How stupid were all those in Parliament who didn't know who our enemy was in WWII. So they applaud a nazi who should have been executed decades ago, instead of given asylum in Canada.

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Yes, you are right but there were a lot of engineers and scientists that were rushed out of nazi Germany at wars end. The "father" of the USA space program Werner Von Braun was one of them. And yes he was a nazi. The victors looked the other way because there was too much "prestige" to be gained by employing them. sick world then, sick world now.

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Also, many were left in place for the so called "stay-behind" organizations funded and supported by the OSS / CIA. (Operation Gladio, Allen Dulles, Wild Bill Donovan, etc.) We have some monuments in the US for some of them, including one in NJ for Mykola Lebed. The Ukraine never cleaned up the old Nazi problem there and now they have a fairly large "young Nazi" problem also (Azof Brigade, etc.). I get that the desire was to stave off / fight communism, but I think it should not have included letting many of the monsters involved in the Holocaust get away scott-free. But, Allen Dulles and his brother, John Foster Dulles, were said to be Nazi sympathizers. Companies important to the Nazi machine were customers of Sullivan and Cromwell. Including IG Farben.

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Was it "prestige", or hubris? Hubris that they - WE - were gaining scientists and engineers working on state of the art instruments of death, torture, and destruction... and WE wanted that "knowledge" and "experience" to add to - and expand - our own... Damn - that sounds like a Borg ideal...

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I've seen several reports that it was 7 standing ovations. It seems like Russia, who claim to be trying to deNazify Ukraine have Nazis to both their east and the west, and the US has Nazis to the north. It looks like Canada is, and has long been, a hotbed of Nazis. Trudeau, who infamously used Nazi tactics to force the administration of a new arguably highly experimental genetic vaccine on to Canadians and to crush the truckers' protest might be one of the biggest Nazi sympathizers among a population enamored of Nazism in Canada but the Canadian love affair with both neoNazism and original, unreconstructed Nazism did not start with him.

"After the war, some 600 members of the Galicia Division were allowed to immigrate to Canada, a government decision that has long been a source of controversy. Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was even forced to establish a commission in the 1980s to determine whether Canada was a haven for war criminals, but the body quickly wrapped up its business by simply saying that SS Galicia Division members were individually screened before admission. With the lauding of Hunka, however, questions about the adequacy of those screenings are being raised again."


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I agree, same goes for the nazi scientists that the west aquired after the war

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They at least had useful skills. It doesn't take a lot of skill to machinegun Jews into mass graves.

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Oh, I don't know about that... Could you use a machine gun effectively and efficiently on your first try?

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I'm pretty sure it was only two standing ovations. The clowns in power are now claiming ignorance of course and ignorance is their super power. I hope the Jews raise a big stink over this, but I won't hold my breath.

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ALL countries used "Nazi" tactics to force the deadly, damaging, gene-modifying experimental injections into the veins of their subjects - er, citizens... This is not just Canada, Russia, Ukraine - it's WORLD WIDE. Because the real psychos are way above governments, all governments, and direct the actions of those governments.

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Good day to fly the Maple Leaf with a swastika scribbled across it. And turdo’s name.

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Yes. What a bunch of fricking Nazis these Canuck jablovers are! I kind of suspected it when the jabs were forced on those who didn't line up for it and when jackboot techniques were used to break up the truckers' protest but now I've done some historical research it's all been confirmed for me. Interesting that it is the womenfolk who are responsible for what Trudeau has been doing. It is also the womenfolk who are responsible for what Hitler and Himmler did. Trudeau got into power on the back of the female vote and so did Hitler.

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The connection between female and marxism was unclear to me until Dr Peterson taught the concept that as a mother a woman is first to embrace equality between children, ensuring each had its shard of food etc. She would deny a heirarchy among them despite their tendency to create a competitive pecking order.

Then press that idea onto world economics via society. Looking at HR departments we can see the marxism/ wokeness in action. Evil. No wonder folks want to be free of their unions: they’ve gone way too far with their narcissistic control freak thinking.

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I disagree with Peterson's simplistic theory (as you present it) blaming women for the acceptance of marxism.

I blame stupidity and laziness in individuals of both sexes.

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Infantile Marxism simplified is that it gains strength with direct attack upon husband family authority (and gains power for women/wives within the Protestant household. This protestant links directly to Jesuits that taught Marxist concepts beginning with the weakened Vatican standing after the 30 years war). Women are nearly always directed by others, ideally by her husband, but upon family destruction, by her cultural leaders as taught her on the street or through Jesuit controlled media. More, but has nothing to do with anything but the human drive to attack Christ. Simply study any culture and note the complete denial of Christ, then note total lack of quality of life.

