I'm just not sure if I believe all these leaders "getting Covid". I personally think they are "testing" positive to use it as a talking point and to normalize getting Covid even though you are jabbed. It then provides another talking point on "it would have been worse if I didn't get the jabs/boosters so get yours now" and "I'm taking paxlovid - so you should too - totally safe and effective". Double $$ for Pharma.

I'm afraid I'm just cynical these days!

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Maybe they should put him on REMDESIVIR…double dose.

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pentobarbital, pancuronium bromide, & potassium chloride might help him, but then again, no brain, no muscles, no heart...he's invincible

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Brilliant idea, let's put Dimentia Joe, Fauci, Azar, Collins, Schwab and Gates on a double dose too! I'm sure there are others I've missed like Pilosi and Clinton's. Let's get all those Globalist elites on a some Remdesivir stat!!!

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Yes, the real one. Not a phony one or saline type of thing.

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YES!! Now, THAT'S a plan I think we can all get behind!

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Now I feel guilty I laughed at that one...

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Don't feel guilty, Sophie, it was damn funny!!

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Have a heart folks! double or triple dose for our Crime-Minister, Please! From what I heard just a ten day course of it is enough to shut down a horse.

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Triple? ;)

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Sure, why not Claudia, more protection, right????

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Many of us are also cynical. You are probably right!

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I can't agree more. There is strong evidence that Trudeau's jabbing was simulated BTW. The disgusting governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, a Young Global Leaders, of unprecedented stupidity and subservience, die-hard enforcer of all COVID demented measures, who recently resigned early as governor to focus on the upcoming 2024 presidential elections where he aspires to become, god forbid, Indonesia's president... not that it makes much difference to the current one, had stated to those who asked if he, inflexible against the population, had been vaccinated in his turn, had replied that he could not as he was convalescing from the virus to which he tested positive.

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nah! you are right on.

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I'm not cynical. I just believe the opposite of whatever they say. Now, if they offered me a booster shot of Vat 69, I might be interested.

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I take half a glass of red wine booster EVERY night.

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At this point Cocaine is probably safer, but I don't wanna give the Clinton Global Initiative any ideas either.

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Best definition yet of that cabal!

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Now, THAT'S the ticket, but I like to take a shot of vodka before I launch into the good red.... (Please DON'T report me!! Other than THAT, I'm a good & sober person!!)

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And your immune system thanks you. Cheers!

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I don't believe that he actually got the vaccine. I more believe that this is so he can tell everyone how much worse it would have been without the vaccine....so make sure to get vaccinated!

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He isn't vaccinated.

He is just playing pandemic because he's under so much pressure to remove his authoritarian, non-senseical covid measures like banning the unjabbed from flying.

It is also a way for this coward to hide.

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Exactly. He hasn’t got the balls to meet the public. He dare not go walkabout anywhere in Canada as someone is sure to heckle him.

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Covid freak of the week. Drew the short straw. Gets to babble on how the shots saved his life. More fu**** theater.

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He's faking!!!

That's part of the mass formation psychosis agenda.

And the tests are testing NOTHING to start with.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022


How can you test ‘positive’ for something that is not there?

There are only viruses inside our own bodies. Research contagion myth and the theory of germs and you will find amazing things.

Our bodies are temples that are looking /thriving to have inner balance. If you treat your body right you will stay healthy and live longevity. Stay away from fast foods which is just poison, do not take part in the pharmaceutical industrial carousel, sleep, try to keep your stress level on a minimum, enjoy life, connect with Mother Earth by grounding/put your bare feet in the sand, forrest, water or mud or grass or whatever suits you and feel the energy that gives peace.

And connect with other people, interact and be as social as you like.


Turn off your Tell-A-Vision

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Millions of PCR-Test kits were shipped in 2017 and 2018 worldwide and some websites were flagging them as Covid-19 test kits... This is virtual reality!!!

There has been an irreversible damage to trust as governments have been bought by a global cabal.

How can a sane person still believe in these global crooks and their minions at all levels of the government?

What they say daily has no meaning to me - I know who they are. They've been unmasked.

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They have no meaning to me either.

People have to come to terms with that ‘viruses’ is just as a big lie as everything else.

Before that happens this is an ongoing circle. What will they come up with after the Monkey business?

What happened in 2009 with the swine flu and Tamiflu, should have opened the eyes of the sleeping sheeple and that’s why they need to go back to read about that as that is the closest plandemic in our time before this BS was launched upon the population in the world.

