Lies, lies, lies.

I vote malfeasantce.

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I couldn't say it better.

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Their behaviour has encouraged suspiscion towards all vaccines, even the long-standing real vaccines. After seeing their dishonesty about Covid treatment, people are questioning whether they can be trusted at all.

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The CDC is digging their own grave. Word of mouth is the strongest testimony. I just met an elderly woman who immediately lost strength in her legs and arms as a direct result of the COVID shot. Her muscles began to atrophy and could not walk for months. Now, finally, on a walker she tells everyone. The people who are harmed are spreading the word; the CDC can not be trusted and the COVID shot is a scam. It is incredibly sad that people are hurt or die in order for people to wake up to all the horrible ingredients in not just the COVID shot, but all vaccines. I vote all involved with the COVID scam should be convicted of intentional homicide, not just malfeasance.

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When will this end??? I am getting worried that it never will be and that we are doomed to just play out this lie with no end in sight. Data, facts, whistleblowers, lawsuits, Pfizer data dump, vaccine manufactures caught on tape exposing their lies and cover-ups, ...why do none of these things make a difference to end all this corruption????

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I feel the same way and it is so disheartening to see how afraid and brainwashed my fellow Canadians are. Yesterday on Twitter, Candice Bergen posted about Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh collaborating to continue the vaccine mandates and almost all of the comment tweets were against her and mostly vicious attacks on the unvaccinated and those against the mandates. This irrational hate and division can be blamed on our government and media who continue to perpetuate lies and fear. It is disgusting.

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Yes, until there are arrests/convictions and and some kind of declaration of truth publicly about these shots, the believers will go to the slaughterhouse singing these leaders' praises, to their own demise, unfortunately ..... :(

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It will end when everyone refuses and to accept the jabs. If no one takes them it costs them billions of dollars & it’s a total loss from now on. They will go bankrupt & that will be a great thing. Scam over.

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I agree...however, the science is in and most are still getting jabbed and will continue, the mandates are still a thing because no one is getting fined or arrested...I think until there are arrests and convictions, these boosters and mandates will go on forever...Stockholm Syndrome is real, sadly..... :(

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Mandates are not laws. Somehow this needs to get through to the people.

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I 100% agree however, people have, are and will continue to lose their jobs due to these mandates...companies, provinces, countries, etc. are using these as laws and in Canada if we lose our jobs due to not taking the shots then we are not even eligible for unemployment insurance....so even though it's not law, it's been recognized and enforced as if it is on all levels. :( The people that need to understand this are the people enforcing these mandates not the general public who is at the mercy of this craziness... :( :( :(

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Not just vaccines, but medical care in general. I have to admit, I was already there, but now half the country is with me. Do vaccines cause more harm than good? Do mammograms radiate existing tiny tumors and make them grow? Are statin drugs cancerous? I'm suspicious of every Big Medicine recommendation now, and so are a lot of other people. The COVID debacle has torched trust in our entire medical apparatus.

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Don't forget the harms of 5G!

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They had to have realized upfront that there would be deaths from the vaccines. Give two hundred million Americans glutens, shellfish, or peanut butter would have had the same effect. Same goes if two hundred million had been stung by bees.

No, they're approach all along is to bury the skeletons so deep that no one would ever find them.

12 deaths, 12,000, 12 million? The goal all along was 'plausible deniability.

Given that these were experimental vaccines from the start, the health authorities should have been all over this. They weren't. Not even close. Inept? Maybe. Corrupt? Absolutely.

'Plausible deniability' was the goal all along.

(Gee whiz, where have we heard THAT word before?)

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Dr. Paul, this message is for you

I have never understood why doctors put such store in the CDC, they are a corporation, they even make vaccines. They can’t even keep proper data it changes to suit their agenda or whatever Fauci the Weasel wants. Let me put it this way…. If you can’t trust the Government How can you trust the CDC?

Didn’t you get the Pfizer 55,000 docs that came out 3/1/2022? Article also has the adverse reactions.

FDA dumps 55,000 pages of Pfizer safety data per judge's order - Rebel News

I can’t make the site show up like your other readers/posters, this is copy/paste. If it doesn’t work google ‘Pfizer 55,0000 documents’ it should pop up.

Sorry, I’m the “If the laptop turns on, I feel lucky”

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