Yes, this is the question that is never discussed: what exactly is the emergency that is purportedly being addressed?

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Steve Kirsch has written that he has a source in the CDC. His source told him that anyone who was against (or even agnostic about) the Covid vaccines was forced out, reassigned or quit the agency. That leaves only the true believers.

If you think that it’s hard to convince the vaccinated true believers that they were wrong, try convincing the people who approved of (and in some cases profited from) the vaccines that THEY were wrong...... not gonna happen.

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I don't believe these people are mere believers. They are accomplices.

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It was fairly obvious very early on that there was an agenda behind all of this that had literally *nothing* to do with public health. Now it has only become more painfully so to many more. So one could argue "they" were not *wrong*, rather they were carrying out the plan for quite specific objectives, depopulation chief among them. in addition to massive profiteering. As for pushing the nonsense narrative that the children need protection and thus should absolutely be getting jabbed, that too is part of the depop strategy but it goes well beyond the current generation and is designed to ensure infertility, the depop long game if you will. The cover story, parroted so willingly & unanimously by the media in lockstep with all the corrupt/captured agencies, enabled the greatest crime ever committed against humanity to be carried out with impunity. Not disagreeing with you Mark, just elaborating re my take in a more macro sense of things. :o

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Not only the CDC. They also have hushed up or gotten rid of dissenters in many fields - cops, firefighters, doctors, nurses, armed services, university professors, newscasters.

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The media purge started back during the Obama years. Massive layoffs of longtime credentialed journalists who were replaced with recent grads fresh out of the university journalism indoctrination programs that are heavily funded by Bill Gates.

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My bf and I were both terminated as deputy sheriffs. Me, after 23 years of service, and him after 17 years of service.

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Wow! That must have hurt! But hey, do you really want to be around recently jabbed, shedding people? Maybe it was for the best? Have you found other work?

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I retired three years early! It’s all good! It was a gift from God!

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Awesome! Congratulations!

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Have we forgotten that the CDC statistics indicated that less thasn .1% of our children are at risk, and with the proper medical treatment early most will survive. Medicine has lost their moral compass because of the almighty dollar! Death by Medicine is now the number one cause of death in the world! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/death-by-medicine

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Trust the $cience.

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They're murderers. That's the data they're looking at. What best supports this goal. Period.

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Blunt. Truthful.

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Dr Alexander : Look at this: PFizer fraud: here is the original PFizer document that was submitted to the FDA for that EUA approval for the mRNA jab.


look at the LAST page (28) in the section that starts in bold

"Assays for assessment of immunogenicity endpoints"

The beginning of second paragraph in this section reads

"Data demonstrating the ability of the modified COVID-19 vaccine to induce a

neutralizing antibody response are needed, as a scientific matter. "

What this means in non-orwellian English is that they have no information about whether or not the shot will be neutralizing ; meaning stop infection spread and transmission.


THis story just broke where a pfizer exec admitted to the euro-parliament that they didnt study it.

Tucker Carlson coverd it on Tuesday .

But what these people are MISSING is this: The pfzier admission said that they didnt study it because they were in a RUSH. "we had to move at the speed of science' said this pfizer executive in her appearance before the euro union gov.

BUT Pfizier has been studying and making vaccines for decades. covid is a respiratory infection and in order to have a sterlilzing immune response your body has to make the specific IgA type of antibodies which are specific to the mucosal skin in the nose and throat and lungs. A shot WILL NOT DO THIS.

In fact there is a disease found in chickens called Mareks disease and other respiratory infections of food animals and various groups have tried to create effective vaccines for these aninal illnesses and they have all failed.

SO my point is that Pfizer had to have known, they must have known that this shot would probably not created mucosal secretory IgA immunity that would facilitate herd immunity. But in this line at the END of their EUA submission, they intentionally buried this fact at the end and dismissed it in an of the cuff comment... " as a scientific matter", like it was not urgent or important to know right now.

When in fact the ability of the jab to create sterilizing immunity was the KEY to everything. It was they justification for all the coercion.

I would assert that PFizer knew this and minimized it and made it appear non-urgent

Their statement comes across as professional and scientific when really its just cover for a massive fraud.