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Equality is not equity. There is nothing wrong with equality and fairness. A woman is given children to care for the best she can. If raising them with love, she treats them equal. She recognizes their strengths and their weaknesses and still tries to raise them equally with love. Good fathers try to do the same. Marxism seeks to destroy the family in general by breaking the bond that parents have with their children. Blaming this on women is ridiculous and seems a feeble attempt to free mentally ill men of their guilt and responsibility for the evil they have done.

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There are plenty of women who do not love their children equally Stevanovitch. It depends on the genetic similarity of the child to them. Peterson is not always correct.

Sylvia Plath in her most famous poem "Daddy" said "every woman adores a fascist." Poor disturbed soul she was but I think she might have been right.

You do not do, you do not do

Any more, black shoe

In which I have lived like a foot

For thirty years, poor and white,

Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.

Daddy, I have had to kill you.

You died before I had time——

Marble-heavy, a bag full of God,

Ghastly statue with one gray toe

Big as a Frisco seal

And a head in the freakish Atlantic

Where it pours bean green over blue

In the waters off beautiful Nauset.

I used to pray to recover you.

Ach, du.

In the German tongue, in the Polish town

Scraped flat by the roller

Of wars, wars, wars.

But the name of the town is common.

My Polack friend

Says there are a dozen or two.

So I never could tell where you

Put your foot, your root,

I never could talk to you.

The tongue stuck in my jaw.

It stuck in a barb wire snare.

Ich, ich, ich, ich,

I could hardly speak.

I thought every German was you.

And the language obscene

An engine, an engine

Chuffing me off like a Jew.

A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen.

I began to talk like a Jew.

I think I may well be a Jew.

The snows of the Tyrol, the clear beer of Vienna

Are not very pure or true.

With my gipsy ancestress and my weird luck

And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack

I may be a bit of a Jew.

I have always been scared of you,

With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo.

And your neat mustache

And your Aryan eye, bright blue.

Panzer-man, panzer-man, O You——

Not God but a swastika

So black no sky could squeak through.

Every woman adores a Fascist,

The boot in the face, the brute

Brute heart of a brute like you.

You stand at the blackboard, daddy,

In the picture I have of you,

A cleft in your chin instead of your foot

But no less a devil for that, no not

Any less the black man who

Bit my pretty red heart in two.

I was ten when they buried you.

At twenty I tried to die

And get back, back, back to you.

I thought even the bones would do.

But they pulled me out of the sack,

And they stuck me together with glue.

And then I knew what to do.

I made a model of you,

A man in black with a Meinkampf look

And a love of the rack and the screw.

And I said I do, I do.

So daddy, I’m finally through.

The black telephone’s off at the root,

The voices just can’t worm through.

If I’ve killed one man, I’ve killed two——

The vampire who said he was you

And drank my blood for a year,

Seven years, if you want to know.

Daddy, you can lie back now.

There’s a stake in your fat black heart

And the villagers never liked you.

They are dancing and stamping on you.

They always knew it was you.

Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through.

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What an awful piece of "poetry." I've always ignored Plath due to her overly-dramatic, pitiable bio.

While this garbage may reflect a disturbing childhood or a disturbed mind -- or both, it does not shed any light on the normal female psyche.

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Awful perhaps and certainly dark, surreal and shocking it is also brilliant and, IMO, strangely beautiful. Presenting it without stanzas doesn't do it justice. Plath was an enormous talent. Her father's biggest sin against her might have been only to die too soon. Being beaten by her estranged husband two days before she miscarried might have had some influence. It seems more than a coincidence that the mistress he ran off with later committed murder-suicide in a similar manner to Plath's suicide.

As a whole it doesn't shed light on the normal female psyche, except that, although it may be an overgeneralization to say "every" woman adores a Fascist, many women do choose men like Ted Hughes. Dark tetrad men are very attractive and Hughes might have been dark tetrad. It would have been better if Plath had never met him.


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I see Plath's life and work as self-indulgent wallowing in suffering. The performance art of a thwarted child as a means of controlling others that backfires on her again and again.

The awkward, clunky language of this sample reveals her poor effort to emulate poetry while seeking the sympathy she apparently craved but never sought, preferring to fuel her misguided concepts of love and poetic inspiration with exposure to abuse.

That said, I appreciate your empathy for such an individual. It may come from a psychological evaluation of her life and work as a whole in contrast to my wish to evaluate her individual poems on their stand-alone literary merit.

NOTES: I agree she'd have been better off never having met Hughes. But she would have sought and found someone else exactly like him.

