End the CDC and the NIH and replace them with NOTHING. The US constitution does not provide for or justify the creation and maintenance of a health or research agency

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I used to believe governments provide important, useful services. Now, it's obvious they are not essential, but are dangerous systems of death and subjugation. They are fueled by people wanting to believe that they live in a system that is good - a mass delusion.

Governments must be restricted to the greatest extent possible. All responsibilities must be localized, down to the individual if possible. If not, then to the smallest possible community.

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Oh Im so proud of you

The State ( government) is the greatest enemy of mankind

Read Rothbard

“Anatomy of the state”


Conceived in liberty




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We are going to have to be extra strong. It’s sometimes not easy. This evil is so deep but God’s love is deeper. It is time for accountability and jail for the perpetrators. The CDC etc has to be burnt to the ground to be replaced by a beautiful Memorial Park. Lest we forget.

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Stay above the smaller battles, this is part of a Totalitarian Takeover. They are collapsing the society to take control.

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I'll have to respectfully disagree with you Dr. Paul; their actions were intentional and criminal. As Sage Hannah says: they've been trying to kill us for a while. I'll die happy if I live to see them at the end of a noose. These are megalomaniac men with a god-complex and need to be destroyed.

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Apology too little, too late. How to put back together all the families & friendships broken by these liars & their asymptomatic spread fear porn.

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Covid is one of the adverse effects listed on the Pfizer data dump so they are lying right there!

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I am not comforted by this latest plot twist. I just read the NYTimes' take on this.... the info being pushed out to the public is that the CDC should not have been "confusing" with their early mask guidance; according to the NYT, we should have been wearing masks all along, and not discouraged from wearing them due to concerns that medical settings would "run out of masks." (in other words, masks worked then, and they work now -- we know this is a lie).

Trump is also blamed, for downplaying the seriousness of COVID,, for being against lockdowns, and for pushing ineffective treatments. Translation: COVID-19 was a deadly "novel" virus that kills indiscriminately! more lockdowns! Ivermectin and HCQ do not work (instead, take the pfizer shot and pill!), and fear more!!!!

Additionally, the "fragmented" system of individual states' responses is to blame, according to the CDC.... in other words, we need full-on federal tyranny powers and abolish states' rights to govern themselves during any sort of manufactured pandemic.

Finally, the CDC says that the U.S. was "reactive, not proactive" -- I take this to mean more $$$ for pandemic preparedness, pushing of the next bad thing, with more coordinated lies and tyranny.

One might say the CDC is doubling down because they are afraid of being caught. This is undeniably true; however, they still have the mouthpiece to the public and I gauge this by how my family members, friends, community, employer is reacting to this news. They are still pushing the jab, and they still don't want to hear a word I have to say that will break the spell.

One bright spot is that vaccine uptake is down and many people are not interested in wearing masks. Many of my jabbed friends are not fearful of unvaccinated people, as they used to be. But we need to wait and see how many people fall for the reformulated Fall jab, to see how many have really woken up.

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Thanks for this NYTimes article heads up! Sometimes their headlines sound like things are looking up, but, not really when news pages are used as propaganda space. NYTimes purveyed weapons-of-mass-destruction fear porn to cause the invasion of Iraq. And this covid fraud continues unchecked every time the NYTimes surrenders its pages to twist the truth.

Again, thanks for your summary.

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Isn’t the remaining statement the mRNA does not interact with DNA also incorrect?

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Do you think monkeypox is a result of VAIDS?

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Is it true Wallensky has just been given more powers? How on earth is this possible, she is….. well I will not go there.

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Why REBUILD??? CDC is a public-private partnership, It is Not an entirely Government Agency!!! It had Private Funding and Owners....... Big Pharma????

Speaking of Big Pharma........ This is the most TOTAL Brainwashing in the USSA, long before the VaXXXing.


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The “law” is being used against us. I’m not sure anything can be done about any of this. Copied comment from another stack:

“Brook Jackson's whistleblower lawsuit specifically targets Pfizer for fraud. Their response in the case does not deny fraud. It instead says the feds knew about the fraud, and is complicit because the government hasn't prosecuted. They also list legislation (for the DoD tied to HHS) that allows the use of the general public for medical experimentation without informed consent. Unless the government is kicked right in their racketeering gonads, and hard, lawsuits aren't going to be much help due to the legislation allowing the public to be treated as guinea pigs.”

So what the heck can we do about any of this? The newsmedia sure isn’t interested in letting people know they are just guinea pigs.

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If the CDC insists the clot shots don’t enter the cell nucleus and reprogram DNA, why in all Pfizer and Moderna data submissions they are referred to as “gene therapy” products?

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They were incompetent on purpose. So evil & now more power.

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Only in government is complete and utter failure rewarded with more authority and more money.

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