THey knew the shot would not stop infection but they sold it and pushed it anyway b/c they knew that the population would require endless boosters and other drugs like paxlovid.

ITs the greatest fraud in human history

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I posted this above, and am assuming it is correct.......(?)

Four Amigos: Pfizer, Gates, Fosun (CCP), BioNTech

It appears the the crap "Biologics" in question have been made, are being made, by these four partners. Their crap Biologics products are shipped DIRECTLY to DOD. DOD TAKES POSSESSION of and OWNS these products UNTIL THEY ARE INJECTED INTO A PERSON. Sasha Latypova


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Exactly….any airborn virus usually enters the human body via the nasal and lung pathway….NOT into the bloodstream which bypasses the first responders to any virus….congratulates to the idiot who thought this was a good idea….overwhelm the body with something a thousand times more invasive…and ignore the body count…shite for brains science.

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if the shot was devleoped in a rush and they thought that it would create a blood or serum antibody boost that would protect against severe disease and hospitalization in at risk people, then great! If thats what it actually did and that was the goal , then thats the information that should have been presented with an adult transparent discussion about the limitations , lack of knowledge and potiential for unknown and serious side effects. But instead we got coercion, venal vindictive politically driven brutality!

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The big money will be made when these jab’s make it onto the Childhood Vaccine Schedule. That’s the goal. Liability goes away permanently when that happens.

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It appears.

Everything must go away... All of it.

It's either we win or they win. They want us mostly all dead.

Money is means to an end.

Our enemies print our money.... An easy way to bring in communism

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When are we going to accept that the only explanation for all of this is pure evil? Nothing else makes sense at this point.

I am just a high-school educated 56 year old woman who has read everything I could get my hands on about covid and the "vaccines" and even I can understand the science better than all of these doctors and scientists that continue to push this evil agenda.

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This is horrendous, they know they're killing kids and don't care. We have to do more to warn more parents about this evil agenda, I just don't know what more we can do. One good thing is Canadians are pretty much turned off these jabs, hopefully no one will get their kids jabbed, one can hope.

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What do you mean that Canadians are motly turned off of the jabs?

Where do you live or what is your source?

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The new boosters

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We see again and again there’s no ‘off-switch to this rollout. How many court actions are in play to suspend these injections?

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The judiciary is patchy at best. Any Obama appointees will be on board with Biden. Many prosecutors are Soros funded. Juries can be hand-picked or are tainted, as in D.C.

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Are these the same experimental mRNA boosters that were “tested” on a total of only eight mice? So the jab givers make sure to let their subjects know this, before injecting the poison into their “victims”, right? Informed Consent and all...

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I read that 10-15 million people in the US have gotten this shot. I’m just amazed.

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How can we stop the Harmacide today?

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This has to stop. What has to happen for this to stop? I’m truly asking .... whatever it is we need it to happen NOW. They are not listening, so many families destroyed. Yes we need all the names from government corruption, medical tyrants, and the pedo files of groomers from the Epstein/Weinstein/and the trend to mutilate our children and hyper-sexualize them. They must be tried for crimes against humanity..... and if found guilty made an example of Globally.

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To willfully and knowingly sanction the use of an untested vaccine into the arms of children with a better innate immune system than older adults in order to safeguard them from an infection they have no danger from, (no child has been proven to have died from Covid itself) (but many have died post vaccine) completely baffles our best scientists (Fauci is not one of them)…but to do it now the danger has passed, no pandemic exists…is downright criminal.Each member of the CDC and FDA AND NIH should be put on notice that this is illegal…and prosecutions will follow against those who chose to ignore science and safety…in order to gain profit….imho this far out ranks anything a pedophile could achieve.

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In a sane world. Which this is not.

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Insanity It Is; to Give and Take the Jab by ANYONE. Bio-Warfare, Live or Die are the risky options.

Do What You Will. Just spare me the Tears and the gushing Thoughts and Prayers.

Please have the dignity to just die off, it's not like the unvaxxxed are immune from eventual body death either.

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The Groomer-19 Vaccine

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