm sure you know - was on Kevin Jenkins' podcast last year https://www.urbanglobalhealthalliance.com/media (the episode is on the lefthand side, middle of the page). She tells the story about how, after she gave a talk in Vermont, a nurse came running up to her afterward, despondent and in tears. That nurse been giving out the kill shot and had realized the consequences of her actions. "How do I atone?" she asked.

Northrup is a great wit and always has a quick comeback, but she was at a loss for words. How do you respond to someone who's complicit in murder?

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They get out and start publicly apologizing to the "anti-vaxxers"

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Public apologies would also bring more awareness. It's those who got vaccinated who need the apology, especially the kids. Makes me sick just typing that last part.

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Wait until she reads the recent story in The Blaze about how the Biden administration paid multiple news outlets, including Fox and Newsmax, to give favorable coverage to the vax and censor negative stories.

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It's just amazing the amount of money spent on all things covid. Anything else and the question is, 'How are you going to pay for it?'

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I can't find that lonk?! Can you help? Unless it was taken down. Thank you.

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Thanks, Evie; see also Emerald Robinson's substack

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

Wow. I've been waiting for the medical awakening. I was a last year nursing student until Dec 14, 2021. Can not finish, . . . . yet. 4.0 ta' boot.

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we lit the fire and are kindling the fire and now we have to add fuel and watch it burn

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She’s so mad at Pfizer. Did she not realize what kind of criminal enterprise she was dealing with before this…? Well, better late than never I suppose.

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I wonder what will happen when the depth and breadth of the madness is realized? Right now, she's mad at Pfizer. But tomorrow?

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Wow. That's one very angry nurse! It would be nice if more finally decide to inform themselves of the truth. I bet there won't be many who will.

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Big pharma companies such as Pfizer, Merck, Klaus Schwab and Baier (Bayer-IG Farben), were all Nazi German sympathizers where they injected experimental vaccines/shots and drugs into millions of Jews; man, woman and child. Ever wonder why the Jewish community in New York refuses to get vaccines? There is no way I would ever trust any of these pharmaceutical companies. I promote prevention and herbal healing. At 69, my husband and I still have never taken any prescription drugs and are in great health.

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Personally, I'd quite like to hold an epic, "I told you so" party and invite her as the guest of honor.

So a woke nurse awakens having seemingly received a dose of truth. Now she suddenly has self-righteous ethics, if she had any at the start, which she obviously didn't.

Given her previous position, she might humbly, with dignity and reflective contrition pursue her newly informed direction with quiet focused intensity.

Instead, more self-absorbed, self-righteous narcissism on display.

Such people have no shame. They couldn't even spell it if they tried.

And yes, I suffer from a degree of compassion fatigue for such faux virtue signaling stuff. My compassion goes to those who experienced the irreversible horror that these useful idiots perpetrated.

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I hear you Dr Paul. I also laugh because I have been called a conspiracy theorist, that I was stupid for not taking the jab for the job. I will print these documents and tell those who continue to hide behind this wall of fear to STFU and read them. My family has been through hell the past 2 years like many others.

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And this is from the ones reading......most just trust their government, bosses, the system. I sent some information to a close nurse of mine about Ivermectin. she told me it was a horses dewormer and it was like spitting in her face to send such misinformation, many are just brainwashed. I have 6 nurses in my entourage. Niece, cousin, sister in law, friend, daughter in law etc. All drank the kool aid and want nothing to do with my warnings for over 1 year. Even when I sent the AHA saying 98% of young men with heart issues were jabbed with mRNA....crickets. Literally. Have to admit in Canada the cases (maimed or deaths) are lower than US (where I take my info) and I was worried all year long. Nobody died, so far, so I'm looked at as if I have 2 heads . Though year!!!

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Can't say for sure but she looks like Canadian Girl on YouTube

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Exactly so the study showed no reduction in death from the shot and no follow up or clarification study was done

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I hear you Dr Paul. I also laugh because I have been called a conspiracy theorist, that I was stupid for not taking the jab for the job. I will print these documents and tell those who continue to hide behind this wall of fear to STFU and read them. My family has been through hell the past 2 years like many others.

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