One reason and still is , people don’t think, right now where I live people (young) die and the just say he had a heart attack etc. people like me mention the jab and they go NUTS defending the poison. So nothing gets reported. Just get the Jab!!! Fu k them

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Yeah, nanotechnology in these injections, tests and masks is deadly



As the broad application of graphene in the biomedical field, it is urgent and important to evaluate how the graphene affects the structure and function of the proteins in our body, especially the amyloid-related proteins.

Prion protein, as a typical amyloid protein, it misfolding and aggregation will lead to serious prion diseases. To explore if graphene promotes or inhibits the formation of amyloid, here, we combined the experimental and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation methods to study the influence of graphene on the globular domain of prion protein (PrP117–231). The results from fluorescence quenching and circular dichroism spectrum showed that the addition of graphene changed the secondary structure of prion protein largely, mainly reflecting in the reduced α-helix structure and the increased coil structure, indicating graphene may strengthen the misfolding inclination of prion. To further uncover the mechanism of conformational change of prion under the induction of graphene, the all-atoms MD simulations in explicit solvent were performed. Our simulations suggest that prion protein can be quickly and tightly adsorbed onto graphene together with the weak conformational rearrangement and may reorient when approaching the surface. The Van der Waals' force drive the adsorption process. In the induction of graphene, H1 and S2-H2 loop regions of prion become unstable and prion begins to misfold partially. Our work shows that graphene can induce the misfolding of prion protein and may cause the potential risk to biosystems.

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Another serious exposure no one is discussing is the adversities not reported by dental patients post surgery, especially implants as now evidently all dental anesthetics include graphene plus nano particles and other ingredients of mRNA vaxx in dental anesthetics.



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That doesn’t include the VAERS reports that are mysteriously deleted in large batches periodically!

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Exactly! And the VAERS reporting only got worse when the CDC ordered the hospitals to classify jabbed people (who show up at hospitals suffering from the side-effects) as "unvaccinated" if they had only gotten one jab, or if it had been less than 2 weeks since their 2nd jab. HOW does anything get reported as a vaccine reaction when you LIE and say the person was "unvaccinated?"

This was basically the equivalent of giving the hospitals bags of lime and shovels with maps to the nearest remote dumping grounds. HIDE the bodies!!!

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reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative."

Trans: dead people are burdensome, can't pursue litigation and never pay their bills on time.

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...and they don't really care either.

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True. I had an issue which I reported to several docs during ER, hospital stay and follow up.... not one even acknowledged my comment. Because my issue directly followed taking a doctor prescribed medication. When I did research on my issue I was flabbergasted to discover that the med kills 40k people a year. And they know this and yet the med has been made over the counter available. So my case was not reported as an adverse affect of this particular med and I can only conclude it was because either the blindness of the doctors to iatrogenic cause and/or avoidance of adverse event reporting. Either way results in underreporting.

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This is EXCELLENT coverage of the study. This shows the VAERS numbers only begin to have any relevance to the question; "How many victims?" AFTER we multiply them by at least 100. The findings were based upon real-world follow up of vaccinated HUMANS who suffered from side-effects (including DEATH) but were never reported to VAERS. Mindful, we still don't know how much less than "1%" are ever reported. We just know that it is "less than 1%".

And yet, the numbers from this faulty system, which was only intended to serve as a "sample" to supply "safety signals" (which are ALSO entirely ignored) are used by pharma, the FDA, CDC, etc., to support their fraudulent "rare" slogan, which is the ONLY thing they use to prop up their even more fraudulent "safe" slogan. So-called "scientists" (pharma-funded) represent the VAERS numbers as if they are an ACCURATE accounting of the health injuries occurring after vaccination. And they use these intentionally false numbers as their "baseline" assumption in their papers.

Try presenting numbers that are gleaned from an accounting system that's WRONG over 99% of the time to the IRS. I can see it now:

"Well the accounting system we use reports less than 1% of the income we actually receive. But it's okay because we are the experts and we're telling you - it's "rare" for us to receive income. Just look at the numbers from our system. See, it shows we have very little income."

If you tried that with the IRS you'd go to JAIL. But then, there's MONEY at stake in that exchange. When mass human suffering and death are at stake our loving government is very happy with a system which is incorrect over 99% of the time.

Far from being "rare" the Lazarus study concluded these injuries are "common". And let's not forget there's no system in place even pretending to track any of the long-term injuries. The nationwide Control Group study (long-term health outcome comparisons for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed) shows that the victims (of death and injury) in America FAR outnumber those who've escaped injury after vaccination. See it HERE: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365417868_Health_versus_Disorder_Disease_and_Death_Unvaccinated_Persons_Are_Incommensurably_Healthier_than_Vaccinated

THANK YOU for reporting on the Lazarus study. Awesome reporting.



