II've come to understand that yes indeed they know what they're doing...and are working with and or in a compartmental capacity, that they TRULY UNDERSTAND THEY ARE CULLING THE HUMAN RACE.

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We know that these “vaccines” don’t vaccinate. We know that their business model is to sell as many boosters as they can. We know the political model is to control as much as they can.

The solution is simple. May require some sacrifices but in the big picture they are short and mild. Stop listening, stop complying, stop obeying.

The house of cards tumbles.

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Plenty of inept idiots to be sure, but behind those, they know exactly what they are doing - otherwise it would have been halted by now. And instead, going after babies. Don't cut them any slack.

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Not moronic. Not inept. This is deliberate malfeasance and mass murder.

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Kary Mullins was right about Fauci and the gang.

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They're not failing at anything. This is a resounding success for them. Actually, probably running a little too slowly.

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I'm sorry - I really think they know exactly what their doing. Just handy that there is latitude in genocide .

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Paul, I appreciate the outrage and the information. But . . . I don't accept that at the top, there are "moronic inept idiots." Just look around. If you want to know the intent, look around. There are moronic followers. But I don't see that this was engineered by M.I.I.'s (moronic inept idiots.)

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No. Mens Rea. No mistakes. No ignorance. And quite a bit of encouragement from the Congressional-Lobbyist-Bio-War swamp.

The mystery is how is it possible you do not know? Why would you think this to be an accident? The news first came out on June 25, 2021 on a Spanish television show. El Gato al Agua, a current affairs show hosted by José Javier Esparza broke the news that toxic nanoparticulates of graphene oxide have been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer vaccine analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna, a small group of Spanish researchers headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano. Dr. Delgado states that the nanographene oxide creates thrombogenicity or blood-clotting in the veins, compromises the immune system, causes bilateral pneumonia, causes loss of smell and taste, causes multi-organ inflammation and essentially creates all the symptoms attributed early in the pandemic rollout to COVID- 19. https://www.laquintacolumna.info/noticias/uruguay-is-stepping-foward-judge-request-the-presidency-the-health-public-ministry-and-pfizer-all-the-information-and-data-from-covid-vaccines/

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They are going to push this until there aren't enough lamp posts

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Are serial killers for hire "moronic" and "inept"? No one called Stalin "inept" when he targeted and exterminated 10 million innocent citizens.

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It’s glaringly obvious they have declared genocide on earth. No fancy language from me. We have always known you vaccinate before you go overseas, not when you get there. Except now the vaccines are neither safe or effective, so no is vaccination available.

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Paul, I have noticed you still don't acknowledge that we are witnessing an intended global genocide and the participants, motivated by greed, like government agencies, "experts", doctors and hospitals are complicit

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Are they really so inept? Is this all incompetence? Or is this a planned eugenics program?

One has to ask these questions, bc it is beyond incompetence. This was planned long ago and is being carried out by Big Pharma to deal with who they call “the useless eaters”.

Bill Gates discusses his eugenics openly, while Klaus Schwab speaks of having infiltrated many cabinets. One cannot keep ignoring the planned “eugenics” elephant in the room.

There are conspiracy theories and then there are legitimate conspiracy facts, where one has to be a coincidence theorist to ignore the elephant. Just as correlation may not be classed as causation.

Eventually, you have to go if you give out shots which seem to be poisoning people, maybe it is intentional. Especially when Gates speaks regularly about population control.

Now if we can finally agree about the first part, now who are they poisoning? Those who are promising athletes, those skilled pilots those of colour and you make your own assessments, but this needs to be looked at.

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Well, yes. That's their plan.


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