That was my exact response... That poor girl seen on the right needs counselling to determine WHY she thinks she's a boy, NOT surgery! And, the nurse? on the left seems absolutely fine with this young woman insisting on being mutilated... Utterly insane.
Well Paul it's good she is doing that, but as you posted nothing about her I searched and find this report a bit damning on her behalf, and a bit nefarious to say the least and it shows receipts. It's no different then questioning Malone in the Freedom movement.
Well you're saying If, and that you'd expect, and claiming She'd win bigly are all assumptions, as are the allegations against her for now. Will they be addressed, or left unanswered like those with Malone, and all we see/hear of is litigation?
You're the only one that defends the people who are being treated unfairly. Your colleagues say nothing. What is the public supposed to think? May God reward you for the sacrifices you've made.
Sickening that young women are brainwashed by the ugly ideology of feminism into believing they would have a better life if they were men. In reality, there is a "glass basement" in which men, the most productive members of society live lives as slaves to women. Almost every piece of technology you can see around you was invented by a man. Every car, plane, boat, ship, computer, cell phone, vaccuum cleaner, washing machine, television, microwave oven was invented by a man. Men slave their guts out so that women can live in luxury. But men perform the dirtiest jobs, the riskiest jobs and suffer the highest rates of industrial accidents, suicide, murder and early death. Most rape victims are men, and most rapes happen in prison, where men are overrepresented. Evidence is emerging that most serial killers are women, but the victims are overwhelmingly men. It is primarily men who are sent to war to die for their governents. Men have a hard life and women have an easy life. It is absolutely crazy that any girl or young woman would want to become a man.
You are seriously disturbed. ''...young women are brainwashed by the ugly ideology of feminism into believing they would have a better life if they were men''. I am a feminist and at no point would I ever consider a woman having a better life if she were male. What you been smoking, Mr Misogynist? "Most rape victims are men...'' I will not deign to reply to the rest of your post which is an absolute bloody joke. Keep taking the meds! You are an utter disgrace to your sex and need a Psych evaluation STAT! Incel, much?
To be a man one needs a Y chromosome. Hitler was XX, one of yours. A study of 600 years of European history found that female leaders, mostly monarchs, were significantly more warmongering and more likely than male leaders to start wars and send men to their deaths.
Feminism is a heresy of Nazism that substitutes "Female" for "Aryan" and "Male" for "Jew." Feminism is an artefact of cesarean section.
Prior to the widespread use of cesareans, feminists and their offspring died in childbirth and were eliminated from the gene pool by natural selection.
You are forced to resort to ad hominems because of your feminarcissist personality disorder and because like most feminists you lack the intellectual capacity for rational argument.
See the video at the link for more detail on female pathology.
Yet another destructive operation added to the pile. This statement released by the puppet Biden regime says it all about their true intentions and "philosophy." The entire written statement is filled with lies, propaganda, invented "crisis" and BS.
Biden statement on March 30: “Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul.”
I just looked at that photo again and it is horrifying. What sort of society allows girls and young women, with the aid of the medical profession, to do this to do this to themselves. The answer is tht it's a depraved and decadent society corrupted by the ugly ideology of feminism that allows this. Feminism is the 2nd heresy of Marxism. Nazism is the 1st heresy. Nazism replaces "Capitalists" and "Workers " with "Jew" and "Aryan." Feminism replaces "Jew" and "Inferior Races" with "Men" and "Aryan" with
When this evil fad is over there's going to be a river of tears by the kids who allowed "doctors" to cut their body parts off and inject them with puberty blocker.
I feel bad for Carolina. I've seen many people in the freedom movement including doctors say bad things about her. What kind of freedom movement is this?
