The arrogance is breathtaking!

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This is gaslighting of the highest degree. Does she think people forgot? Or, is it a freudian slip, because covid jab is also an experiment on people without any informatin or conscent? She needs to be audited by the House.

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“Audited by the house”? Bwahahaha! Surely you jest! None of them except Ron Johnson has said doodley squat in the past 2 and a half years because they are in bed with big pharma as much as anyone in the CDC , FDA,etc. Won’t happen.

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Plenty of "vaccine hesitant" "people of color" in the USA were treated shamefully in the past year or two with things like vaccine mandates and restrictions. Why doesn't the CDC focus on righting those wrongs in addition to remembering atrocities of the past?

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Because our government wants us dead.

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They cannot put toothpaste back in the tube. Moreover, they won’t admit that perhaps they need to attempt it. These heinous acts will live on in infamy. #Neverforget

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Wollensky talking about the CDC's committment to ethical research and practice is like trying to shine up a turd.

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Tuskegee is the exact number 1 reason I refused any jabs!

The commie, mentally ill, control freak, greedy bastards at CDC, nih, who, FDA, big pharma, etc., are beyond out of control, and they think we are stupid guinea pigs!

Question Authority!

Love, hugs and persevere yall!

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Wow. Triple wowsers.

When psychopaths act psychotic we should not be surprised.

It is the general public that really scares me. They watch these spectacles just as I do...but refuse to acknowledge the psychosis.

In Canada all the good little lefties continue to praise Justine for telling China they have no right to restrict covid protesters from society.

Sigh. I do not think there is an answer to this. Not in human terms.

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Some people have no shame because they have no conscience. Psychopaths.

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She almost makes it seem like it was a voluntary and noble honor to be among the 623....

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Thick as a brick

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I sure would like for an expert to explain how vaccine antibodies in the blood can be transported across the lung barrier into the mucosa.

Can you help me out Paul?

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How about inhaling spike proteins from sneezes of the "vaccinated"!

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Stone cold psychopaths 👹

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Virtue signaling at its worst, and she must be too out of touch to recognize the irony. Or maybe she thinks we are all stupid.

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As if Tuskegee was a one-off. What about the current Targeted Individual Phenomena that's also using black non-consensual guinea pigs, and this time primarily black women? As a TI and Military Vet, there's no way I would sacrifice myself for racist, psychologically crippled psychopaths and I'm sure those in the Tuskegee Experiment didn't either. And how did that "experiment" move science forward when they already had the cure for syphilis? These "beings" are maniacal. Period.

My blog: https://rosemarysbabiesandcompany.wordpress.com

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I am reminded of the film “Psycho.” Norman Bates sat in the police station with a blanket draped Babushka-like over his head. That’s just how they found his mother’s corpse. He expected the police to notice when a fly landed on his hand. “He wouldn’t hurt a fly!” Look over here! Don’t look at what I did!

Rochelle broadcast the message to pregnant women “Any time is a good time to get your COVID shot!” She knew full well there was no evidence this was safe aside from cherry picked data. Or was she that stupid?

Hundreds of thousands of spontaneous abortions later, this Tuskegee memorial is a lame attempt to polish her image. It is only the latest episode in a career of fraud.

How much taxpayer money was paid to a PR firm for this little CDC image consultancy?

There is no forgiveness without contrition. And you better make it good. If Rochelle actually had 4 COVID shots, we can expect her to get a pretty bad flu. Let’s see what happens.

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Amnesia, aka Selective Memory, seems to be spreading like a pandemic among the front men & women of the medical mafia

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There is nothing ethical about what they have done in the last two and a half years. All the speeches and nice words will not make up for this nor the Tuskegee horrors.

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