Canadian Parliament Grants Standing Ovation to Actual Nazi SS Officer from WW2 After Zelensky's Speech (Radical Media - by Maajid Nawaz); nice scholarship by Maajid, I know him, good man, superb!
At the top of this Newszine, Resistance Radio presents our latest WARRIOR CREED podcast from Tuesday 12th September 2023 now with a transcript attached.
The Return of Nazism
Canadian Parliament Grants Standing Ovation to Actual Nazi SS Officer from WW2 After Zelensky's Speech
A Radical Dispatch
1) Applauding Nazis
Nazi collaborator Zelensky of Ukraine has finally succeeding in tipping the corporatist press into disbelief. Just as the Ukrainian President finished his address last Friday in the House of Commons, Canadian lawmakers gave a standing ovation to 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka, when Speaker Anthony Rota drew attention to him.
Rota introduced Hunka as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division. In reality, the First Ukrainian Division was also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the Nazis and committed known atrocities against innocent unarmed civilians.
Associated Press reports 25th September 2023:
“The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons apologized Sunday for recognizing a man who fought for a Nazi military unit during World War II.
Just after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an address in the House of Commons on Friday, Canadian lawmakers gave 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation when Speaker Anthony Rota drew attention to him. Rota introduced Hunka as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division…
..The First Ukrainian Division was also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the Nazis…
..The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies issued a statement Sunday saying the division “was responsible for the mass murder of innocent civilians with a level of brutality and malice that is unimaginable…
..Members of Parliament from all parties rose to applaud Hunka.”
The Post Millennial Reports 24th September 2023:
“The Parliament of Canada provided a loud, all-party standing ovation Friday to Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old who served with the Nazi Waffen-SS during the Second World War.“
2) We Have Been Trying To Warn Everyone
This should all come as no surprise to regular readers of Radical Media. We have been covering the topic of Zelensky’s collaboration with actual Nazis (and not mere neo-Nazis) since the start of the war.
Our podcast guest appearances such as our February 2022 intervention on the Global Palace Coup, with Joe Rogan addressed this topic:
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As we did in our subsequent appearance on Tim Pool’s TimCast:
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Then, with Tucker Carlson before he was removed from Fox News:
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And just four months ago, with Patrick Bet David’s Valuetainment:
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We have covered this issue regularly right here too, on Radical Media.
Radical Media reports 16th May 2022:
“…unlike anywhere else we are directly arming and funding the Nazis in Ukraine. Azov is fully integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard. This is like America having a formal KKK battalion in its armed forces.”
Radical Media reports 28th February 2022:
“Formal, insignia raising Neo-Nazi battalions in the Ukrainian armed forces and police, surely not? Read on. The truth is far worse than that I’m afraid.”
The WARRIOR CREED podcast episode provided today with this Radical Dispatch also addresses this topic.
3) Blackface Trudeau
That the first open celebration of Nazism to occur in a post WW2 Western Parliament occurred in Trudeau’s “progressive” Canada, is no surprise. After all this is the very same Trudeau who cannot recall how many times he has dressed up in blackface.
The BBC reports 19th September 2019:
Yes, these photos are really of “Liberal” Justin Trudeau in blackface.
If in any doubt, here’s some video.
Global News Canada reports 19th September 2019.
Click through to view:
Yes, this Trudeau who - back when they were still trying to subjugate us all to their insane Covid mandates - had the gall to label the Covid-era Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as racists merely for opposing vaccine mandates.
They are everything they accuse you of.
Note: due to Elon Musk’s ongoing social media war with Substack, video via tweets can no longer be embedded into Substack. Readers must click on the image to view all video clips.
As Radical Media reports 28th January 2022:
All while leading a country that has just offered a standing ovation in Parliament to an actual Nazi WW2 veteran. You couldn’t make this up.
4) Saving Nazis
Perhaps it is no surprise that the Western security state remains ambivalent towards corralling the public to financially support Nazism in Ukraine. It is, after all, this very same security-state that was responsible for repatriating German Nazis to the Americas, after WW2.
This was known as Operation Paperclip, responsible for Nazis like Werner Von Braun taking up senior positions in US institutions such as NASA.
“One of the most well-known recruits was Wernher von Braun, the technical director at the Peenemunde Army Research Center in Germany who was instrumental in developing the lethal V-2 rocket that devastated England during the war... Von Braun later became director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, which eventually propelled two dozen American astronauts to the Moon…
Although defenders of the clandestine operation argue that the balance of power could have easily shifted to the Soviet Union during the Cold War if these Nazi scientists were not brought to the United States, opponents point to the ethical cost of ignoring their abhorrent war crimes without punishment or accountability.”
This despicable development: the first time we witness open celebration of actual Nazis in a Western Parliament since WW2 - under the guise of supporting Ukraine - is not only indicative, then, of how severely compromised modern progressivism has become. But it also points to how far back in history globalist treachery goes.
Not that any of this prevented corporatist media zombies from repeating the same security-state talking points over the last few years about our need to unconditionally support Zelensky’s war - which funds Nazis.
Did Putin get something right, then?
The Daily Mail reports, 6th September 2023:
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I am not at all surprised. SMH… Next thing we’ll see is the Nazis getting the swastika on the Pride flag and celebrated in Canada.
It's just so uncool to openly be a Nazi now that Trudeau has to hide that he is, just like the German Greens hide that they are the NSDAP in contemporary form. Trudeau is a cryptoNazi whose love of LGBT and transgenderism are borrowed straight from Ernst Rohm, the gay supremacist leader of the German Nazi SA. It's a cover for his real agenda. Trudeau has clearly been influenced by Gregor and Otto Strasser who led the left-wing faction of the NSDAP, prior to it being purged by Hitler. Trudeau's Hitlerian and Strasserian ideology was on full display in how he treated vaccine resisters and truckers.