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For level headed people. Do you think it's good advice to scare children going to take care of their elderly parents during a Pandemic. Is it wise advice to scare the elderly and they isolate from their children at a time when they need them most. Does it make sense to use fear and a deadly pathogen to isolate the elderly from loved ones including grand children and leave them to fend for themselves especially if sick. In Italy the famous lockdowns caused many deaths nor a virus. Elderly left alone and when children able to come the parents were dead. Dead from isolation neglect malnutrition not covid. Do you trust anyone especially a doctor who gives this advice? To isolate and not see loved ones based on fear. We truly have morons. Use your common sense and do what is right.

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"In Italy the famous lockdowns caused many deaths nor a virus. Elderly left alone and when children able to come the parents were dead. Dead from isolation neglect malnutrition not covid."

I agree with these statements Ronnie.

Elderly relatives of mine were either locked down and isolated in their homes or locked down and isolated in "Case di Riposo" (Rest Homes.)

3 who were sequestered and unable to receive regular (well-being) visits from their children and relatives have died in Italy since January of 2021.

Not from, or with Covid. All 3 HAD been infected, and HAD recovered from the "deadly virus". After which they were injected with poorly tested and, in my opinion unsafe, Covid "vaccines".

It's also my opinion that many succumbed to confusion, loneliness, depression, multiple jab adverse effects, gross neglect, malnutrition and very likely? Drug overdose.

Do Not Resuscitate. (Remake beds for incoming clients.)

My last relative passed away in early October after suffering a (very suss) fall, being hospitalized, and finally being remanded to such a facility instead of back to her own home, to "recover".

Once there, she was permitted only 30 minute visits from family, twice a day. Unsure whether her 2 sons visited her very often.

She reportedly slept most of the time (was she heavily drugged?) stopped eating (was proper nourishment and hydration withheld ??), and apparently "died in her sleep" within a short period of time.

No autopsy. Of course not. Nor were any questions asked, of course not. "It was just her time"...

I suspect that her swift demise, as well as the deaths of so many of our elderly who languished within understaffed "Rest Homes" in which they were strictly isolated by Italian health authorities, was nudged along.

That's only my opinion. No proof.

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Thanks for your thoughts. It's sad what we have been forced to experience during covid. The level of fear so detrimental to health. Everyone needs to realize taking care of our aged parents is a responsibility and helping them is essential to their wellbeing and we need to ignore the government giving out bad advice. Unfortunately long term care homes were like prisons during covid and some are still that way. It's great to see caring doctors interested in our elderly giving good advice so our seniors are not abandoned in a time of need and we need to help those so brainwashed by mainstream media that they were scared of their kids and grandkids and then even more when the kids were not vaccinated. Sad. A mothers love is supposed to override fear and she will fight to protect her children but covid seemed to destroy that motherly love (and fathers of course) and many refused to see their children especially once the vaccines came. Absolutely devastating what occurred. Thankfully I can't be brainwashed and the real meaning of life doesn't succumb to fear. That was the best medicine during covid.

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That was a really well expressed, beautifully written comment. It sounds like you've had a rough time?

My mother will never be placed into one of those facilities. She lives with me, in our country family homestead. The fam celebrated her 90th last month.

She's still terrified of "the pandemic" though: triple jabbed. (Not my doing. Her choice (?) and someone else in the family who got jabbed took her...)

She watches Canadian fear porn news (at 38 decibels, so I hear what she hears even if I don't want to listen to that crap...😉) 24/7.

She won't allow anyone to hug her, and obviously won't hug her kids or grandkids.

"The virus". (Petrified of death.)

There are 3 different hand sanitizer and disinfectants by the door and in her bathroom. Her living environment is very "safe". She wipes down anything I touch.

She eats well, and all organic, takes supplements, naps during the day, gets a bit of excercise, and sleeps 10 hours a night.

Never leaves the property without a purse full of useless masks (too dangerous), and only ventures into the wild for scheduled medical appointments, lab work, or the occasional unscheduled hospital emergency visit.

She did not catch the "deadly virus" that shut down the world, and happily complied with every "health order" and recommendation...

I, on the other hand, like you, can't be brainwashed and don't easily succumb to pressure or fear either.

My son would prefer that I bite the bullet and just "get vaccinated!", despite everything that he SHOULD know, because we discuss and argue about the same issues all the time, but he obviously suffers from cognitive dissonance. Or willful ignorance.

He tells me that he just wants me to be more comfortable, free to travel, have less stress in my life, and be happier. 😂

Me too. 😁

I told him tonight, over dinner, that'll never happen. I will never acquiesce.

This is a hill I'll die on.

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The main component of the COVID shots is the same or similar (or instructions to make it) as the spread version. The spread, shed, and injected versions can trigger many thousands of adverse reactions. Almost all the other vaxxes can trigger hundreds to many thousands.

I don't know why people react so differently to this agent. Per some doctors and studies, infected and injected are experiencing inflammation, blood clots, and vascular damage. Some can clear these while others cannot on their own. People with certain conditions like diabetes also have blood clots.


In the US, doctors and nurses have been playing a major role in the increased deaths and suffering. It's not a nudge. They've been shaving off decades.

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In Canada as well. They died in care, and in Emerg hallways, by the droves.

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