Vaccine Trials, A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" Haas found "significantly more AEs were reported in vaccine groups compared with placebo groups"; so what is CDC talking about?
We have known since the start that CDC was in bed with Big Pharma. They pay very well for people to lie and or turn their heads and eyes away from the truth. Then add on this administration giving all parties HUGE amounts of money to push the shots and there you go. Why would the CDC listen to anyone or look at the murders and disabilities that was happening all around them. That would take away their windfalls. No, it was better to lie and keep lying, since there was no liability!! That was key. Except in MEDICAL FRAUD CASES LIKE THIS ONE, THEY ARE ALL GOING DOWN!
No they're not. They will never, EVER, be arrested, or held to account. 😱
Can you appreciate just how huge this scandal truly is? We're talking DECADES of malfeasance, incompetence, deliberate fraud and obstruction of justice going all the way to the beginnings of so-called vaccine research.
• The 1918 so-called "Spanish Flu" pandemic – actually largely caused by aspirin overdose.
• The mis-attribution of the cause of polio: It was not caused by a virus, but by pesticides. How many millions paralysed?
• The fulminating catastrophe of autism. In the 1960s there were 5 childhood immunizations. Rates of autism were 1 in 10,000. Fast-forward to today, it’s something like 70 immunizations. Autism rates are something like 1 in 40; soon slated to be 1 in 3 for girls and 1 in 2 for boys. The connection to vaccination is by now undeniable but you will NEVER see an admission of any kind, for obvious reasons.
• The granting of full indemnity from liability to the drug companies in 1986 by all Western Governments – you take a vaccine, sustain an injury? Tough luck. You can’t sue. We’re not talking aches and pains here. We’re talking blindness, deafness, paralysis, sometimes total, massive autoimmune diseases, cancers and of course, deaths.
• The AIDS fraud of the 1980s, of which “Covid-19” is a virtual repeat. The cause of so-called AIDS wasn’t “HIV”; it was “drug addiction” in the form of Amyl Nitrate, but it gave Tony Fauci the excuse he needed to foist the incredibly toxic and useless-for-intended-purpose AZT on millions of men. In the end, AIDS wasn’t “HIV”... it was “AZT.” Millions died. My brother was one; he died at 43, blind, emaciated, unable to move.
• Not to mention the AIDS fraud in Africa, which had nothing to do with what was going on in The West. Millions more died, basically of criminal negligence.
Those are just some of the examples of the catastrophes over the last 100+ years that can be laid at Orthodox Medicine's and Big Pharma's doorsteps. There are dozens of others. If the truth were ever to come out America and probably most other countries would be shaken to their foundations, Western Medicine will be permanently discredited. Meanwhile the FDA, the CDC, the AMA, the WHO, along with the UN? These are all criminal gangs which must be shut down, their principals apprehended. Now you see why nothing will happen.
Here's three books and a documentary to get you started:
"The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality" by Harris L. Coulter. Very rare and very expensive.
"Turtles all the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" by Anonymous. When you read it you'll understand why the authors choose not to be named.
"Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" by Del Bigtree. You can find it on Bitchute, Rumble, Brighteon and I think Odysee.
I am sorry for the cruel loss of your brother. Even though it was long ago the current era must bring that pain back. You are spot on in everything you've said above.
Thank you... Paul passed in 1996... I just wish there was some way to get The Blue-Pilled Pinheads to see the nakedly obvious. But there isn't, and by now, what they need is not a Red Pill... But a Red Suppository, the size of a football, and forcefully administered. Hopefully they'll soon get one.
these meta analysis keep coming out and showing beyond a shadow of a doubt Govt Regulation Agencies are Rotten, absolutely rotten to the core... the good news is more and more Americans have stopped trusting the Govt and Big Pharma... Thank you Paul for your ceaseless work...! You are deeply appreciated..
I am hoping that you and your historical facts will be there to testify in the courtrooms of the world as to the crimes these freaks committed the last three years in particular. Thank you Dr. Paul!!
