This is all too stupid to be stupid. This is deliberate. They hate us and have been trying to kill us, in the most organized, ingenious, gaslit cocktail of methods possible.

It sucks, but recognizing this is the only possible way out for humanity.

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An increase in the suicide rate is to be expected among teenagers who are forced to get a poison injection, wear an idiotic mask and be sequestered away from their friends. They have been poisoned and tortured by society. What else can we expect? Their parents should be prosecuted for allowing the politicians to put their children in that position

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CAGW propaganda may have something to do with it.

Perhaps, just perhaps, telling young girls having children will be bad for the planet, they themselves, are bad for the planet, may dampen their enthusiasm for life.

But, I'm no 'expert'.

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Shocking. A cost of the war on women (female humans, for any Demoncrats). Shocking statistics, though given the source (CDC) I hesitate to trust it blindly. Unquestionable is the damage rippling out from insane policies over recent years, the mental health costs growing daily.

But it is easy to see how we got here.

24/7 fear p0rn about everything as part of the psyops. Climate change as an existential threat. Doomp0rn about overpopulation. Diminishing the role of women, erasing elements of that role.

Poisons injected from the day of birth. A poisoning that never stops.

Indoctrination that also never stops, so pervasive that most have to withdraw for self-preservation. Or to be turned and absorbed by the Borg as every media message bludgeons the masses into their killbox.

Future prospects turned to dust by criminal policies from both sides of politics.

Unaffordable everything.

Where is the hope for a young woman? Or man? To simply find work and grow a family?

The older generation, those puppets who appear to control Power, have stolen their children's' futures. While their parents have been running on their treadmills like hamsters.

Rather than prepare them for the challenges to come they have been handicapped and set for slaughter. Casualties of a silent war spanning generations.

These outcomes are not a bug, they are a feature of the Satanic system which dominates every lever of Power.

The rampant drug prescriptions are a part of it. For those who can't accept the programming. Or those already damaged by the process.

Just more elements of the war on families.


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They were tortured by nonstop fear porn from the medical community in concert with gas lighting from the media 24/7, the government and the politicians.

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I wonder if teenage boys, who identify as teenage girls, are feeling the same? Gee, things are getting so complicated, yet ironically, so ludicrously simple.

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If you recall, when Greta Thunberg was going around saying "how dare you!" , they were telling the young people they only had 12 more years and it was our fault, and they were trying to convince them it's ok to commit suicide. Now you have AI trying to convince people to commit suicide for the good of the planet. AI is very dangerous. AI wants to take over.. we cannot allow it.

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These evils only care about themselves like demons of destruction atheist communists

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I appreciate you continuing to speak Truth to Power on this extinction attempt.

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As a grandmother (once a teenage girl) - with three daughters, two daughters in law and five grand daughters - I’ve noticed a trend. I agree with harm of the lockdowns and all. The dehumanizing aspects were massive. Many children of both sexes became suicidal.

Girls specifically have been under attack politically for my lifetime and beyond. Too many ways to identify in this comment but recently politically motivated attacks on women and families are legendary. The transgender movement is key here. What value remains in being female if society mocks and rejects everything about you? Not to mention the role of the vaccines in destroying womens reproductive physiology. This is some of it.

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It’s worse than troubling .......it’s sad

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Please think about how it occurred spontaneously that 196 nations ALL on the same day announced the pandemic and put forth all of those draconian measures. How is this possible without huge pre-planning and via a communications system we likely do not know of?? Is ET involved?? Off planet entities seeking a new planet and humanity sold out by its alleged leaders...?

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Veganism and the Standard American Diet may be huge factors in the trend, plus the influences of the LGBT-CIA/FBI+ community.

See the work of Dr. Chris Palmer at https://www.chrispalmermd.com/

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Leftists and wokists see no need for girls, since there are plenty of men who can become girls or become women.

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"We have over a Million Missing Babies in Europe, and birthrates are down 15-20% in Western nations, and staying that way. Miscarriages and baby deaths including heart attacks and myocarditis are at the highest recorded level in history"

(30 min mark, interview 1)

Bannon's Dream Team. 3500 Expert Volunteers Uncover Auschwits-dwarfing Crimes against Humanity.


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