An articulate and beautiful woman who I would love to see go toe to toe with many “leaders” in government. I think she would destroy them! It would be glorious to watch.

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I had read some of her thoughts 3 or 4 years ago and thought she might make a good president. She's got a really good head on her shoulders.

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What has happened to the men in our country my dad was born in 1931 and this would never have happened on his watch

Thank you Candice for being a beacon of light and being a Force of Nature

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We have amazing people standing up to the powers that be now and she is one of the most articulate and so brave. What a combination !

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Okay, I'll be a broken record. Who is responsible for dissolving an agency? Congress.

Has Congress ever dissolved anything? So many agencies or new bills were supposed to be temporary. Guess what? They've all been extended.

Congress never works in making less government power. They only are interested in more power. Look at Bush's civil liberty killing agencies developed when in office. They were all supposed to be temporary. They all have more power now when created.

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She’s brilliant.extremely analytical. Her most astute observation was illuminating the game plan behind the “ Defund Police”, Antifa,BLM no cash bail, open borders, shootings and the FBI,DOJ,DHS refusal to take action. Ditto the Soros funded prosecutors.rampant violent crime, mobs, false racial pot stirring , firings, lack of funds, training , hamstringing fear of prosecution, and fear for their lives, forced vaccination was causing mass retirement. What was the logic to create a lawless society? To pave the way for a federalized police force. A frigging Stasi-Gestapo and of course, a disarmed population. The Great Reset.

She was literally pulled off the set by Fox after sharing her thoughts with Tucker, who of course, was gobsmacked and wholly impressed. He immediately absorbed the rationale as very valid.If Fox removes Tucker, even though he is limited in how far he can go, Fox is finished. He has the largest audience spanning demographics, the lion’s share are Democrat millenials to 34 yrs. Tough luck, MSM,Establishment UniParty Corpotists,Deep State,CheneyMitt,Mitch,Lindsey,Kinzinger and your fellow warmongers. He’s called your bluff and is smart enough to host the once revered icons across the aisle.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

And she shoots it all off 'rapid fire' without a note...straight from the heart with amazing acuity. She is blessed with awesome verbal talents and integrity to match !

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She has my vote if we ever have real elections again. & a great role model for our young ladies.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Yes, they are. Good will triumph in the end, though. Of this I am certain.

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From your lips to God's ears.

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I pray for Candace Owens and president Trump we need leaders like these to stay strong as the world gets darker the lights like these two hero’s get brighter. I don’t know where I wound without them and you too Dr. Paul

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Harry Truman wanted the CIA dissolved shortly after he was instrumental in it’s creation.He penned an editorial describing the agency as “ Dark,conspiratorial and divide”.

Allen Dulles,the CIA Chief despised Truman and is thought to have orchestrated Kennedy’s assassination “for the good of the country”. Kennedy was closing in on him.Dulles was a Nazi sympathizer who abetted bring Nazis to the US and had been instrumental in helping other Nazi war criminals avoid prosecution.

Pat Moynihan , one of very few honorabl politicians,a Dem who advised five Presidents of both parties ( he despised Carter and was frustrated by others), penned an essay calling for the abolishment of the CIA.He also pushed to withdraw from the UN, a “ corrupt,indious,antisemitic entity” and pressed Reagan to create the bill curtailing any further expansion of NATO post the fall of the USSR. To NOT expand to the Eastern bloc. That Russia was weakened and could become a more modern entity, but if Russia felt threatened, nothing good would come of it. The former Muslim nations taken by the USSR would likely radicalize and align with Iran, the newly formed democracies would engage in war( think Yugoslavia- Serbia-Croatia), Ukraine would become a Paton state of both the West and Russia and their would be a strengthening of the Nazi faction. We’d wind up in a pre-WW11 scenario and Ukraine would be seen as a provocateur and incurable corrupt.He had a bond with an unlikely ally. Barry Goldwater. They were spot on. Who destroyed Moynihan, falsely painting him as racist? None other than Leon Panetta, who became CIA Chief.