We never received full informed consent and still do not know what is in these horrible injections after 2 years. Could your doctor or medical facility provide informed consent? Hardly...the package inserts are all blank. This is standard operating procedure for big pharma. And my SOP is to avoid all big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections. Wouldn't you think that if these products were safe and effective as marketed they would have NO problems revealing the true nature of them? They don't because as usual they are hiding the truth and the FDA and CDC just ride the train all the way to the pot of gold.
We never received informed consent. Actually there was a military Doc who gave his men full informed consent and the great majority declined to take the heavy risk. And what a great idea, Let' s just hold Nuremberg 2 and tell them, hey as far as informed consent informed consent, we really, really mean it this time.
We have some idea. Check out Carrie Madej's investigations into GMO hydro vulgaris organisms contained in the injections, not to mention Graphene Oxide, Polythelyne Glycol, trillions of artificial spike proteins created with CRISPR technology, aborted fetal tissue, mercury in the form of the thimerosol preservative, aluminum, self-assembling AI nanotechnology particles... all sorts of toothsome tidbits, before you start getting into the "proprietary" patented ingredients of which they have to tell you ... not a damned thing...
Apparently the courts through FOIA have ordered Pfizer to release the data from the V-SAFE PROGRAM of 10 million people. It shows 18 MILLION ADVERSE EVENTS.
Won’t this be the shot heard around the world? Can you please cover this information on your sub stack?Thank you.
I have NEVER trusted the CDC for being trustworthy or ethical. They are an abysmal organization/entity/bureaucracy when it comes to how they promote poorly tested “quackcenes”.
How was the light turned on for me?
Back in the late 80’s the “recommendation” for my precious new baby in the state of “ILL”inois by the Dept of Health was 17 shots/inoculations in the first 22 months of my baby’s life! My dear Mom who always had tons of common sense & old-school wisdom said to me, “Why I wouldn’t do that to myself let alone a little baby!” And who gives the guidelines/recommendations to the DOH (Depts of Health)? The CDC! And who promotes the CDC & their “godlike” status & power? Why, the govt bureaucracies that & the media & the medical “system”, of course. Do not make excuses for them. Do not give them a pass. Shine the light of truth on their LIES & falsehoods. NEVER trust the CDC nor the FDA again. They are causing death, misery, destruction to millions of lives. If you go deeper you will find they provide cover for the DOD (Dept of Defense) & their malfeasance. It is a sordid tale.
And that precious baby - thankfully, very healthy all their life - no shots, no “quackcenes”, only a common cold once in awhile. The “safety & efficacy” of every one of the vaxxx “industry’s” products is a myth, a falsehood, a lie.
The first polio vaccine trials resulted in participants (children) getting polio and having lifelong paralysis. Polio was also a highly politicalized “pandemic” with the FDA regulating the type of testing observational vs placebo.
I doubt they are lying. We just assumed “safe” meant “safe for those who take it.”, and “effective” meant “effective against infection and transmission.” We just need to find “safe for whom?” And “effective against what?”
Because all they cared about is money, and the harm this attitude is doing still, I would like to see the money they made shown to them at the time of their execution and in front of their eyes given to those still alive that were harmed. I think at this point, because they are still pushing this insanity, all they deserve is the death sentence. I have never felt this way this long about anyone else that are Canadians or USA people. If these criminals don't follow the laws and change the laws to suit their evil agenda, why can't moral leaders do the same to save the people and intervene now? Just goes to show deep the swamp really is.
Operation Warp Speed is a military operation. I’m thinking that the authority of the CDC and the FDA does not supersede the authority of the DOD. These trials were all a dog and pony show for the ignorant public.
Here is an article outlining some of the changes to the laws regarding EUA.
I know Moderna & Pfizer claimed to use a saline placebo in the trials, but it is really hard to reconcile this fact with the adverse events that occurred in the supposedly harmless placebo group.
