The past 3 years have basically been a dress rehearsal for the Left/Deep State/WEF goons to see how far they can push people before they get real pushback. Sadly the elected Republicans have shown themselves to be mostly castrated simps. Too many 'cooks' on our side with their own mini "Game of Thrones". Whether with 1st or 2nd Amendment…
The past 3 years have basically been a dress rehearsal for the Left/Deep State/WEF goons to see how far they can push people before they get real pushback. Sadly the elected Republicans have shown themselves to be mostly castrated simps. Too many 'cooks' on our side with their own mini "Game of Thrones". Whether with 1st or 2nd Amendment freedom atrocities: feds working with social media to ban online free speech[Facebook and Twitter violations], feds working to intimidate legit protest [Houk, truckers, etc], feds working to build a backdoor gun registry via the IRS [Montana action], and redefining language to meet their agenda (man/woman, pregnancy/birth, vaccine, etc.), there aren't enough people united to push back and say 'enough'. Due process and legitimate oversight have been tossed in the dustbin. The 2020 blatant steal and coverup and disinterest by the public has shown the Left they can pretty much do whatever they want, lie about it, and keep on going 'forward' on the totalitarian agenda. Too many on our side were silently hoping Trump would go away, and don't mind this latest legal abomination because it is, to them, 'convenient' so they can focus on trying to win in 2024, which they can't because systematically and electorally things are worse now than in 2020. Our children and grandchildren will suffer because too many were lukewarm when the time to pushback was upon us.
The past 3 years have basically been a dress rehearsal for the Left/Deep State/WEF goons to see how far they can push people before they get real pushback. Sadly the elected Republicans have shown themselves to be mostly castrated simps. Too many 'cooks' on our side with their own mini "Game of Thrones". Whether with 1st or 2nd Amendment freedom atrocities: feds working with social media to ban online free speech[Facebook and Twitter violations], feds working to intimidate legit protest [Houk, truckers, etc], feds working to build a backdoor gun registry via the IRS [Montana action], and redefining language to meet their agenda (man/woman, pregnancy/birth, vaccine, etc.), there aren't enough people united to push back and say 'enough'. Due process and legitimate oversight have been tossed in the dustbin. The 2020 blatant steal and coverup and disinterest by the public has shown the Left they can pretty much do whatever they want, lie about it, and keep on going 'forward' on the totalitarian agenda. Too many on our side were silently hoping Trump would go away, and don't mind this latest legal abomination because it is, to them, 'convenient' so they can focus on trying to win in 2024, which they can't because systematically and electorally things are worse now than in 2020. Our children and grandchildren will suffer because too many were lukewarm when the time to pushback was upon us.