i never understood the "stays in your arm" nonsense. what? is there a little box in your arm? i've had enough injections (and given myself some) to know that the body has a little something called "circulation." it's a pretty basic principle and sort of guarantees that what goes in the arm doesn't stay in the arm

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Yep. They think that we are just as stupid as they are corrupt.

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They "judge others by themselves", big time!

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You mean it's not Las Vegas?

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That's because you are not stupid.

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ever give yourself an injection of magnesium chloride? i have- lots for asthma. i've also had IV drips of magnesium for the same thing. an intramuscular shot of magnesium can open up your lungs within seconds. funny how that works- the needle went into your glut muscle but somehow the stuff got to your lungs in no time. same with an IV. you can feel your lungs getting hot- in a good way.

if you step on a tiny shard of glass and you don't get it out right away, it can start traveling around and maybe your doctor takes it out at your knee.

where did they get this notion that things stay in place? ok, your organs stay put but everything else moves around. when i heard that- “it stays in your arm"- all those months ago, i thought it was the dumbest claim ever, like they didn't understand the most basic thing about the way the body functions.

i mean, what would happen if it stayed in your arm? how would that work? it's a liquid suspension. they inject it into your muscle. does it just stall there? does it encapsulate? turn into a marble? fall out of an open wound? does it absorb into your body because if that's the case, it would still get into your circulation. does it evaporate? seriously, how would that even be possible?

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It's supposed to drain into lymphatic system. But if that's the case, it's possible to drain elsewhere if needle isn't aspirated properly etc..

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But draining into the lymphatic system is not the same thing as staying in the arm. And the lymphatic system is a circulatory network. So I still have to wonder, how is this supposed to work?

I asked the health coach at my doctor’s over a year ago what they thought of the Covid vaccines. My BF really wanted the honest opinion of a medical person.

At that point, the practice had already seen two odd miscarriages and one 69 year old patient who’s menstrual cycle started up again.

The health coach is a former ER nurse from a major teaching hospital who had become disillusioned with medicine and got trained as a functional practitioner.

She said “these things are messing with women’s hormones. We aren’t recommending them.” Time has only added to the problems she observed

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I’m a type 1 diabetic and give myself injections of insulin in my abdomen- a tiny amount - with a tiny needle and within minutes my blood sugar drops ..... hmmmmm

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They're not dumb, they think we are. They think everyone on the planet is woke. Woke to what I'm not sure. I translate it as stupid: With Out Knowledge Ever

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there were some people, like mountain bike racer kyle warner, who noted immediately upon injection a metallic taste in his mouth followed by devastating side effects

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Brought to you by Pfizer.

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ah! ah! that says it all.

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Bad faith would be to say it nicely. Lying, murdering bastards would be more accurate.

A few lone souls will say something. This should be screaming across all media outlets. But they are propaganda arm of the cult

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Those edits constitute proof that the CDC knows exactly how bad the ‘vaccines’ are. They should have been but were not withdrawn.

I call that ‘smoking gun’ evidence of malfeasance on the part of officials at the CDC which should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


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The bit about not affecting DNA is also a lie. The mRNA from the toxxine is indeed reverse transcribed into human DNA, as you pointed out yourself:


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That will be the next one quietly deleted. Pretty soon there will be no bullet points under that heading on the CDC site, then the heading will disappear as well. Stalinism.

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All you need to do is look at the list of who is in charge of the Covid vaccine genocide and of course Rochelle Paula Walensky is on there. WHO IS BEHIND THE INTERNATIONAL PUSH TO MAIM, INJURE AND KILL HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE? https://www.bitchute.com/video/TD4Vuk3jMXca/

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A bit difficult now I’m emailing this everywhere, I gather you are too.

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The mRNA is injected intramuscularly and is supposed to drain into the lymphatic system. But the mRNA can enter the circulatory system and the cells lining the blood vessel walls. There it produces the spike protein causing inflammation and clotting.

If not picked up by the endothelial cells, It can go to other areas of the body that the natural virus never could. For instance, the heart vessel, brain vessels, colon vessels where it causes your immune system to attack the cells producing the spike.

This is the autoimmune disease that causes inflammation all over the body organs: endotheliitis, ulcerative colitis, myocarditis, etc. The scientist playing with this mRNA platform were as ignorant as those scientists who were working with radioactive elements.

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They were lying then and they're lying now. Do they think it doesn't count as a lie if their fingers are crossed behind their backs? Repulsive creatures masquerading as "doctors" and "scientists."

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Didn't I just see that the ATF did the same with some gun data?

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And they still lie

No one knows how long the spike protein remains in the body

Increasingly I suspect for ever, as I further suspect was fully intended

It’s genocide and no technical debate with superb science will have any effect on these murderers.

Piano wire and lamposts might.

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The jabs can't cause Covid infection? Yet Covid infection immediately following the shot is the number one reported effect that happens within the first 2 weeks. (Hmm. Just like the shingles shot.) And those Covid cases get shoved into the 'unvaccinated' category for propaganda purpose. The jabs can't alter DNA? Yet there it is in spades - mRNA entering nucleus and polyploid DNA is the result.

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According to Whitney Webb, this is a DoD run operation. Has been from the get go and all agencies are doing what they are ordered to do. No defense to be sure, though makes you wonder what kind of pressures or threats are being applied.

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Well. Anything that has a 3-letter acronym is working for the dark side. And the dark side doesn't like light ... So they will try to extinguish it.

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Aren't there reputable studies that dispute the nucleus statement also?

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And these remaining are still LIES. It can cause other viruses to re-emerge- Shingles, EBV, and I have heard/seen more mono in one year than in 10! It can cause gene expression changes and IS- REDUCED suppression of cancers! LIARS.

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