'250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids They call for action “akin to election and COVID-19 mitigations and rules”
So now it’s time a counter letter be written and sent to the same outlets with names telling why this agenda harms innocent children, drives them to suicide and destroys families and how it is undermining the very fabric of America. Since when do Hollywood actors get to dictate our free speech and our rights to protect our children? They don’t!! Time to stand up to these entitled bullies.
Every person that was coerced by a medical professional to take these harmful drugs and disfigure themselves with these horrible surgical procedures and is now detransitioned , need to organize a coalition to publicly fight Hollywood & LGBTQ demonic, evil agenda. They cannot censor any of us! We will boycott all of there evil work. Hollywood is now just a propaganda machine. Look at the garbage they put out there and the money they are losing. Who is censoring who?
On July 4th the movie “Sound of Freedom” debuts and is already beating the other movies being released in ticket sales.
If you can please go see this movie starring Jim Caveizel who plays Tim Ballard, former HSA. If you haven’t heard about Tim’s organization that is going after pedo human traffickers and rescuing & rehabilitating the victims. “O.U.R. - Our Rescue” has been very successful. The movie is based on the true story of this effort. Go to their website and learn what they are doing. Please go see the movie. If you can’t afford it donations have been received to give free tickets.
This is one way to beat the Hollywood reptilians. Don’t watch their garbage anymore. Support Angel studios.
They just lost the entire movie industry. We are that mad. Don't go to any. It is a war crime to take the breasts off women in war. How about dicks and balls. Only difference is school based grooming so they want it pharma profits the power structure and some anesthetic. This is a culture war and war crimes against children. This is the reproductive lobotomies of the 60s. Commies !
Indeed--Anheuser Busch has seen the effect of people choosing to buy their beer from a different brewer. Choosing an entertainment other than movies (and theme parks as well!), especially during school-off summer should send a message.
Amen! I haven't been to a theater to see a film since 1992 and prefer to keep it that way. Most movies, including Disney's, are the usual filth, with in Disney's case, an opportunity to spread sexual information to children in the form of gay characters, as if children even need to know about this debauchery by some "adults".
I prefer films from the 1980s on back, back when people did not have "the gay experience" plastered in their faces 24/7. The best films though, to avoid filth are from the 1950s and back. Give me the classic films any day and not these films and "actors and actresses" of today. The talent from these mental cases of Hollyweird is questionable at most. It's mostly their unwanted opinions that they care about.
I noticed, when Walt himself died, and the enterprise was taken over by Michael Eisner, a fall into what I considered 'not appropriate for children'. My take was that PG-13 meant in our house, for our children, PG-15. And so on. Born in 1950, I revered Mr. Disney and his productions.
Same here! I loved watching the "Wonderful World of Disney" every Sunday night as a kid. I would give anything to go back in time and have more appropriate programming like that for kids, and for we adults as well.
Those "actors" are just paid mercenaries in the pockets of ruling masons.
What worries me most is that people are getting used to the idea that censorship is something normal... even in social networks. Enough! let the user decide what to read or not and who to block or not. The algorithms or the fake Fact-checkers have no right to block my friends on my social networks!
It is THE END OF DEMOCRACY AND SCIENCE when we even allow others/AI to do that for us!
It's just part of the mason plan for a global digi-tatorship:
Wow...!!! How much lower can they go??? Or, maybe I shouldn't ask that, as that just might encourage them...
The President of Uganda just told the UN (or was it the IMF?) off re. the sexual deviancy they're pushing on his, and every other, country... He told them his country had other options re. financing projects, and will not submit to their derangement. (not his actual words, but essentially what he said) - I'm watching today's InfoWars, which showed a clip of his response.
They are acting like pedo groomers trying to groom us into silence so we won't tell our parents. Society is grooming us into silence. Time to growl and barr our teeth. Defend iwhat is right and good. Start a no more Hollywood movement. Cancel streaming channels that show case them and do not support their grooming of society. Take up the hobby of freedom. Your health. Your community.
Hollywood demons who sold their soul for money ought to shut their mouths. No one wants to watch these evil witches and wizards any longer. They either turn from their wicked ways and repent or they will be the guests of hell.
All those on the Hollywood list should all be made to undergo the 'transformation' themselves if they think it is so good for children. Those children would never ever even dream about having a sex-change' themselves, which of course is physically impossible anyway. Those kids cannot defend themselves against the onslaught of hysterical propaganda lies, conditioning, sheer hypnosis which originated as a purely malevolent Jewish political agenda, as all those who push this kind of thing at the very top are all Jews, it is an act of war, to sissify Gentile men, to mentally and often now physically castrate them as well.
Life is not about sex, yet in a now increasingly nihilistic and degraded society, sex is now being made to be the main focus of people's lives, their very 'raison d'etre. In reality, people are actually just being pissed on and crapped on by this form of conditioning, it is a Jewish assertion of mental power over others, a form of sadistic bullying.
