And more will die as a consequence of these bioweapons. Not just sportsmen but the general public. People are dropping like never before. In my 60 yrs I never witnessed anyone dropping dead. Now they are dropping dead in the mall, the street, the sports field. At weddings or just in their beds at 3am in the morning. Thank God I had the sense to see through the BS and stayed unvaxxed.

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Three elderly friends, heart attacks and dead. All in one 24 hr period of time.

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Wow, That is truly astonishing. So sad. Unfortunately I think it is only the beginning.

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Sorry for your loss Mary Ann.

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What part of the world?

Or spread out?

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Julia Samuel: The 8 Pillars of Strength for Grief


so sorry

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Yes but now we all have the deadly toxins in us, from the transmission of the toxins from the jabbed to those of us not jabbed. We have the toxins anyway from shedding/transmission. They are walking bioweapons and the shots have done exactly the opposite of what the pool fools were told. THEY are now the contagious ones, to stay away from. But with billions injected it is impossible. Get on a plane or a bus or train? And you are elbow to elbow with the toxins oozzing out of every pour in their skin, every breath is toxic. If they ever figure it out and come to realize this horrible truth they are going to be mad. But Brain fog is setting in their frontal lobes and actually destroying their brains like a chemical lobotomy dumbing them down to be docile but some are getting more agrressive too. Zombies on steroids world wide now.

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I don't think that someone who's been jabbed a long time ago (say, 1 year ago) is shedding anything but in the early phase yes it's a huge problem.

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Horrifying. FEMA actually has zombie warnings on their website.

Revelations on steroids. Tighten your Bible Belt. It’s coming.

John 14:6

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We are glad you had the sense , but it wasn’t really rocket science !

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These numbers show just how powerful and demonic the mainstream medias’ and all vax proponents’ grip is over the willing idiots out there. I think the only way back to reality is true accountability. What has happened cannot be buried in any sort of “amnesty”

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Sadness 😢heartbroken

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Among the freedom fighter movement...one of most oft used phrases I have read or heard is this one.

" I am definitely not antivax. Just anti this vax."

Who has not heard that 300 times in the past two years?

Well...I am anti-vax...so in that sense I am not a part of your tribe.

Here is my question to all you pro-vaxxers.

The mRNA coding will become part of all jabs in the future. I am sure it is already true with many even today..if only in the livestock realm.

Will you continue to be pro-vax at that point?

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I quit a lucrative, Sr. Director position in 2021, because a LUNATIC Israeli CEO demanded the entire company be double jabbed, as he was. Embarrassed him publicly, on a "Leadership" Zoom call, then resigned. These athletes are either gullible, or sell outs. No sympathy for either flaw.

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Good for you.

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Typo? I think you meant 2021?

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Thank you! I have to stop posting at 4 am! :-)

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As we support the shots by our silence. As we shop and put $5lb butter in our carts, two isles over at the inhouse pharmacy someone is getting injected with a bioweapon. We are supporting this with our silence and allowing it to happen. Why are we all allowing death sites in our communities? At every CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Ralphs Grocery, clinics, etc these are death sites. Please get it going viral to go to these places and DEMAND they stop the shots. Tell them you do not want a death site in your neighborhood. leaave a packet of Data and information with links, include the Nuremberg Code , tell them they are not just doing their job, that did not fly at Nuremberg, tell them they are responsible for crimes against humanity. Ignornance does not excuse those doing the injecting. They are murderers.

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Hmmm. Athletes? Peak physical condition? Young? Are they the real target of the jabs? Maybe a subgroup? Who? MMA fighters? If not MMA fighters then who? Who could Biden have been targeting with the jabs? Gee, I can't figure it out. Obviously Biden wants to strengthen the US with these jabs. Maybe he wants to strengthen the US Olympic rifle team? Whose interest is he serving? America's obviously. Joe's close to China. He's offered the mRNA jabs to China. They've refused them! What's going on?

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""Obviously Biden wants to strengthen the US with these jabs"?. am sorry what do you mean by this? Biden is in on the depopulation agenda obviously, The Department of Defense is in charge of the Covid 19 Bioweapon they term a 'counter-measure" Operation Warp Speed, to kill off as many soldiers, and citizens as possible. To usher in the W.H.O treaties and International Health agreements destroying all Freedom, to make people into Zombies with AI. This is the goal of the psychopaths. Have you demanded at your local pharmacy they stop the bioweapon shots?

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You've figured it out!

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A dedicated team of international volunteers have been sleuthing the ‘Athlete health issues’ globally and documenting them at goodsciencing.com, with links to articles and obituaries. Real Science has b

A team 1773 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1229 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection


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270! No wonder I couldn't keep my list updated. FYI - Idaho is making it a crime for anyone to administer mRNA vaccines to anyone. 49 more states to go.

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