I'm so old. In my day blowing a tranny meant you had car trouble.

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The whole idea is revolting!

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how about we stop using this term trans WOMAN to decribe a man who has mutilated himself out of such delusion and self hatred as is behind this phenomenon

he is stil man therefore trans MAN is more accurate, describing a man who has sought to go beyond ( in latin trans) what he was meant to be

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I’m with Chase. I used to get a bi guy here and there messaging me on dating sites. I’d say ewww sorry but no! He’d say why?? I’d say cause you’re half gay...which is true in my world. Females seem to be much cooler with this than guys, I don’t get it...a gay or bi guy is a huge turn off to me. Call me a homophobe.

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"And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe-wound.


They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your birthname. And every passer-by for eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust. And all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male. This is your fate."

- Deep Fake Biden nails it!


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How is this even a discussion...of course that is gay, and it’s beyond disgusting. What the heck is wrong with people’s brains anymore; if you’re a man and sleep with someone who has a Johnson and a pair of nuts, then that is gay. Period. How are we overthinking the most basic of things anymore. As my boss used to say, “you can put lipstick on a pig...it’s still a pig”.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

I have to guess you have never been there

Some of the most beautiful women on earth are men

Quite a lot of "victoria secret' super models are men

I always say if its short, fat, and big-hips its a woman

If its tall, beautiful, slender, and has huge tits, with a barbie doll body, its a MAN

The actual stereo type of the perfect woman, as shown by Barbie doesn't exist, some women have tried plastic surgery, but it doesn't age well;

These men who play women, are really failed actors; Quite often its their voice that is the give-away, unless that too is surgically corrected;

They have surgery to cut off the balls and penis, insert a plastic tube which becomes the vagina, build up a clitoris from old penis tissue, the only problem they have is natural lubrication, which is why the 'gals' always carry cases of KY-JELLY; But like penis pumps for enough money they can implant ky-jelly dispensers in the faux vagina, and you can get blue-tooth controlled pumps;

The real issue for men who have not been 'tricked' or men who haven't been there who say "I would have known", all I can say is that you have not been there; I have met beautiful women out all over the world, and 99% of the time figured out that he was a a she;

Just twice did I get as far as figured it out well into the foreplay section, it would help if your not drunk or could keep the lights on, but in reality you really can't tell;

Probably for most guys dumber than a rock its when she lights up the smoke after and drops her voice,

Like I said I got faked twice, an both times I wanted to vomit, when I knew what was up, I quickly announced that I felt I was going to puke offered cab money, and got them out of there; It's a place you don't want to be, as I like most males grew up not wanting to suck cock, or fuck a man in the ass, or even kiss a man;

But for those who say "I can tell bullshit", like I already said you could line up the ten most beautiful women at the pageant and had your choice of which to take home and easily pick the tranny.

Unless your a big hip kind of guy, your going to get faked if you go out a lot;

p.s. I would NOT say I had sex, I would say I got close enough to puke; and take a long hot shower;

Lots of rich Japanese men are really into this thing, quite often they sponsor the young boys for the surgery and keep them around, the self life is short I would say most at 24, can no longer be 'escorts'; Most of the 'girls' you meet outside are just trying to perfect their game, they actually place bets with each other at the clubs and say "I will bet you I can get that guy in bed", its their game, they win the game if they can fool the guy all the way through process its a goal in itself, most of the time they already have regular sugar daddy, but they like to go out in groups an see who has the best acting skills.

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No not necessarily. As these creeps seldom disclose their true c on diction if sex with a man really seems likely you may have ended up deceived and defrauded. And have a civil case against the creep for non-consensual sodomy and emotional damages.

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I agree with Chase. I’ve come across all kinds. I believe many who identify being gay are sex addicts who engage in all different types of deviant sex acts. A gay man former college neighbor (he died a few years ago from aids) had sex on the brain all the time, once started coming on to me. I asked him what he was doing and he told me he thought I was hot and wanted to see if I was interested in getting something going. Basically all he wanted was a warm body. I politely declined. Eeeeewww.

Another interesting situation was an aids patient who I took care of had transitioned to female, had already done the bottom surgery, was married to a man who from what I was told identified as heterosexual. My oh my, what ever made him think he was heterosexual? Sees.Because the “wife” had the penis turned inside out and reinserted and could have intercourse? I think the guy was a closet case I don’t know for sure but at the very least this couple were mental cases.

In my opinion, they are all mentally unstable.

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What you are saying is that it is biologically, chemically, physically impossible to change one's gender.

With rare exception if someone's genetics are already messed up.

This should be resolved by genetics testing.

We need to re-introduce genetics testing for Olympic women.

Women should boycott next Olympics if this won't be changed.

Surely the field is more advanced today.

And to my knowledge there still is no gene associated with being Gay either, despite decades of looking.

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Transgenderism carnally speaking is a fetish.

Spiritually speaking it’s demonic.

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In general, and statistically significant, women lack the logic, reason and loyalty of men. History has shown that men build civilizations, and women consume them. As consumers, and not producers, they are far less invested in them, and (as with the war bride scenario) they will switch allegiances as soon as their hindbrain tells them a more powerful male (individual or group) is going to win. This is hard coded in to all of us. Nature, hates weakness. And across species, it is usually the male who is the provider, protector, and the women select based upon their innate desire to have and raise healthy, safe offspring.

As white men, we have failed. We allowed them to vote, often as irrationally as the dykes/leftist trash women in this video. We allowed ourselves, to eat Doritos, and watch a bunch of steroid rage black men run around on a field or court. We got fat, lazy, and uninteresting. So, women began to hold up signs welcoming foreign, darker men to our nations. They began to vote for scumbags like the Clintons, or select communist half-breeds like Obama. They even pick doddering old twats like Biden, and 80 IQ tree stumps like cackling Kamala.

How do we fix the coming EXTINCTION of the white race (31% of the world in 1901, 9% today)? We repeal the 19th Amendment, expel the jews, who are the prime precipitant of the melanin invasion, and stop ALL welfare. If black women have 12 baby dadies, all 12 kids will die unless they work 3 jobs. Nature wants it that way. If their IQ is 70 on average, they will starve in a white nation. Most of us here, are 130-180.

White men must be strong, merciless, and objective. We see the threat, we destroy it. Fuck the pussies who care about pronouns and sex changes. We DESTROY them, en masse. Rivers of blood, and we bathe in them. Religion is a nice myth, but this is far more atavistic. I could perform "culling" for 14 hours a day. I'm an endurance athlete, and have hacked up cows and deer for food, I'm fine being covered in blood, and sleeping, covered in blood.

Hail Victory. Get mean, or go extinct.

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I'd have to be pretty damned drunk.. but if I did, I think I'd cut my own dick off.

OTOH they're easy to spot -- the male face is hard to miss, no hips, silicone-inflated boobs are always obvious -- and the reek of shit out of their plastic-surgery molded cunt would be a dead give-away...

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Having sex with what you believed to be a woman does not make you gay. Being gay means you have a sexual preference for the same sex. So chase, if you have sex with what you thought was a woman, you’d be mistaken but not gay.

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Dr. Paul, I love your unabashed defense of traditional masculinity.

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Seriously PEOPLE! This is NOT KNEW! It's a WEAPON. Read this please. Understand what's behind it.


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