Those look like high quality cigars. And there is a long history of cigar rolling and premium cigars in the Cuban population in Miami.

I never smoked cigars, and I quit smoking cigarettes in 2020 after I got the Shingles. Good thing, because the next year I had a debilitating respiratory illness, and hadn't smoked in a year.

The box itself looks like it would make a great gift or keepsake. But I would have to have an extra million before I would be able to splurge on non-essential items like cigars.

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No cigarillos for me and other smoking women, pro-Trumpers? Not fair...

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I might buy a box to hand out to Trump haters when he wins, wouldn't that be glorious watching their heads explode. Id have to pay $429.00 Canadian but its worth it, LOL

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👆infiltrator…do not open up this bot’s link.

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Sorry…not sorry..whatever way you wanna take this but this is why libtards are SO dumb.

I also realize this has nothing to do with cigars but hey I’m putting it out there anyway:

Christine we need to get you more widely read 🥰

So why is it that the MAGA maggots are more hep to the Covid pysop and refuse to vax and DEMOS my party of sheeple continue to support the plandamic narrative and get BOOSTED until maimed or dead …. Someone said this morning our two party system is toxic .. I agree ☝️ I’m in France 🇫🇷 right now … thinking I could move here but the French have gone stupid also and Macron is a WEF baby so he has to go too … where are decent humans hiding 🫣 why can’t we change this evil 👿 deadlock of ideologies… what has happened to the human psyche that they can be so easily manipulated and controlled ⁉️😳😱😡

Me: Because the MAGA maggots have brains and the libtards are sheep like you just admitted to.

(Atleast one libtard gets it😁…and I left her name out only because out of respect of her privacy)

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Even though I do not smoke…I’m buying a box just because I want to help Trump financially since they are taking all of his money! Plus it may be a great investment ten or so years from now.

Thx Dr. Alexander…you rock!

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All one giant distraction, designed to get the useful idiots to play their parts in unconsciously re-creating the Passion of Christ with Trump as the central character. The story is playing out in the subconscious of millions of followers, prompting them to react with the same righteous furor as the followers of Christ did and still do.

Pure and brilliant political theater.

Man while, NATO has successfully goaded Putin into being only a few seconds on the nuclear clock away from unleashing hell on the border of Poland, and possibly across Europe. Nuclear weapons are positioned in place and placed on high alert. Biden (acting on orders from his handlers, I’m sure), has secretly permitted everyone’s favorite money laundering pimp, Vladimir Zelensky,, to use American weapons to strike directly into Russia. Several European countries have already given that same permission to use their weapons in like manner. Poland and Estonia are building nuclear bunkers for their people. All of the Baltic and Nordic countries have closed their borders to Russia except their ally Belarus. One of Putin’s homes burned down yesterday, and Russian operatives have been setting massive fires to infrastructure across Europe. America’s nuclear bombers, subs and presidential doomsday planes keep going on and off of nuclear attack status. Poland, Lithuania and several other European countries are issuing manuals to their citizens on how to survive nuclear war. The world’s silver supplies are being sucked up primarily by India and China, and above ground silver supplies (silver is necessary for everything electrical, plus weapons of war) may be drained within the next six months. Israel has trashed Rafah and is eyeing invasion of Lebanon under the fake premise of “destroying Hamas”. The BRICS nations are moving rapidly towards a replacement of the USD, and America is getting involved in a brewing oil war between Venezuela and Guyana.

I could go on and on and on, but hopefully you get the point. Any of this on the news? Nope, or at best very minimally. Americans aren’t supposed to care about such things. We’re only supposed to keep our attention focused on P T Barnum and his political circus. Yes, he’s a chauvinist, lecherous, womanizing dirt bag who’s not fit for office for soooo many reasons and yes, he DID actually commit financial crimes he SHOULD have been tried for (just ask Deutsche Bank, but that’s a whole other story), but this whole persecution thing isn’t about getting him. It’s about getting us; that is, tricking us into thinking he’s being persecuted while, as the scion of one of the 100 most wealthy families in the world, is simply competing against the other two heads of the globalist hydra for the figurehead of POTUS.

I could say don’t fall for it, but the deception is too deep, complex and clever for most to see through it. No matter who “wins” this fake race, we, the people, will lose. The really sad part is that most will never see the deception or blame Trump along with Biden (and the powers behind them), even after the bombs start dropping. And some of those bombs will be on us.

Pull your heads out of your asses, people, and get ready because I can assure you poor, victim Trump who collects your money and prayers today, isn’t going to care when the radioactive dust cloud comes to get you tomorrow.

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some and lots of what you say is true, but we can talk and chew at same time...walk and chew too...we need a leader now like Trump...who do you have in mind?

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Trump isn’t the one trying to get us into a nuclear WWIII.

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He was the one who kept us out of wars and the reason that they are fighting so hard to keep him out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is that they are afraid he will do it again and in the process expose all their crimes and lies.

Nice distraction, though. Why did he take no salary, and go through all this bull shit, if he was just a figurehead and why did the Dims wreck our judicial system in that case?

No: POTUS DJT is an existential threat to TPTB, and your post is a false flag operation either from DNC or Soros (distinction w/o a difference) or Chairman Xi.

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correct...Bumble knows just poking you

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OK, fine, not sure why I bother when it’s obvious that I’m talking to a bunch of religious converts clearly unable or unwilling to look at the actual evidence and think rationally.

Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war, as the old saying goes, and that’s precisely what Trump and his associates on high are doing.

Just ignore the fact that Drumpf (that’s his actual family name) is from one of the 100 wealthiest families in the world, clearly they’re the good guys and not at all connected with TPTB. Ignore his cozy friendship with that Clinton pair, all the photos of them hugging and buddying up with one another are clearly psyops to hide his true animosity towards her. That’s obviously why HE NEVER LOCKED HER UP, but ignore the facts because they don’t fit the narrative. Don’t ask why Putin has armed nukes ready to go at the Polish border and Trump is busy making hay about his supposed troubles instead of saying “Hey! WW III is about to start, get ready to protect yourselves!!!” No, just keep your eyes focused on him and your mind worshipful of him, and ignore everything else.

You’re soon going to get a big, fat lesson on what a “false idol” is, but chances are you STILL won’t get it. So, whatever. I won’t waste any more time or breath on those who refuse to even ask questions. Good luck, and don’t let Trump’s big golden shoes hit you in your keesters when he kicks you under the bus after he gets what he wants from you.

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“Just ignore the fact that Drumpf (that’s his actual family name) is from one of the 100 wealthiest families in the world, clearly they’re the good guys and not at all connected with TPTB. Ignore his cozy friendship with that Clinton pair, all the photos of them hugging and buddying up with one another are clearly psyops to hide his true animosity towards her. That’s obviously why HE NEVER LOCKED HER UP, but ignore the facts because they don’t fit the narrative. Don’t ask why Putin has armed nukes ready to go at the Polish border and Trump is busy making hay about his supposed troubles instead of saying “Hey! WW III is about to start, get ready to protect yourselves!!!” No, just keep your eyes focused on him and your mind worshipful of him, and ignore everything else.”

You think maybe he’s been fighting a monster in DC and maybe that’s why he did not lock her up. You think it’s that fucking easy….boy you are so dumb. One Lone Ranger in a corporate city😄😂🤣

And where is your proof about his “real name” 😂 and so what about the Clinton’s…and so what about Putin…he stays out of Putins business as long as it doesn’t affect America. And what is the most laughable is the statement about WWIII🤣 this is what makes you really dumb. He kept us out of war or were you sleeping during this time!

We worship Jesus Christ…do you? We love Trump because he has been the best President in history.

You’re a lost soul!

Yeah please, do not waste time here because all your shit is just conspiracy theory because you libtards have your fake hate crystal ball.

And BTW, he has proven results by his record of accomplishments and again, you bring NOTHING TO THE TABLE with no proof but your accusations which make so sense…..we know all this.

You’re so dumb! What evidence? His past…you haters keep playing the same tune. People keep hearing this shit over and over and I take it very personal bitch when you label Christians like this because I do not put Trump in the same category as Jesus Christ. See that comment is what makes you so dumb and very hateful. Back the fuck off!

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And Biden undid it all. A treasonous President imo.

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boom, treasonous

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Are you willing to do the same? Or is this a one-way only conversation, you’re right, everybody else is self-evidently wrong, bad and stupid, case closed, you have all the facts, don’t ask any questions, answers that don’t fit the narrative are ignored, and there’s absolutely, positively nothing else to see here?

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It doesn’t matter to any of you trump haters what he does to prove to you he is trying to save America. I mean it doesn’t matter how much he loses and how much he has sacrificed you haters will always find a way to bring this man down with your stupidity! Look at his record….did you read it? There is no president that has ever done so much for this country but you haters just keep chugging and chugging along with hate. You make no sense whatsoever. No problem with questioning but you bring nothing to the table but hate.

Why don’t you pull your head out of your ass and do some research about his record!

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Read it and get back to me. Don’t worry about his PAST…concentrate on what he has done for you and your country.

Until you have proof that he has been corrupt …all your conspiracy theory shit means nothing to me.

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You seem to agree with these people on most of the serious problems our country and the world are facing right now. Why are you concentrating so much time trying to argue with people that agree with you on everything EXCEPT FOR you apparently have a problem with Christianity and Trump. Your background (I'm guessing) is you're an atheist and don't like Christians- big deal, grow up. No Trump supporters are hating on you for not being Christian, and it's unimportant anyway. You seem to be the distracted person, feeding off of narratives and propaganda. "Yes, he’s a chauvinist, lecherous, womanizing dirt bag who’s not fit for office for soooo many reasons" YOU HAVE T.D.S, "orange man bad" fever, whatever propaganda you allowed yourself to be brainwashed with - THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM. again: "and yes, he DID actually commit financial crimes he SHOULD have been tried for (just ask Deutsche Bank)" NO, HE DID NOT. YOU'RE WRONG. Deutsche Bank testified Trump payed back his loans and had no complaint, just like every other lender. The D.A. and the Judge say he defrauded the lenders- see a pattern yet. Go back to watching 'The View' and Rachel Maddow now for some more propaganda. You're a T.D.S. "orange man bad" libtard. This page is about Trump cigars, and look at what an unhinged asshole you acted like. Now fuck off and go vote for Biden against your own best interests, douchebag. MAGA TRUMP 2024 😂 BUY TRUMP CIGARS, BUY TRUMP SHOES, BUY TRUMP BIBLES, BUY 'MY PILLOWS' 😂

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