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Why would a health professional report that after injecting a human guinea pig with the MRNA injection they became seriously ill or died?

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Right. Obviously, they would NOT! Unless they want to waste time and labor filling out the forms and verifying the reports, only to be ignored and even blacklisted and abused by the medical system.

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Nearly every dataset in existence is a sample with different types of errors. Instead of focusing on shortfalls, effort should be taken to make sure more valid and complete reports are reported to make up for the underreporting.

Honest Doctors should recognize the importance of these reports and submit them as the law requires them to. Patients and clients should hold their health practitioners and CDC accountable. Ask why there's a delay in publishing reports. Ask why the reports don't report race/ethnicity. Ask why thousand of reports are deleted or why age information is listed in the symptom descriptions, but not coded in the age field.

See matchyourbatch.org to quickly view individual VAERS reports associated with which batch numbers, symptoms, location, and a number of other variables, including whether death, permanent disability, life-threatening, or possible miscarriage or stillbirth was reported. Share the website with others off of substack who are blue-pilled, but are starting to wonder if they should worry about the shot(s) they got. Perhaps some batches are more contaminated than others. Once red-pilled you never go back to blue-pilled. The only way to stop things like vaccine passports or mandates is make all fully aware of this fact ==> People were lied to with the "safe and effective" narrative and coerced or mandated to take rushed, experimental concoctions with unknown long term effects.

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VA still pushing covid shots.

Nothing is too good for our veterans. /s

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Push back by giving the pushers glowing recommendations for Singapore Airlines.

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why would cdc ever report the truth

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Data was suppressed by the cabal so it is far lower than the normal 1%.

For true numbers we need to use the increase in all cause deaths since the vaccines (bioweapons) have been introduced.

For a rate of deaths we also need to use the real number of people who did get the bioweapons. In the UK they claimed over 90% had been injected, but the census showed that it was less than 60%.

Lies upon lies means we need to double check our figures before we can know how deadly they were.

The plain truth is this was a military operation against we the people and it should never have been given EUA. Now we need to bring the criminals before military courts so we can get justice and stop this from ever happening again like the WHO plans to do with their new agreement.

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It’s darkly fascinating to me how they effectively frightened so many weaklings into dispensing with Nuremberg, Informed Consent, and VAERS. Not only did people trample them as they went running for the exits, they actually got mad at the suggestion that might not be the wisest thing to do. For years they proclaimed, “The Swamp!” “Fake News!” and “Big Pharma!” then believed everything the Swamp, the News and Big Pharma told them. Common sense, morality, intestinal fortitude, skepticism, integrity and more were all left a smoldering wreck in the wake of the most destructive world-wide psyops ever committed against humankind. In hindsight almost nobody appears embarrassed, ashamed, or angry. Face it. It worked and is still working.

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Yes. Even before the "COVID" plandemic started, VAERS acknowledged that these deaths were vastly under reported, and with the now confirmed long-term effects of mRNA and constant mistreatment of patients we have no real evaluation of these drastic effects.

Keep in mind that there could be over 2,000 different experiments going on within this massive experiment using the unwary and gullible public as "test rats"

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Trump can still boast that he saved millions (to become transhumans?).

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It has been mathematically calculated that to get 100% of VAERS numbers, multiply by 41 (x41)

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Even with that figure it is under reporting as it should explain the increase in the all cause death rate and it does not even come close.

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Agreed. By my calculations 1 billion people have died from the vaccines so far in 2023. At the beginning of 2023 there were 8 billion humans and now there are 7 billion world wide and of course the number will continually reduce as more die from their vaccine injuries or just die outright, after vaccinations.

The deliberate murder of humanity is progressing according to plan and nothing can be done to stop it - if I were an alien species, this is how I would go about exterminating humanity, before my race comes and takes over, where the eradicated humans left off - not a nice thought is it?

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The biggest number I have seen from all cause deaths was 200 million, but I have no problem with your number as it will be soon if it isn't already, it is hard to keep up with.

2.2 billion were injured so badly that they were hospitalized or unable to do their normal work any more, but that was also a few months ago.

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And that's exactly the way big pharma loves it. The same is true with ALL vaccines. You can thank the illustrious congress from back in the early 1990's for installing this putrid system. How different things would look with no 1986 vaccine laws and a true system that captures 90% of all vaccine/mRNA substance injuries. Big pharma might actually be forced to become a model corporate citizen instead of a greedy death machine without ANY limits.

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