'Who are the two greatest grifters and grafters than your 2 parents?'

Well it all depends on what the definition of 'is', is.

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Also depends on the definition of parent.

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Webb Hubbel could not be reached for comment.

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Can the Clintons just go away. So sick of hearing from them. Is Chelsea waiting for her turn to steal from the American taxpayers?

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It was fun to see the smack-downs she got in the Twitter comments 🤣

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Yeah Pfizer isn't making a cent off the whole psuedo vax thing. And MSM they sure aren't denying the science. It's those deplorable unacceptable anti vaxxers making billions while lying on a daily basis. Yup Chelsea Hubell she got it all figured out. What a genius.

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LOL, i asked the Haitians who moved us. They could not keep still, especially about the Haitian Island the grifter couple leased for 100 years thinking it would be a great place for cruise ships to dock. They built a long ramp to come on shore and sop the island goods BUT NO Haitian was allowed to sell their goods there. Meanwhile the CCP is building hotels on Grand Bahama and NO Bahamian can work there ONLY Communist Chinese Party members.

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Thanks for the laugh

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And then there is the history of her in laws, her father in law went to jail for his grifter work of i believe $10 million. tried to have Bill pardon him but Bill saved that for Marc Rich. Just a den of thieves. I can't wait until she thinks she should be gov of my state of ny or senator. Too bad she isn't eligible to be a supreme court justice.

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Chelsie your parents were bad enough. Surely you know better than to stick your head above the parapet. Stay down girl, mom and dad sort of destroyed your ability to be taken seriously. Sorry.

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Why is Chelsea Clinton referring to a Guardian article?

Tells you exactly what you need to know:

This is pure newspeak propaganda spouted by the jailers to the inmates of the panopticon.

Search British newspapers for anything about the Pfizer FDA case to bury docs. Nothing. Australian uprisings. Nothing. The Guardian is toilet like the rest. It take seconds to identify nonsense in each of its articles.

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I believe I read that Chelsea was part of the Young Global Leaders school. She's here to stay unless we can somehow chart a different course than the one we are on.

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The fact that they are attacking anyone at a $2.5million level, much less a combined group, shows you all are hitting the nail on the head. These people accepted hundreds of billions in political "donations", and we are supposed to believe they define $2.5million as some crazy amount of money? LOL!!!!

On another note, you all need to release a stack clearly indicating you are not suicidal and to please investigate if you wind up suicided - a little group preventative insurance never hurts.

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Send her back to Klaus Schwabbs Young Global Leaders School. She needs to be re-indoctrinated, oops, re-educted. Not quite pscyhopathically/socialpathically/ genocidally Narssasistic enough Yet.

PS SUBSTACK. Keep the Good Guys $CASH FLOWING$ and Outta the Claws of the Insane.

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Chelsea, not very bright and tunnel vision besides. How much benefit has she derived from the "Clinton Foundation"

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She a real chip off of both blocks.

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You'd think with her family's reputation in tatters ( Hillary, reviled, and Bill seen by all the world for the lecher he is) that Chelsea would keep her mouth shut. These people can't help themselves.

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