Mass formation cannot be the only explanation for people not willing to do research but just swallow what the state tells you. A one way narrative is not valid elsewhere in people’s lives. So really, why this shitshow? Why give up your freedom? for something invented to hide away the financial collapse and the tyranny the evildoers want to bring on by total surveillance on every step you take on this planet and to do away with the carbon footprint, we the humans, that those f.ckers dislike so much.

The digital world is really a menace to our interactions.

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Please fasten your seatbelt before you watch the below 2 minutes video where some Canadian beavers tell the world how stupid they are.. The fundamental problem with the sheeple is the lack of curiosity and I can tell you with 100% certainty that all red-pilled individuals are curious people.

"Proof Canadians Are Brainwashed Idiots"


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Seen this before. It is not just Canadians. These people are everywhere on the planet.

How is that people think they are more healthy by taking shots? Injections are putting poison into ones body. Does any of those people know what an adjuvant is and what that alone can do to our precious temple that we are born with?

It never stops to amaze me how people can put that amount of trust into a state official and the so called health experts. We only have one body and it is not interchangeable.

Besides, the pharmaceutical industrial complex has always played dirty now more than ever.

When people are buying a new car most do thorough research but they just roll up their sleeve without much hesitation for a product they do not know anything about. How can people not grip what a product under EUA is? And the word experimental?

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The old saying - "we're the government and we're here to help" you sheeple to the house of no return.

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Not all of us Canadians. Please don't paint all with the same brush. That only creates more divisiveness.

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Guess you've never seen some of the "interviews" of college students in the US. Sum total IQ of 12.

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I am not the one who created the bitchute post! I am sharing the links.

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Can't wait till he develops VAIDS and has to retire from politics. A girl can dream....

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No. Nope. We will see to it that justice and accountability are finally part of our collective self awareness. These people are committing genocide. The repercussion is not ‘retirement with a mega pension’ so he can resurface in another totalitarian power function after a short holiday from the public eye. We must not recreate Operation Paperclip. It merely took 80 years before the Nazi socialist psychopaths reemerged from their holes after WWII. This time to compromise the human genome. This is the final wake-up call. We need to learn to build a box not held together with chewing gum.

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But he probably didn't really get the shot, so maybe we can just dream a nasty cancer on him. I know that sounds terrible, but he is too and like attracts like.

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Did he catch it from Newsom?

I saw the pic of those 2 beta male barfbags. Made me want to toss up dinner.

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Let's be honest here... True Dope just wants another vacay. The stress of being a tyrant is pretty tiring.

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I’m pretty sure he has it this time. It’s not exactly helping your case to admit you’ve had it twice in 5 months despite being boosted. The first time mind you I do believe he made up just to avoid facing the truckers.

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He wasn’t MAN enough to meet or even listen to the Freedom Convoy truckers.

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Bingo, pussy willow trees bend with the wind.

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You mean woktarded peoplekind.

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This won’t matter at all both in terms of the way he and his subordinates govern and how the general public responds to the his governments obvious social engineering that seeks to modify behavior such that when the government says “jump”, they say “how high?” Yes, this type of social engineering is occurring in most federal government around the world. What will it take for people everywhere to recognize the threat and band together to remove globalists from positions of power?

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When it's too late, if ever. It's what all the conditioning of pre-school and school age children are being taught. Paraphrasing the Jesuits hundreds of years ago, and others:

give me a child until "it" (being sarcastic) is 7, and it is mine for life.

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great. let's give him triple doses of each "vaccine" out there and a few boosters - all at once.

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Maybe the Canucks will luck out and he'll develop deep vein thrombosis

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And then we would end up with an actual WEF board member as PM. Freeland.

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Unfortunately you're f'ed either way just like us with Biden and Cameltoe.

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I wager Bobblehead is already running the show anyhow.

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I think it's ccp and bam bam. she can't function off her knees.

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What emergency is he hiding from this time? LMAO

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ukraine is waiting for the weapons......

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Correct me if I'm wrong, and it could have been a joke, but didn't someone on Twitter seem to claim, seriously, that her father had died from COVID but it would have been worse had he not been vaccinated?

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So, that's how far the brain dead have fallen. Are they trying to imitate brain ded bye den?

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He already made the magic pronouncement. He really is Trudouche in that he actually took the jab.

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share, cant find that...

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I have the image from Twatter. It won’t let me post it here.

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I don’t believe there was anything but saline in the shot he took! Trudo seems a compulsive liar.

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