The Clintons and the Ovomits as well as the current biDUMBS are all in with the UN criminals and that is a given with most political hacks on the left side of the yellow brick road. About the only US president I ever cared about was Reagan and as to the current bunch up here in Canuckistan, the turdos, a worse slime minister has yet to be found as useless as this peanut gallery ghoul, ample assed and pie faced inner and outer ugly as sin son of a hippie witch and commie father.

I decline to tell him to go to hell, he is already charting the fastest way to get there all by himself.

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Well said! 😑

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I really wish Trump would have locked her up. It may have actually helped avoid the Covid disaster as all the scandals came out.

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Hillary's dad ran the Chicago mob but she and Bill are choirboys compared to Joe Bribedem.

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I used to be a democrat…until the Clintons. There was something so repulsive about them. I didn’t know the depth of their evil then, but I knew it was there. I became a Republican because them.

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