We know one of pharma's favorite dirty tricks is to use an already-approved but highly immunogenic vaccine (like meningococcal) as placebo, because then they can claim the adverse events happened at the same frequency in both groups. (This is only one of the ways they rigged the Gardasil trials in their favor.)
So is it not possible that they did something similar for the mRNA trials? Perhaps they used the LNP formula alone (sans mRNA for spike protein) as placebo, and compared it to the complete vaccine?
Thank you for all your work. Hope to see you in Canada. Can’t believe the flack Smith has gotten for even thinking of having you. People are blocked to truth. Hope to hear you speak in person. Thank you again for all you do. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
And the CDC persists in its lies to humanity. Never before have crimes been so clear on such a mass scale, while the culprits continue on blithely spouting "safe and effective, have you had your boosters?"
I pray that at least a few of these criminals have a shattered conscience and trouble sleeping, or accidentally got injected with the real deal instead of saline. Surely they know the carnage they are wreaking.
Dr. Alexander, not understanding the underlying background rates, when the authors state that "but the rates of reported AEs in the placebo arms were still substantial" are they actually reporting that the placebo arms had AE rates in excess to expected? Or are they just doing an unethical covering of the rates in the vaccination arm by indicating that AE is generally high under any condition?
I don't think non-violent resistance will do any good, when what any of us really need is something like the alternate-universe's Captain Kirk's "Tantalus Field" from that old Star Trek episode, "Mirror Mirror" ...
The "Tantalus Field" allowed you to zoom in on an enemy, you then pressed a button -- and they instantly ceased to exist. If I had one I'd probably have worn it out by now... 🙄
Also this comment from author Claire Wolf from about 30 years ago: "America has reached that awkward stage where it's too late to effect changes through the political process and too early to start shooting at the bastards."
We have known since the start that CDC was in bed with Big Pharma. They pay very well for people to lie and or turn their heads and eyes away from the truth. Then add on this administration giving all parties HUGE amounts of money to push the shots and there you go. Why would the CDC listen to anyone or look at the murders and disabilities that was happening all around them. That would take away their windfalls. No, it was better to lie and keep lying, since there was no liability!! That was key. Except in MEDICAL FRAUD CASES LIKE THIS ONE, THEY ARE ALL GOING DOWN!
No they're not. They will never, EVER, be arrested, or held to account. 😱
Can you appreciate just how huge this scandal truly is? We're talking DECADES of malfeasance, incompetence, deliberate fraud and obstruction of justice going all the way to the beginnings of so-called vaccine research.
• The 1918 so-called "Spanish Flu" pandemic – actually largely caused by aspirin overdose.
• The mis-attribution of the cause of polio: It was not caused by a virus, but by pesticides. How many millions paralysed?
• The fulminating catastrophe of autism. In the 1960s there were 5 childhood immunizations. Rates of autism were 1 in 10,000. Fast-forward to today, it’s something like 70 immunizations. Autism rates are something like 1 in 40; soon slated to be 1 in 3 for girls and 1 in 2 for boys. The connection to vaccination is by now undeniable but you will NEVER see an admission of any kind, for obvious reasons.
• The granting of full indemnity from liability to the drug companies in 1986 by all Western Governments – you take a vaccine, sustain an injury? Tough luck. You can’t sue. We’re not talking aches and pains here. We’re talking blindness, deafness, paralysis, sometimes total, massive autoimmune diseases, cancers and of course, deaths.
• The AIDS fraud of the 1980s, of which “Covid-19” is a virtual repeat. The cause of so-called AIDS wasn’t “HIV”; it was “drug addiction” in the form of Amyl Nitrate, but it gave Tony Fauci the excuse he needed to foist the incredibly toxic and useless-for-intended-purpose AZT on millions of men. In the end, AIDS wasn’t “HIV”... it was “AZT.” Millions died. My brother was one; he died at 43, blind, emaciated, unable to move.
• Not to mention the AIDS fraud in Africa, which had nothing to do with what was going on in The West. Millions more died, basically of criminal negligence.
