it's the vaccine, stupid, NOT the virus! we know that mRNA gene based technology injections place the virus spike antigen under sub-optimal population immune SELECTIVE pressure & variants then EMERGE
There are no variants, clades or any other types of Sub clade viruses this is all made up bullshit and lies in my opinion!!! They can’t even isolate the original virus but we are supposed to believe that weekly they can find the top 10 sub variants now infecting EVERY so called infected person that tests positive with a PCR test that isn’t supposed to be used to detect the Covid virus!!! C’mon man do they think we are that stupid??? Yes they do!!! And unfortunately the sheeple, mostly the left wing liberal looney tooners, out there in La La Land who eat this 100% false and misleading bull shit up, follow these bloviated numbers like a good Ol’ Southern Boy Redneck follows the Saturday College Game Day Football Scores!!!
Until the people realize that everything they are telling them is a lie, from the myriad sub clades and variants, to the PCR test results to the safe and effective bioweapon clot shots and that masks and six feet safe works, they will continue to spew out and promote this weekly bull shit!!! I swear if the NIH and CDC told me the sky was blue and grass was green I would still go outside and look just to make sure that is how much I don’t trust anything those bastards tell me!!!
Amen brother! May I call you brother? Because they've told me you could be a girl in which case over mis-pronouned you and should be jailed for the rest of my life. 😉
All this scariant talk is nothing more than these criminals providing cover for all the damage being done by the BIOWEAPON they scared and cooerced people into taking!
How can these psychopaths talk with a straight face about "Covid Variants" when there is documented evidence the putative "Sars-Cov-2" virus doesn't exist, never existed in the first place?
Scaredemic 2, will be an issue for the multi boosted. Mentally and physically. It will be an even bigger issue for them after they’re triple boosted, starting in mid September.
There is growing evidence that, just as SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of the infected cell and be expressed as chimeric transcripts fusing viral with cellular sequences, so too may vaccinal modRNA be reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome. Spike production may never stop. Prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 is being increasingly linked to subsequent diabetes, heart disease, dementia and turbocancers. There is also growing evidence that links the vaccinal spike to all of these conditions. It is also increasingly evident that it is the non-sterilizing vaccines that are driving the evolution of new variants. All of this was foreseeable from the beginning. The virus itself was develooed at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during Biden's vice presidency. The Bidens then, through Rosemont Seneca, funded experimentation with the virus in Ukranuan biolabs before timing the release of the virus in Wuhan to coincide with Impeachment Hoax 1. None of what happened has happened by accident. Biden and the US Dems and the RINOS who serve them have a lot to answer for.
There are no variants, clades or any other types of Sub clade viruses this is all made up bullshit and lies in my opinion!!! They can’t even isolate the original virus but we are supposed to believe that weekly they can find the top 10 sub variants now infecting EVERY so called infected person that tests positive with a PCR test that isn’t supposed to be used to detect the Covid virus!!! C’mon man do they think we are that stupid??? Yes they do!!! And unfortunately the sheeple, mostly the left wing liberal looney tooners, out there in La La Land who eat this 100% false and misleading bull shit up, follow these bloviated numbers like a good Ol’ Southern Boy Redneck follows the Saturday College Game Day Football Scores!!!
Until the people realize that everything they are telling them is a lie, from the myriad sub clades and variants, to the PCR test results to the safe and effective bioweapon clot shots and that masks and six feet safe works, they will continue to spew out and promote this weekly bull shit!!! I swear if the NIH and CDC told me the sky was blue and grass was green I would still go outside and look just to make sure that is how much I don’t trust anything those bastards tell me!!!
Amen brother! May I call you brother? Because they've told me you could be a girl in which case over mis-pronouned you and should be jailed for the rest of my life. 😉
Imagine that, the CDC removed their post.
FK them.
All this scariant talk is nothing more than these criminals providing cover for all the damage being done by the BIOWEAPON they scared and cooerced people into taking!
The only real variant is XBS-24-7
I heard about a new variant while listening to a Catherine Austin Fitz interview…BS.24/7
Always behind the Curve, never creating a " Vaccine" to treat the present illnesses. Just $$$ for the Vax makers...
Biden should be on the list of bioterrorist. The hissing snake telling the stupids to get the shot.
How can these psychopaths talk with a straight face about "Covid Variants" when there is documented evidence the putative "Sars-Cov-2" virus doesn't exist, never existed in the first place?
Proper name for all variants and subvariants is:
It's a HOAX!!!! It's always been a HOAX!
Scaredemic 2, will be an issue for the multi boosted. Mentally and physically. It will be an even bigger issue for them after they’re triple boosted, starting in mid September.
Boost em up quickly!
"vaccine that is ineffective, deadly, and not needed"
Who would need a vactine [Brandon's word] that is ineffective and deadly?
The answer is obvious: if you think you can gain power or wealth by pushing the vactine, then you think it is needed.
There is growing evidence that, just as SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of the infected cell and be expressed as chimeric transcripts fusing viral with cellular sequences, so too may vaccinal modRNA be reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome. Spike production may never stop. Prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 is being increasingly linked to subsequent diabetes, heart disease, dementia and turbocancers. There is also growing evidence that links the vaccinal spike to all of these conditions. It is also increasingly evident that it is the non-sterilizing vaccines that are driving the evolution of new variants. All of this was foreseeable from the beginning. The virus itself was develooed at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during Biden's vice presidency. The Bidens then, through Rosemont Seneca, funded experimentation with the virus in Ukranuan biolabs before timing the release of the virus in Wuhan to coincide with Impeachment Hoax 1. None of what happened has happened by accident. Biden and the US Dems and the RINOS who serve them have a lot to answer for.