US values, exported from the US to the entire globe. Hey, Asia, Africa, the Pacific. Bring out your kids! They don't need their girl bits. Let us help you to make them more like Americans. Meet our surgeons. You know it's what you really want. We'll punish you with sanctions if you don't transition them. Wait, hands up! Drop that bible. Get on the ground. Shoot them for unuthorized possession of bibles. That's so unAmerican. Do you have any more kids we can meet? We's like to talk to them privately. Hullo sweetheart, what's your name. Your hair smells nice. Before we take your girl bits, let me show you how things are done back in the states. Would you like some candy? Let's play guess what's under Uncle Sam's raincoat. Don't tell mommy or daddy. It'll just be our secret. Say nothing if they ask you to show them where Uncle Sam touched you on this doll. We have a consitution. It says it's the right of every American to do what I'm about to do. Our Supreme Court said so. Do you have a little brother. Allow me to introduce him to Mike Pence. There'll be planeloads of us coming soon. America's number one sweetie and don't you forget it
Dominant US ideology. American values. Biden's rules based international order. Young women or girls who think they are men and who have had their breasts surgically removed, who have had mastectomies even though there was nothing wrong with their breasts.
Some women have mastectomies because of cancer-related problems. It devastates a woman to lose her breasts. And here you have mentally ill women doing it as a choice to be more man-like! Breast cancer victims only wish they didn't have to do such a thing.
how can you tell if they're happy with their masks on? but seriously, grotesque and criminal. wait till the regret sets in
Oh my god......
That was my exact response... That poor girl seen on the right needs counselling to determine WHY she thinks she's a boy, NOT surgery! And, the nurse? on the left seems absolutely fine with this young woman insisting on being mutilated... Utterly insane.
Well Paul it's good she is doing that, but as you posted nothing about her I searched and find this report a bit damning on her behalf, and a bit nefarious to say the least and it shows receipts. It's no different then questioning Malone in the Freedom movement.
The report in it is downloadable and detailed.
"This report focuses on the destructive behavior of Carolina Bonita (Galvan)"
"This report focuses on the destructive behavior of Carolina Bonita (Galvan) starting with
her infiltration into World Wide Demonstration (WWD), but focusing primarily on the
American Convoy movement which she worked hard to undermine."
"Carolina Bonita was first identified as a destructive force and presence over a year and
half ago. During this time she was working directly with two individuals and the three of
them were running an operation to infiltrate the grassroots health freedom movement in
the USA, at the time known as World Wide Demonstration. Alongside these two
individuals named Harry and Gina (neither of whom reside in the US), Carolina helped
run an online (Telegram) and real life campaign, using deception and manipulation to
falsely represent the group as leadership of the US World Wide Demonstration
movement. Their fake, Astro-turf operation was called WorldWideUSA. You can read
more about this initial discovery here:"
"Previous even to our early discoveries, spring 2021, leadership in other European
countries had already identified Harry and Gina as infiltrators within the international
movement. In other words, we were to discover what top organizers from multiple
European countries had already known about and worked to mitigate. Harry, Gina and
Carolina admit they are active in many countries running not just national but
international rally campaigns. Of the three, Carolina Bonita was the boots on the ground
operative in the US. You can read statements from national and international WWD
lead organizers about these issues in the appendices to this report."
Link to the Themis and another report
If Carolina is being falsely maligned, libeled, and slandered, then I’d expect her to sue her accusers for libel and slander. She’d win bigly.
Well you're saying If, and that you'd expect, and claiming She'd win bigly are all assumptions, as are the allegations against her for now. Will they be addressed, or left unanswered like those with Malone, and all we see/hear of is litigation?
Suggested reading.
A cautionary tale on the Medical Freedom Movement from the early period.
You're the only one that defends the people who are being treated unfairly. Your colleagues say nothing. What is the public supposed to think? May God reward you for the sacrifices you've made.
Sickening that young women are brainwashed by the ugly ideology of feminism into believing they would have a better life if they were men. In reality, there is a "glass basement" in which men, the most productive members of society live lives as slaves to women. Almost every piece of technology you can see around you was invented by a man. Every car, plane, boat, ship, computer, cell phone, vaccuum cleaner, washing machine, television, microwave oven was invented by a man. Men slave their guts out so that women can live in luxury. But men perform the dirtiest jobs, the riskiest jobs and suffer the highest rates of industrial accidents, suicide, murder and early death. Most rape victims are men, and most rapes happen in prison, where men are overrepresented. Evidence is emerging that most serial killers are women, but the victims are overwhelmingly men. It is primarily men who are sent to war to die for their governents. Men have a hard life and women have an easy life. It is absolutely crazy that any girl or young woman would want to become a man.