Those are just some of the examples of the catastrophes over the last 100+ years that can be laid at Orthodox Medicine's and Big Pharma's doorsteps. There are dozens of others. If the truth were ever to come out America and probably most other countries would be shaken to their foundations, Western Medicine will be permanently discredited. Meanwhile the FDA, the CDC, the AMA, the WHO, along with the UN? These are all criminal gangs which must be shut down, their principals apprehended. Now you see why nothing will happen.
Here's three books and a documentary to get you started:
"The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality" by Harris L. Coulter. Very rare and very expensive.
"Turtles all the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" by Anonymous. When you read it you'll understand why the authors choose not to be named.
"Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" by Del Bigtree. You can find it on Bitchute, Rumble, Brighteon and I think Odysee.
Very well written, thank you for your comments! I agree 1000000%
I am sorry for the cruel loss of your brother. Even though it was long ago the current era must bring that pain back. You are spot on in everything you've said above.
Thank you... Paul passed in 1996... I just wish there was some way to get The Blue-Pilled Pinheads to see the nakedly obvious. But there isn't, and by now, what they need is not a Red Pill... But a Red Suppository, the size of a football, and forcefully administered. Hopefully they'll soon get one.
these meta analysis keep coming out and showing beyond a shadow of a doubt Govt Regulation Agencies are Rotten, absolutely rotten to the core... the good news is more and more Americans have stopped trusting the Govt and Big Pharma... Thank you Paul for your ceaseless work...! You are deeply appreciated..
May I use your statement above when I share this on my social media accounts?
It is factual and concise.
sure absolutely!
I am hoping that you and your historical facts will be there to testify in the courtrooms of the world as to the crimes these freaks committed the last three years in particular. Thank you Dr. Paul!!
We never received full informed consent and still do not know what is in these horrible injections after 2 years. Could your doctor or medical facility provide informed consent? Hardly...the package inserts are all blank. This is standard operating procedure for big pharma. And my SOP is to avoid all big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections. Wouldn't you think that if these products were safe and effective as marketed they would have NO problems revealing the true nature of them? They don't because as usual they are hiding the truth and the FDA and CDC just ride the train all the way to the pot of gold.
We never received informed consent. Actually there was a military Doc who gave his men full informed consent and the great majority declined to take the heavy risk. And what a great idea, Let' s just hold Nuremberg 2 and tell them, hey as far as informed consent informed consent, we really, really mean it this time.
We have some idea. Check out Carrie Madej's investigations into GMO hydro vulgaris organisms contained in the injections, not to mention Graphene Oxide, Polythelyne Glycol, trillions of artificial spike proteins created with CRISPR technology, aborted fetal tissue, mercury in the form of the thimerosol preservative, aluminum, self-assembling AI nanotechnology particles... all sorts of toothsome tidbits, before you start getting into the "proprietary" patented ingredients of which they have to tell you ... not a damned thing...
This video was first posted May 2021.. I've found nothing significant to contradict it surfacing in the year and a half following:
Apparently the courts through FOIA have ordered Pfizer to release the data from the V-SAFE PROGRAM of 10 million people. It shows 18 MILLION ADVERSE EVENTS.
Won’t this be the shot heard around the world? Can you please cover this information on your sub stack?Thank you.
I have NEVER trusted the CDC for being trustworthy or ethical. They are an abysmal organization/entity/bureaucracy when it comes to how they promote poorly tested “quackcenes”.
How was the light turned on for me?
Back in the late 80’s the “recommendation” for my precious new baby in the state of “ILL”inois by the Dept of Health was 17 shots/inoculations in the first 22 months of my baby’s life! My dear Mom who always had tons of common sense & old-school wisdom said to me, “Why I wouldn’t do that to myself let alone a little baby!” And who gives the guidelines/recommendations to the DOH (Depts of Health)? The CDC! And who promotes the CDC & their “godlike” status & power? Why, the govt bureaucracies that & the media & the medical “system”, of course. Do not make excuses for them. Do not give them a pass. Shine the light of truth on their LIES & falsehoods. NEVER trust the CDC nor the FDA again. They are causing death, misery, destruction to millions of lives. If you go deeper you will find they provide cover for the DOD (Dept of Defense) & their malfeasance. It is a sordid tale.
