I am not at all surprised. SMH… Next thing we’ll see is the Nazis getting the swastika on the Pride flag and celebrated in Canada.

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Nothing in Chinada surprises me anymore. Even our pushback against the woke insanity of late.

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It's just so uncool to openly be a Nazi now that Trudeau has to hide that he is, just like the German Greens hide that they are the NSDAP in contemporary form. Trudeau is a cryptoNazi whose love of LGBT and transgenderism are borrowed straight from Ernst Rohm, the gay supremacist leader of the German Nazi SA. It's a cover for his real agenda. Trudeau has clearly been influenced by Gregor and Otto Strasser who led the left-wing faction of the NSDAP, prior to it being purged by Hitler. Trudeau's Hitlerian and Strasserian ideology was on full display in how he treated vaccine resisters and truckers.

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From 13 century on, all religions have been penetrated by the masonry, there are three centres worldwide, the city of London- not actually a part in f the UK, the Vatican excised from Italy by Mussolini during WW 11 , and Washington 10 square miles around the capitol are seperate from the US as is the UN headquarters in America under the Lucis trust. Most people don’t realise Hitler was funded by the Bank of England, J P Morgan and large energy companies as well as Ford. Bush family money for need the railway to Auschwitz. Ford even had the balls to sue the US govt. in 1952 for bombing her s factory in the Ruhr- and won .

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Bush family money certainly played a big role in enabling the Nazi regime. It's odd given reports that the Bush family tree, like that of Obama and Hillary Clinton, includes Jewish ancestors. The Bush family is related to the British Royal Family, which, interestingly, has African ancestry

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Inexcusable. They should all immediately resign and apologize for what they've done. In that order.

Then never run for any public office, ever again.

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Communists get cocky and let the truth slip.

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Canada ... it’s government at least ... has become a lunatic asylum. Paul, honestly, what is the origin of all this? Is it City of London? The engineering of “mind space” as Alex Thomson described in his presentation to Reiner Fuellmich has been successful in the former British colonies across the globe with a style of propaganda and tyranny that rhymes among US, Canada, Australia, NZ, the UK itself ... and perhaps Singapore snd SA but I have heard much less about the last two. The effect in the US has been blunted by our Constitution, but Mathew Ehret quotes Cecil Rhodes’s intent to recover the United States for the empire. How clever the shots that poison and sicken the population bogged down with the disabled and the concurrent “woke” Revolution that corrodes meritocracy in order to institutionalize incompetence and mediocrity to further weaken society until it is easily dominated by the Nazi legacy ... as in Ukraine ... and ultimately for sale at Pennies on the dollar.

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I’d love to be a fly on the wall at one of those meetings.

“Alright, the Russians are totally uncool now, we need to publicly honor someone who fought the Russians in WW2, that’ll get the people on our side.”

“Sir, the Germans fought the Russians in WW2.”

“The Germans? The guys who make environmentally friendly diesel cars? No shit? Bring one of them out of retirement.”

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Were the old SS the only nazi present in the room? That’s the question.

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