No protests, no guns, high gas prices, food shortages and managing your speech? What could possibly go wrong....."The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle, hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or laborer's cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there."

George Orwell

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Every nations deserves their government.

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Oh, Who You got for a master where you are dood?

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Part of the Global script for the next few years

" We are NOW 2 years into a 5-year plan for the

TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the SOCIETY using Global Plandemics, Wars, Economic Collapse, and



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The smugest of the smug and dick of all dictators.

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You’re coming around nicely on your understanding of the 2nd Amendment ! There are so many gun issues, of which most serious gun owners are aware: an out of control BATFE at the top of its bureaucracy, and, most importantly, the threat of a national registry of all guns, which would violate current federal law directly disallowing this. If the Feds force all gun owners to disclose such, then the Feds know where to go when they’re ready to take the guns… that’s how the massive gun-grab started in Canada and Australia. Through a stream of incrementally more restrictive laws. (You know, frogs in a pot of water…) Of course, in this federally-intrusive world we now live in, they probably know who owns what, but why make it easy on them and give them “the force of law” to buttress them as they slowly turn up the heat on the burner?

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“proper back ground checks, red flag laws, and proper assessment of mental health for ownership“

So you’re giving the people who we are evil more power?! Nonsensical.

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remember in all I have said, you never ever touch the 2nd...but you have a battle of information and a debate that is needed and none is happening...you give no inch on the 2nd, none...but you have to be able to put something on the table to open a serious debate and get the other side to listen too...you got to admit, if someone is mentally unfit, they should not own a gun.

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the difficulty is managing a person's individual rights, coming up with criteria for gun ownership, and the challenge how to determine if the criteria is being assessed in a fair and uniform manner to all...again, no touch of the 2nd...I have said this clearly, off limits, its a right and must never ever be altered. if I can join the military at 18 and be given a weapon to use, then why cant I have it in the civilian life? again, the debate must be how to keep out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds, criminal intent of use etc. it is a difficult needle to thread but one we have to discuss.

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Yes, I agree. I just don’t want to government deciding who is mentally ill or any of the doctors who pushed the Covid vaccine:)

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the other side is not interested in debate! they are only interested in control and they will use every excuse in the books and not in the books to take over! Not an inch! The roots of current problems are not guns!

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Yep, because the herd of imbeciles inhabiting canada deserves this. Any self-respecting nation would rise, remove the junk in power and fix things....but canada is populated by sheep (sorry, don't want to offend a useful animal).

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You have to admit we have it much Better than those being sold as a slave to Pfizer by Netanyahoo Like Israel was in the biggest Medical experiment since WW2 Germany. Say...how is his corruption trial going? Witnesses still falling out of the sky like like the Ukrainian Notsee airfarce?

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Love your threads Dr Paul, But Yeah if they are on SSRIs they should not have guns. Betcha they don't kill much on pot though...that's what the COPs say anyhow.

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that is the purpose!

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Not a gun lover but DON’T give up your guns and wake up Canada! Evil leaders must go!!!!!!!

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Red flag laws? No. They mean that your angry leftist neighbor or anyone who dislikes you can the police who will take all your weapons without any due process. Never allow that.

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Canadastan Gone Rogue - Ontario Paying Doctors to Push the Injections and Track the “Un-vaxxed”

… Rebel News


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He's a tyrant. What an ugly man with an ugly agenda. On top of the above, He and his mps just voted to keep all covid mandates in place. The unvaccinated cannot board a plane or train within their country. Or leave and come back. His reign of communist fascism is intolerable. Be very careful my beautiful American freedom allies, neighbors and friends, I for one look to your country as a Beacon of hope. Our elections are 2025. Please unshackle yourself this fall!!! And plant gardens. They are planning food insecurity for further suffering and pain to control our populations.

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Trudeau is a tyrant! He has it in the genes and as a WEF pupil it has been reinforced

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He is a CASTRO...You'd have to know the ancient Ba'al worshipping pie dough bloodline thing to know why that matters.

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TrueDope is a fascist, plain & simple.

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Recall the PM immediately. For crimes against the people of Canada.

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Another edict from Canada's "democracy!" Do Canadians have the courage, the outrage, the disgust, to get rid of this Davos princeling? Where is there a potential candidate with genuine vision based in human quality of life and the moral backbone to resist the American domination that crushes our sovereignty???????

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Ask that little old Native woman who stood up to the trampling horse guard in her walker. Maybe you all don't know what real courage is.

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It’ll be like two wolves and a sheep trying to decide what is for dinner.

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Exactly right. History has shown that the cost of tyranny, servitude and oppression by unchallenged dictatorial government power is always greater than the cost of freedom. An armed population is the antidote. If all of Europe moved to American style less restrictive gun control and the European homicide rate increased to American levels it would still take over 400 years for Europe's criminals to murder as many people as the the German NAZI government murdered in 13 years. If you think it can not happen here, then not sure where you have been in the last two years. People have been propagandized to hate each other in the US. If you ever study genocides and democides, you would see that it is a multi-stage progression. Of which "hate" and polorization are required. Most people naturally have a normalcy bias. Majority of the Bosnians surely did when they gave up their guns (per the UN's urging) until the Serbs massacared them (Just to give a more recent example; 1995).

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