Ronald Reagan didn't smoke or eat it either. The cemeteries and dementia care facilities are full of millions of non pot using Americans just like him who also also succumbed prematurely to dementia and death.
The Experiments Revealing How Marijuana Could Treat Dementia | Discover Magazine. Slightly stoned mice show marijuana may fight age-related memory loss.
So I guess I gotta start smoking pot, not really LOL
No need to smoke, there are great edibles 😎
Smoking won’t do it. You have to eat the hemp protein, or it’s carefully processed relevant molecule. Smoking is completely irrelevant.
I never smoked pot.
Ronald Reagan didn't smoke or eat it either. The cemeteries and dementia care facilities are full of millions of non pot using Americans just like him who also also succumbed prematurely to dementia and death.
The Experiments Revealing How Marijuana Could Treat Dementia | Discover Magazine. Slightly stoned mice show marijuana may fight age-related memory loss.