Jim Kallstrom, FBI Asst Director who devised the plan that ultimately captured the Oklahoma City bomber and the Zuni ombré. was so disgusted by the FBI’s malignant corruption, failures,coverups and false persecution of innocents ( among them, Srs.Steven Hatfill and Bruce Ivins, named as the Anthrax Mailer that killed Congressional members, he became a whistleblower, called for the abolition of the FBI and replacement with US Marshals. He named Mueller, Fauci and Ashcroft and the Bush admin . Bush appointed Fauci to lead in biowarfare research and green- lit Gain Of Function research. The weaponized anthrax matched that of the US lab, the perpetrator was a foreign national working on behalf of Al-Qaeda. Kallstrom’s career was destroyed as was his reputation. Hatfill was exonerated and was the first person to successfully sue the FBI and win.

Fauci, Mueller, Ashcroft remained in office and the Bush admin was not held accountable. In fact, W awarded Fauci the Presidential Medal Of Honor.. and on it goes. The corruption , failure, coverups and abuse have become systemic and the agencies given unlimited power.

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And Obama doubled down on all of this and put his kind of people in every area of the Justice dept and Government. Trump was screwed no matter who he hired from this swamp. Look at Christopher Wray now! Trump sued Hillary recently and now we see the result with the raid on his personal home.

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Bienvenidos a Venezuela II Norteamerica, or is china a better option?

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https://victorhanson.com/the-left-should-be-happy-with-biden/ Professor Hansen paints an ugly picture of who we are up against.

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Yeah, dr fuksey and mueller went after 2 Anthrax researchers. One committed suicide, the other won $6 mil. The first election I was old enough to participate in was JFK. I've watched this country's demise swirl around the drain pipe at an ever accelerating rate.

In 1976, someone made the observation that 'empires' last on average 200-250 years. Hmmmm

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Hatfill and Ivins. Mueller has been a corrupt, failed, arrogant bastard for the scope of his career.

Remember Whitey Bulger? The 4 Merrill Lynch execs, one passed away,Destroying the most revere Big 8 accounting firm, Arthur Andersen- 86,000 employees, all the clients? My husband was a partner at the time. We lost our home, 401k,shareholding’s, both cars, healthcare and I lost my job because we couldn’t afford childcare. We were left with 75 dollars and I threw 4 newspaper routes pre- dawn with our baby in the crap car we bought. And then Sidney Powell took the case to SCOTUS. It was overturnturen 9-0. Andrew Weissman, Mueller’s darling withheld exculpatory evidence. Too late. Mueller, Weissman we’re not given even a slap on the wrist. Weissman’s superior at the time, Chris Wray, promoted him. The Atlanta Olympic Park bomber who was falsely pegged, his life ruined,missing the 9/11 attack with the perps in plain sight, falsely imprisoning Scooter Libby for disclosing CIA agent Valerie Plame’s location, well aware it was Richard Armitage, four Men falsely imprisoned as Mafiosos, two died, repeatedly ignoring Russian intelligence warning of the Tsarnaev’s plans, Alaskan Governor Ted Steve’s falsely prosecuted and imprisoned during his re-election campaign. He was way ahead. Only Fitzpatrick was prosecuted. Stevens was being flown back to Alaska when his plane mysteriously crashed.Omar Sateen, Pulse night Club Shooter- his father, a Lebanese national criminal- Hillary’s donor pay for play pal was given immunity as a CI by Mueller.Jeffrey Epstein, longtime CI and CIA asset was being proseced by Miami’s Alex Accosta on 11 separate felony counts. Acosta shocked everybody by suddenly dropping several charges and Epstein received a ridiculously reduced sentence. It had nothing to do with Acosta, but he was blamed. Robert Mueller had issue the stand down “ cease and desist” order. Mueller signed off on Uranium One.The list of unacceptability could rival the Iliad and Odyssey in volume. The cast of characters always include Mueller, Comey, Weissman, Rosenstein,Wray, Brennan, Cofer-Black,and who gives Mueller props for ethics? Bill Barr, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Cheney, Biden and the UniParty Establishment duopoly

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Yes, thank you for an excellent synopsis. I'm so sorry you were caught in that awful mess.

I was going to buy a tiny apartment in the North End, but was warned not to.