Also, the destruction Hughes left in his path reminds me of Jackson Browne's shameful history with women.

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Although I'm not a mother myself, I would argue that ALL women do not love their children equally... Although most work hard to make it LOOK like that's not true. So, then, what is the true motivation or belief system behind many women working so hard to look like they're not biased??? Hmm...

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It's nothing more or less than the desire to nurture each of our offspring to the best of our ability (consciously or unconsciously) despite certain of their innate characteristics that may be impossible to improve.

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I think that's the basic reality, but there are numerous other reasons why a mother would try her best to treat her children equally. But, the truth remains that the children themselves KNOW what's going on - they're much more intuitive than we often give them credit for. Now, how that information affects the children is an entirely different question, though equally important.

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Organized crime meets the Big Top. Cue the clown music.

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The entire parliament should resign for this.

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As an RCAF pilot, my uncle gave his life to keep Canada free.

Little did he know, a few generations later, what kind of country Canadia would become.

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Since and during Wilson, all of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents, etc., were mind controlled by CFR/NWO/Vatican fake media. The ONLY possible way to see any truth within a forest of coverup is to have parents, Protestant, solid in Bible understanding. To show a pic of that point, look at Cromwell. First thing he did was shut down all theater, plays and so on.

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"have parents, Protestant, solid in Bible understanding....shut down all theater...so on."

I am grateful for having such parents, and grateful I spent good portions of my childhood with no access to TV or movie theaters. For the past few generations, my ancestors frequently moved between countries and even continents, trying to escape the excesses of various empires and regimes. They often had to leave behind almost everything, except their knowledge and religion.

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Indeed, my father too.

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No, not what Canada "became" - no, what Canada has been all this time, and still is... It's just now much more out in the open, and thrown in our faces. See Matthew Ehret's many works uncovering the true history of Canada at Canadian Patriot. By the way, the USA is right in there, too, as well as many other countries. It's all utter disgusting, nauseating, soul wrenching.

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What this is give a warning to Canadians. You will celebrate nazi actions!!!! It’s about what they is given a standing ovation. Thanks for the research and writing. I didn’t know Canada was a safe haven to nazi military monsters. I’m now thinking we harbour many different types of terrorists. It’s who we are, as Trudeau says.

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I cannot even begin to tell you how discouraging and frustrating it is to be Canadian. Our government is the laughingstock of the world. We are already such an insignificant, weak nation. We've always just got by riding on America's coat tails. The Trudeau regime has transformed Canada into a broke, woke, expensive nightmare. Please don't blame Canadians. Trudeau barely squeaked into his second term with less actual votes than the opposition Conservative party. He gets legislation passed due to the unholy alliance he's formed with the socialist NDP party and it's corrupt, useless leader Jagmeet Singh. The Conservative opposition party is weak and useless. The system is broken. Most of us are sick of being mere cash cows milked to death by this corrupt, vile government. This regime does not represent the Canadian people. Taxation without representation is a troubling, exhausting and unfavourable scenario, yet here we are. It looks like citizens in every western nation are suffering the same disease these days. I'm not looking for sympathy but any tips and suggestions for escaping this dystopian nightmare would be greatly appreciated.

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Well, of COURSE they did. Just as they failed to point out the guy who unfurled the Nazi

flag at the truckers strike was NOT affiliated with the truckers in ANY way.

Nuff said.

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Both Z and Justin knew of Hanka's Nazi past, From same time period, a bit south, we have Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac, Utashi Nazi, with a US Catholic High School named after. Recall Vatican Rat lines, Dulles Paperclip bring THOUSANDS of Nazi trash into the USA, all linked to the huge current Vatican invasion of over 100,000,000 Vatican parasites without any means of self-support, zero education, all victims and and victimizers of sexual abuse of CHILDREN and women; Papercilp links directly to policies of Pedo, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan and Carter, all NWO traitors of our USA: these agencies are linked to Paperclip: NSA,CIA with MKULTRA, Homeland Security, today's Pentagon top admin, Ed Department with 2000 plan for solid NWO visuals, HHS-look at our DOD's link to pharmas for creation of bioweapon vaccines upon Americans and others...KEEP in mind Sasha's point that the nano vaccines have four levels, the bottom is a placebo...probably saline; look at the federal judge selection disasters with a quick glance at the Jan 6 elderly Americans, with kids, waving flags, arrested for 'parading, picketing' and compare to all the fake democrat CIA NGO color revolutions that were ignored: occupy, blm, floyd, wave, trashed Portland, Seattle, so on. CFR fake news, all Paperclip linked. Much more; the point is that history is important to study as it leads directly to where we're at today, fighting our NWO occupied fake government to SAVE the USA and our Constitution.