Jews at the top have grown tired and irritated about the constant exposure of high profile Jews involved in paedophile sex scandals and the exposure of passages in their Talmud saying Jews can have sex with baby girls up to 3 years old, and then, after the age of 3, even 'marry' them (what is left of them would probably be dripped into in matzo bread and ritual Purim wine), so they are heavily foisting this paedophile agenda on the goyim now, especially to turn little kids into hyper-sexualized fuckmeat, as this this is purely about sex and to enforce degradation and suffering and nothing else.
The so-called 'gay' agenda is now openly fused with that of the minor-attracted criminal predators as openly endorsed by the crypto-Jewish 'Jesuit' 'Pope' Francis who says paedophiles have a special place in heaven, and the WEF leader Klaus Schwab, whose mother is a proven Jewess, insanely says paedophiles will save the world, THAT is a total piss-take, humanity is getting shit on by the Jews and their shabbos agent sell-outs
These actual criminals support criminal sexual terrorists who sexually inflict themselves on the innocent and defenceless.
The new all-inclusive pride flag and posters, shopping bags sold in supermarkets, now changed to 'all- inclusive pride colours' inclusive of support for 'minor-attracted persons' of course feature the baby blue stripe and baby pink stripes, as well as on shopping bags being sold in supermarkets, and now even some of the zebra black and white pedestrian road crossings have been restriped in all-inclusive pro-paedophile coloured stripes as well. The WEF is now formally joined in purpose with the UN, which also wishes to decriminalize sex with children.
The current sex-hysteria cult that now features huge strings of giant 'all-inclusive' pride flags hung right across main shopping precincts many rows deep down entire streets.
It costs 1.3 million dollars allocated to each (attempted) surgical transformation to produce these mutilated freaks, who are psychologically not well at all, as they strut about the streets like sex-workers waving their bottoms like they are in the middle of a sex party in broad daylight in normal shopping areas, exactly like they are hooking, and they really are, it is part of the sex trade as well.
Meanwhile people with real illnesses are being denied treatment left right and centre while money is thrown away on this, and on 155 mm artillery shells and so on to blow little kids to pieces in the Donbass region of Ukraine to clear the land there for the intended eventual mass influx of millions of Israeli Jews to take the land when the present Israel is deserted when they all decide to jump ship.
The late head Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson gave the instruction that war must be made to occur between the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs 'to end their line' so that Israeli Jews in their millions can then move in to seize the purposely depopulated land, it does not get any more demonic than that, and those freaks are going to introduce Noahide 'morality' laws under NWO one world government in coordination with their controlled UN using controlled NATO armies and other armies under Israeli direction.
Putin is a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee, a crypto-Jew, and Zelensky is a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee, it is all arranged, all a show, but the Jews don't care at all about those kid's human rights in Ukraine, they are simply exterminating them, and with Jews dominating the UK and US as well, precisely the same kind of attitude towards their captive goy populations can be understood to be the real case.
The Human Rights Campaign is a cover group for gay activists who claim to champion rights for all, but they were created to represent the rights of gays. Those right do not include grooming children, nor do they include mutilating kids and making them sterile. These rights that the HRC claim to be stamped in gold are not rights. The motivation behind the HRC is to control children and having rights over parents. No way. Transgender hormone treatment and surgeries should be banned completely in the USA and all territories of the USA.
C'mon , Y'all are still looking at the trees, & not seeing the Forest... ((who)) controls the film industry?? ...those quasi actors are just doing their job, which is to follow the filthy script they've been handed.
Let’s follow “Libs of TikTok’s” countermeasure for exposing the ugly truth, though she may be doing it already and I hope she does. Let’s post the names of these stupid evil narcissists, who think they are superior to the rest of us; let’s post them far and wide so all know they believe the extortion of children’s lives are worth their vapid moments of fame and acknowledgment in the public eye. Let’s make them famous for all the wrong reasons!
So now it’s time a counter letter be written and sent to the same outlets with names telling why this agenda harms innocent children, drives them to suicide and destroys families and how it is undermining the very fabric of America. Since when do Hollywood actors get to dictate our free speech and our rights to protect our children? They don’t!! Time to stand up to these entitled bullies.
Every person that was coerced by a medical professional to take these harmful drugs and disfigure themselves with these horrible surgical procedures and is now detransitioned , need to organize a coalition to publicly fight Hollywood & LGBTQ demonic, evil agenda. They cannot censor any of us! We will boycott all of there evil work. Hollywood is now just a propaganda machine. Look at the garbage they put out there and the money they are losing. Who is censoring who?
On July 4th the movie “Sound of Freedom” debuts and is already beating the other movies being released in ticket sales.