And that precious baby - thankfully, very healthy all their life - no shots, no “quackcenes”, only a common cold once in awhile. The “safety & efficacy” of every one of the vaxxx “industry’s” products is a myth, a falsehood, a lie.
The first polio vaccine trials resulted in participants (children) getting polio and having lifelong paralysis. Polio was also a highly politicalized “pandemic” with the FDA regulating the type of testing observational vs placebo.
Polio was caused not by a virus, but by pesticides. Read "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth"
I doubt they are lying. We just assumed “safe” meant “safe for those who take it.”, and “effective” meant “effective against infection and transmission.” We just need to find “safe for whom?” And “effective against what?”
Because all they cared about is money, and the harm this attitude is doing still, I would like to see the money they made shown to them at the time of their execution and in front of their eyes given to those still alive that were harmed. I think at this point, because they are still pushing this insanity, all they deserve is the death sentence. I have never felt this way this long about anyone else that are Canadians or USA people. If these criminals don't follow the laws and change the laws to suit their evil agenda, why can't moral leaders do the same to save the people and intervene now? Just goes to show deep the swamp really is.
Operation Warp Speed is a military operation. I’m thinking that the authority of the CDC and the FDA does not supersede the authority of the DOD. These trials were all a dog and pony show for the ignorant public.
Here is an article outlining some of the changes to the laws regarding EUA.
I know Moderna & Pfizer claimed to use a saline placebo in the trials, but it is really hard to reconcile this fact with the adverse events that occurred in the supposedly harmless placebo group.
We know one of pharma's favorite dirty tricks is to use an already-approved but highly immunogenic vaccine (like meningococcal) as placebo, because then they can claim the adverse events happened at the same frequency in both groups. (This is only one of the ways they rigged the Gardasil trials in their favor.)
So is it not possible that they did something similar for the mRNA trials? Perhaps they used the LNP formula alone (sans mRNA for spike protein) as placebo, and compared it to the complete vaccine?
I would love to learn all the other statistical trickery they employ to make these products look plausibly safe.
Such as unblinding the control group early, so we will NEVER have data on the long term effects of this brand new class of genetic vaccines.
And yes, pharma has always been evil and conniving-- but let's not forget-- our govt regulators ALLOW them to get away with all these shenanigans!
who do you think pays for the govt regulators?!?
Thank you for all your work. Hope to see you in Canada. Can’t believe the flack Smith has gotten for even thinking of having you. People are blocked to truth. Hope to hear you speak in person. Thank you again for all you do. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
And the CDC persists in its lies to humanity. Never before have crimes been so clear on such a mass scale, while the culprits continue on blithely spouting "safe and effective, have you had your boosters?"
I pray that at least a few of these criminals have a shattered conscience and trouble sleeping, or accidentally got injected with the real deal instead of saline. Surely they know the carnage they are wreaking.
Dr. Alexander, not understanding the underlying background rates, when the authors state that "but the rates of reported AEs in the placebo arms were still substantial" are they actually reporting that the placebo arms had AE rates in excess to expected? Or are they just doing an unethical covering of the rates in the vaccination arm by indicating that AE is generally high under any condition?
I don't think non-violent resistance will do any good, when what any of us really need is something like the alternate-universe's Captain Kirk's "Tantalus Field" from that old Star Trek episode, "Mirror Mirror" ...
The "Tantalus Field" allowed you to zoom in on an enemy, you then pressed a button -- and they instantly ceased to exist. If I had one I'd probably have worn it out by now... 🙄
Also this comment from author Claire Wolf from about 30 years ago: "America has reached that awkward stage where it's too late to effect changes through the political process and too early to start shooting at the bastards."
But that, was 30 years ago.