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The horrendous thing which of course leads you open to all manner of calumnies is pointing out the Rothschild's slimy tentacles deep into all of it, for centuries..

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BIS, bank of international settlements, was the spark. Set up to guide the Dawes/Young WWI German disaster then should have disappeared in late 30s when Hitler shrugged the rigged debt, BUT found a living in focusing upon serving cartels, like Rockerfeller linked to your point. About that time when the money mind control game gained strength when several countries went off gold, thereby enhancing the NWO Vatican Jesuits. First chance we have, have to close the fed, arrest all central bankers, break up the banks, and have Treasury run Greenbacks exactly as Abe set up, backed by gold, at a tiny fraction, thereby all interest is for taxpayers/gov NOT private banks. Damn mind game these old timers play on us.

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Yes, but at the very bottom - or, top, as they'd have us believe - are the true psychos behind all of this, and directing this, and who purposefully created Communism (and Nazism) to purposefully use to bring all we who don't want it, into lockstep (I HATE that word now) into the NWO... Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, BLM, (Fascist) Antifa, "gender theory", etc., etc., etc. - all have been created, funded, supported, and unleashed on the world specifically to eff us up in the head, divide us, distract us, and usher us into the psychos' desired dystopia.

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indeed, and what the NWO punks so HATE is any solid protestant Biblical foundation; conversely, they'll take/accept all occult witch stuff, Hinduism, Islam, all Vatican Pagan trash, Buddhism, Tao, ancestor worship, whatever. That right there shows the source of NWO: pure Satanic ideology genetically embedded within us all through our parents: Adam and Eve. She wanted to eat and become 'like gods' by learning about good/evil. So, we become evil and learn evil.

The simplicity of it all is stunning.

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The simplicity, and oppositional mirroring... It's like a mental illness - like oppositional defiant disorder, lol. Just as you said, everything antithetical, or even just appearing so, to Biblical tenets is acceptable, indeed, preferable to them.

I don't think Satanic ideology is genetically embedded in us, though... I think we're genetically predisposed to follow it, in whatever form it might take and despite how mild it might appear - because we have the inborn, inherent desire to know, and do, what we shouldn't know and do, which are those things that harm us in some way, and especially take us farther and farther away from the one true God, thus closer and closer to the false god, Satan.

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I didn't know the Canadians loved nazis.

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Thanks, Paul, and 'The Naked Emperor' for the insightful piece. I particularly liked that the idiot von der Leyen now ascribes the atomic-bombing of Hiroshima. The fools will sink themselves!

A quite long piece on Waffen NAZIs in Canada as admired mentors to Chrystia Freeland is here--


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27 million Russians died fighting in WWII, the world owes a lot of gratitude to this nation. Instead, the globalists continue a campaign of hate and false witness against them. Now these psychopaths are blaming them for Hiroshima too? WTH?

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I thought former Nazi officers were rounded up and sentenced to death ?? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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Nice try. Read up on Project Paperclip and The Vatican Ratlines sometime. Among other things.

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Exactly. .... and ... Operation Gladio, the OSS/ CIA, Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles, IG Farben, etc. were customer's of Sullivan and Cromwell, Wild Bill Donovan, etc., etc. Funding of the stay-behinds through the heroin trade protected by the CIA (The French Connection, etc.), to the Jazz Clubs in NY (creating heroin addicted Jazz musicians) and then to the entire rest of the US. But, also before that ..... gunboat diplomacy, the banana wars, etc... And before that even ..... Yes. most do not know the real history.

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I've occasionally wondered how Joseph Kennedy is looked on as a secular saint, yet Al Capone could wind up spending 8 years in prison for doing... pretty much the same sorts of things... I guess nothing much has ever changed in terms of the total corruption of the monsters running this shitshow.

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Yes. Also the Delano's smuggling of illegal opium into China.

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Why worry about the Canadian Goverment when everyone of you is as wrong as can be about the current situation. We all know why Trudeau is doing what he does best; using ANYTHING to support the narrative. Honestly, Does nobody really recognize the elephant in the room? Obviously not. Has anybody of you ever connected the dots about the mysteries of certain events after WWW II? Instances like the USS Liberty, the Titanic, Assassination of President Kennedy, his brother, 911 ect.

Oviously not! Until we don’t solve the mysteries of the past, we will not solve anything as to the why, who and so on. There will always be something else.

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And all the good trained seals in the "audiences" clapped on cue, and for an extended length, to ensure they were seen, and heard, to be supporting the "Good Club"...

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