My boss' boss was faksey the so called doctor who also destroyed Judy Mikovits, PhD, and her AIDS research. Strictly political. One of hitlery's little puppets.

mueller was also involved in the Anthrax situation with faksey. One scientist committed suicide the other won 6 mil. Interesting to me is that bill gates of hell was still in a garage or basement in Cambridge working on his tech. Wonder how much involvement was there as well.

My concern is that the future is going to make all of this look like child's play. Am old, not so worried about myself, but for future generations. The average Russian is not much further ahead than he/she/it/ (sarcasm, sorry) was in 1917. And these retard woke, have no idea what they are bringing down on themselves and the rest of us.

Add in Herbert Hoover, who kept dossiers on everyone... By the way, hitlery took copies out of the WH, were they ever returned??????

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Wow, interesting.

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There will be 80,000+ new armed IRS agents to harass freedom loving Americans and small businesses too.

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I cannot fathom why any American is okay with this. Having been subjected to an audit by an agent who made quite clear he despised me. Though we’d never met,I represented either a specific young woman or type of woman he held a grudge against.At the time( no longer), I was attractive, well dressed ,happy and confident, but very polite.My career had just begun to get off the ground.I’d keep every record and receipt and though my “whopping”net profit was 74k, it was a big deal to me back then. The auditor was the quintessential definition of nerdy.Small and skinny, but potbellied,pale,balding,thick lenses horn rimmed glasses,weak jaw,but snide,arrogant and weirdly intimidating. I gave him everything he requested and then some.

When my husband got home, he asked how things went. I told him the guy was an ass, but I f didn’t see any problems arising. I was wrong. When he called to set the follow up appointment, I asked whether there were any problems. He assured me there weren’t, he’d completed the audit. I merrily arrived earlier than the given time so as not to create any trouble. He appeared to be quite pleased( like a hitman before the victim realized her fate) and his demeanor changed. He morphed into the hitman, told me I owed 51k! Meaning the 4k I’d already paid became 55k! Meaning I’d netted a grand total of less than 20k!! I nearly fainted. He was absolutely reveling in my shock and misery.

When my husband arrived home, I was sobbing and told him what had transpired….here’s the kicker.My husband was a CPA with a Big 8 firm and had recently been promoted to junior partner. He was livid, recognized the auditor’s name having dealt with him before.Each time it was on behalf of a female client who’d been targeted and harassed. He called him a “ rogue agent” and assured me this would be the end of the jerk’s days with the IRS, if he wanted to experience the terror he dealt, he’d feel it 100 fold. He contacted the administrator,set an appointment and after meeting with him, I received a 1,299 hundred dollar refund. I’d overpaid. Two weeks later, my husband informed me the agent was terminated, was being sued personally and a class action suit was filed against the IRS for intimidatation, fraud and misconduct by said agent..I can only imagine how many women he’d targeted who weren’t privy to someone who was able to advocate. I sure as hell wouldn’t have been able to afford my husband’s help!

Regardless, what’s coming down the pike will make my encounter seem like a wedding party.

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Reads like a novelette ! What a story...so good that it ended that way.

Maybe now he can only intimidate his wife, if there ever could be one.

Cruel, spiteful little maggot.

Of course, there could be many among the new 87,000 hires ! Oh dear.

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More important than black or beautiful, she's also a mom!

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More power to Candace Owens. We need the dissident voices to stay strong. If they succeed in silencing the dissident voices, according to Mattias Desmet, we descend into Totalitarianism.

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Great sarcasm. We know you are not politically correct and that’s why I admire and respect you. Yes, she is a woman. Beautiful, brave, clever, very well spoken, educated, honest black woman. Always right in, straight shooter and hopefully will have a brilliant political future ahead.

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Candace does have more hootsba than any male of our young generation. I don't know if anyone was watching, but Bubba Wallace, a NASCAR driver, who happens to be half black and half Caucasian, came in 2nd last Sunday and started crying on national television. My husband is a former professional football player and he never cried if he lost a game. I suspect that Candace has a higher testosterone level than most young men today.

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Have you seen the Saudi guy have a heart attack yet? #SADS


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