If you can please go see this movie starring Jim Caveizel who plays Tim Ballard, former HSA. If you haven’t heard about Tim’s organization that is going after pedo human traffickers and rescuing & rehabilitating the victims. “O.U.R. - Our Rescue” has been very successful. The movie is based on the true story of this effort. Go to their website and learn what they are doing. Please go see the movie. If you can’t afford it donations have been received to give free tickets.
This is one way to beat the Hollywood reptilians. Don’t watch their garbage anymore. Support Angel studios.
Isaiah 5:20 (CSB)
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who substitute darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
Donald, this describes exactly the times we are living through.
May I suggest you do a substack with "bottoms" surgeries pictures and explanations.
Some believe that gender reassignment is real, that the young lady is well hung and the man is a beauty with a functional vagina. This is a lie.
The term "vagina" is being phased out. Apparently it's offensive to transgender people.
NOT THE ONION: Cervical Cancer Fund Suggests Calling Vaginas ‘Bonus Holes’ to Avoid Offending Transgender People
They just lost the entire movie industry. We are that mad. Don't go to any. It is a war crime to take the breasts off women in war. How about dicks and balls. Only difference is school based grooming so they want it pharma profits the power structure and some anesthetic. This is a culture war and war crimes against children. This is the reproductive lobotomies of the 60s. Commies !
Indeed--Anheuser Busch has seen the effect of people choosing to buy their beer from a different brewer. Choosing an entertainment other than movies (and theme parks as well!), especially during school-off summer should send a message.
Beat them at their own game!
Amen! I haven't been to a theater to see a film since 1992 and prefer to keep it that way. Most movies, including Disney's, are the usual filth, with in Disney's case, an opportunity to spread sexual information to children in the form of gay characters, as if children even need to know about this debauchery by some "adults".
I prefer films from the 1980s on back, back when people did not have "the gay experience" plastered in their faces 24/7. The best films though, to avoid filth are from the 1950s and back. Give me the classic films any day and not these films and "actors and actresses" of today. The talent from these mental cases of Hollyweird is questionable at most. It's mostly their unwanted opinions that they care about.
I noticed, when Walt himself died, and the enterprise was taken over by Michael Eisner, a fall into what I considered 'not appropriate for children'. My take was that PG-13 meant in our house, for our children, PG-15. And so on. Born in 1950, I revered Mr. Disney and his productions.
Same here! I loved watching the "Wonderful World of Disney" every Sunday night as a kid. I would give anything to go back in time and have more appropriate programming like that for kids, and for we adults as well.
Have you seen the latest?
NOT THE ONION: Cervical Cancer Fund Suggests Calling Vaginas ‘Bonus Holes’ to Avoid Offending Transgender People
How utterly disgusting. Is then the urethra of a male going to get its own 'hole' name?
I agree with you it's disgusting. Don't blame men.
Those "actors" are just paid mercenaries in the pockets of ruling masons.
What worries me most is that people are getting used to the idea that censorship is something normal... even in social networks. Enough! let the user decide what to read or not and who to block or not. The algorithms or the fake Fact-checkers have no right to block my friends on my social networks!
It is THE END OF DEMOCRACY AND SCIENCE when we even allow others/AI to do that for us!
It's just part of the mason plan for a global digi-tatorship:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
I will defend the precious children to have loving psychological therapy, but no gene therapy & no genital
Mutilation . Hollyweird be damned.
Wow...!!! How much lower can they go??? Or, maybe I shouldn't ask that, as that just might encourage them...
The President of Uganda just told the UN (or was it the IMF?) off re. the sexual deviancy they're pushing on his, and every other, country... He told them his country had other options re. financing projects, and will not submit to their derangement. (not his actual words, but essentially what he said) - I'm watching today's InfoWars, which showed a clip of his response.
Bravo Uganda
Sadly they will get rid of him
This is horrifying.
The comments above are excellent, well thought out and knowledgeable. Thank you Dr Paul and everyone.
They are acting like pedo groomers trying to groom us into silence so we won't tell our parents. Society is grooming us into silence. Time to growl and barr our teeth. Defend iwhat is right and good. Start a no more Hollywood movement. Cancel streaming channels that show case them and do not support their grooming of society. Take up the hobby of freedom. Your health. Your community.
35 years ago, the program taught to my children contained 3 elements:
Say 'no'
Run away
Tell an adult you trust
(and if any adult tells you NOT to tell your parents, that is sign of a BAD person to stay away from--and 'tell on')
Just remind them what happened to 'bud-light'
It's all gone, everybody that ever worked on the project has been fired;
Permanent LOSS forever of BUD biz, down globally 25%
Perhaps its time for a world anti-homo BOYCOTT of all things HOLLYWOOD HOMO
Hollywood demons who sold their soul for money ought to shut their mouths. No one wants to watch these evil witches and wizards any longer. They either turn from their wicked ways and repent or they will be the guests of hell.