You are seriously disturbed. ''...young women are brainwashed by the ugly ideology of feminism into believing they would have a better life if they were men''. I am a feminist and at no point would I ever consider a woman having a better life if she were male. What you been smoking, Mr Misogynist? "Most rape victims are men...'' I will not deign to reply to the rest of your post which is an absolute bloody joke. Keep taking the meds! You are an utter disgrace to your sex and need a Psych evaluation STAT! Incel, much?
To be a man one needs a Y chromosome. Hitler was XX, one of yours. A study of 600 years of European history found that female leaders, mostly monarchs, were significantly more warmongering and more likely than male leaders to start wars and send men to their deaths.
Feminism is a heresy of Nazism that substitutes "Female" for "Aryan" and "Male" for "Jew." Feminism is an artefact of cesarean section.
Prior to the widespread use of cesareans, feminists and their offspring died in childbirth and were eliminated from the gene pool by natural selection.
You are forced to resort to ad hominems because of your feminarcissist personality disorder and because like most feminists you lack the intellectual capacity for rational argument.
See the video at the link for more detail on female pathology.
The Female Psychopath – Spetsnaz – Uncensored.Tube
That picture may have been photoshopped.
Yet another destructive operation added to the pile. This statement released by the puppet Biden regime says it all about their true intentions and "philosophy." The entire written statement is filled with lies, propaganda, invented "crisis" and BS.
Biden statement on March 30: “Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul.”
I just looked at that photo again and it is horrifying. What sort of society allows girls and young women, with the aid of the medical profession, to do this to do this to themselves. The answer is tht it's a depraved and decadent society corrupted by the ugly ideology of feminism that allows this. Feminism is the 2nd heresy of Marxism. Nazism is the 1st heresy. Nazism replaces "Capitalists" and "Workers " with "Jew" and "Aryan." Feminism replaces "Jew" and "Inferior Races" with "Men" and "Aryan" with
When this evil fad is over there's going to be a river of tears by the kids who allowed "doctors" to cut their body parts off and inject them with puberty blocker.
I feel bad for Carolina. I've seen many people in the freedom movement including doctors say bad things about her. What kind of freedom movement is this?
US values, exported from the US to the entire globe. Hey, Asia, Africa, the Pacific. Bring out your kids! They don't need their girl bits. Let us help you to make them more like Americans. Meet our surgeons. You know it's what you really want. We'll punish you with sanctions if you don't transition them. Wait, hands up! Drop that bible. Get on the ground. Shoot them for unuthorized possession of bibles. That's so unAmerican. Do you have any more kids we can meet? We's like to talk to them privately. Hullo sweetheart, what's your name. Your hair smells nice. Before we take your girl bits, let me show you how things are done back in the states. Would you like some candy? Let's play guess what's under Uncle Sam's raincoat. Don't tell mommy or daddy. It'll just be our secret. Say nothing if they ask you to show them where Uncle Sam touched you on this doll. We have a consitution. It says it's the right of every American to do what I'm about to do. Our Supreme Court said so. Do you have a little brother. Allow me to introduce him to Mike Pence. There'll be planeloads of us coming soon. America's number one sweetie and don't you forget it
evil/evil/evil. Hang these people high that do this to healthy people
I apologize.
What was I just looking at?
Dominant US ideology. American values. Biden's rules based international order. Young women or girls who think they are men and who have had their breasts surgically removed, who have had mastectomies even though there was nothing wrong with their breasts.
Some women have mastectomies because of cancer-related problems. It devastates a woman to lose her breasts. And here you have mentally ill women doing it as a choice to be more man-like! Breast cancer victims only wish they didn't have to do such a thing.