How does anyone still care what Hollywood says?
I don’t.
All those on the Hollywood list should all be made to undergo the 'transformation' themselves if they think it is so good for children. Those children would never ever even dream about having a sex-change' themselves, which of course is physically impossible anyway. Those kids cannot defend themselves against the onslaught of hysterical propaganda lies, conditioning, sheer hypnosis which originated as a purely malevolent Jewish political agenda, as all those who push this kind of thing at the very top are all Jews, it is an act of war, to sissify Gentile men, to mentally and often now physically castrate them as well.
Life is not about sex, yet in a now increasingly nihilistic and degraded society, sex is now being made to be the main focus of people's lives, their very 'raison d'etre. In reality, people are actually just being pissed on and crapped on by this form of conditioning, it is a Jewish assertion of mental power over others, a form of sadistic bullying.
Jews at the top have grown tired and irritated about the constant exposure of high profile Jews involved in paedophile sex scandals and the exposure of passages in their Talmud saying Jews can have sex with baby girls up to 3 years old, and then, after the age of 3, even 'marry' them (what is left of them would probably be dripped into in matzo bread and ritual Purim wine), so they are heavily foisting this paedophile agenda on the goyim now, especially to turn little kids into hyper-sexualized fuckmeat, as this this is purely about sex and to enforce degradation and suffering and nothing else.
The so-called 'gay' agenda is now openly fused with that of the minor-attracted criminal predators as openly endorsed by the crypto-Jewish 'Jesuit' 'Pope' Francis who says paedophiles have a special place in heaven, and the WEF leader Klaus Schwab, whose mother is a proven Jewess, insanely says paedophiles will save the world, THAT is a total piss-take, humanity is getting shit on by the Jews and their shabbos agent sell-outs
These actual criminals support criminal sexual terrorists who sexually inflict themselves on the innocent and defenceless.
The new all-inclusive pride flag and posters, shopping bags sold in supermarkets, now changed to 'all- inclusive pride colours' inclusive of support for 'minor-attracted persons' of course feature the baby blue stripe and baby pink stripes, as well as on shopping bags being sold in supermarkets, and now even some of the zebra black and white pedestrian road crossings have been restriped in all-inclusive pro-paedophile coloured stripes as well. The WEF is now formally joined in purpose with the UN, which also wishes to decriminalize sex with children.
The current sex-hysteria cult that now features huge strings of giant 'all-inclusive' pride flags hung right across main shopping precincts many rows deep down entire streets.
It costs 1.3 million dollars allocated to each (attempted) surgical transformation to produce these mutilated freaks, who are psychologically not well at all, as they strut about the streets like sex-workers waving their bottoms like they are in the middle of a sex party in broad daylight in normal shopping areas, exactly like they are hooking, and they really are, it is part of the sex trade as well.
Meanwhile people with real illnesses are being denied treatment left right and centre while money is thrown away on this, and on 155 mm artillery shells and so on to blow little kids to pieces in the Donbass region of Ukraine to clear the land there for the intended eventual mass influx of millions of Israeli Jews to take the land when the present Israel is deserted when they all decide to jump ship.
The late head Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson gave the instruction that war must be made to occur between the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs 'to end their line' so that Israeli Jews in their millions can then move in to seize the purposely depopulated land, it does not get any more demonic than that, and those freaks are going to introduce Noahide 'morality' laws under NWO one world government in coordination with their controlled UN using controlled NATO armies and other armies under Israeli direction.
Putin is a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee, a crypto-Jew, and Zelensky is a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee, it is all arranged, all a show, but the Jews don't care at all about those kid's human rights in Ukraine, they are simply exterminating them, and with Jews dominating the UK and US as well, precisely the same kind of attitude towards their captive goy populations can be understood to be the real case.
The Human Rights Campaign is a cover group for gay activists who claim to champion rights for all, but they were created to represent the rights of gays. Those right do not include grooming children, nor do they include mutilating kids and making them sterile. These rights that the HRC claim to be stamped in gold are not rights. The motivation behind the HRC is to control children and having rights over parents. No way. Transgender hormone treatment and surgeries should be banned completely in the USA and all territories of the USA.
… and banned in Canada too.
C'mon , Y'all are still looking at the trees, & not seeing the Forest... ((who)) controls the film industry?? ...those quasi actors are just doing their job, which is to follow the filthy script they've been handed.
Let’s follow “Libs of TikTok’s” countermeasure for exposing the ugly truth, though she may be doing it already and I hope she does. Let’s post the names of these stupid evil narcissists, who think they are superior to the rest of us; let’s post them far and wide so all know they believe the extortion of children’s lives are worth their vapid moments of fame and acknowledgment in the public eye. Let’s make them famous for all the wrong reasons!