I just finished reading "Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981045

It exposes the Bogus and Fraudulent Junk Science behind the childhood vaxxs. None of them have tested against a placebo saline contro ! They need to be outlawed and Congress needs to revoke the 1986 Act which gave the Vaccine Cos. immunity. Only then can our children be protected from these Satanic Psychopaths.

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I would never trust another shot for children or anyone at this point.

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My daughter in Law’s due date is tomorrow.

Thank goodness she and my son are abstaining from all childhood vaccines. We all no longer trust the medical industry here in Canada. They are switching over to all Mrna technology.

The Health officials are puppets of the criminal W.H.O. at this point.

So no thanks.

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It’s sickening.

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Yikes. We only had a few vaccines when I was growing up back in the 60's. Thank God I was born back then. I escaped thalidomide and polio. Now I have to escape the toxic shots.

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Injecting our children with multiple vaccination was just preparatory work before they figured out how to inject humanity for profit!

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The beauty of covid is that many people have woken up to the dangers of ALL vaccines, especially the childhood schedule… now the trick is to get ahead of all the corruption so we can stop this beast from rolling on and destroying all our world democracies and being forced to live under an elite one world government!

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21 years ago I innocently called the CDC to ask about the long term safety info on the newly mandated Hep A and B shots for my two teenage sons. I thought the doctor who took my call would be able to tell me, "Yep. These are totally benign and safe". He tried to at first, though he immediately told me, "There is NO long term safety data on ANY vaccine. We don't do those studies". I was shocked . After 20 minutes of conversation he abruptly asked me to "hold" and I guess switched phone lines and said, "If I were you, I would not get these for my sons" (!)

(I was stunned and thought, well what the heck do I do now? Like, how do I get exemptions? With great difficulty I found out.)

Our teenage neighbor immediately had seizures after his shots and his parents were super pissed.......

I still have that CDC doctor's name. I wonder if he's still alive.

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I have more reading to do, but I am pretty fairly certain that the autism rise is due to the vaccination schedule. How on earth did we evolve without modern medicine?

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All shots are toxic. I unfortunately learned the hard way when my oldest developed encephalitis from the Tdap booster at age 10. Then once I connected the dots, I realized she was also injured by the MMR shot at 16 months. If I knew then what I know today, I would have never injected my children.

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The childhood vaccines... it is not about health, it is about making people sick and keeping them sick, clients for life for big pharma. People have an immune system and they want to damage it and keep it damaged.

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My trust level is near Zero .

Take the time to Read - A Midwestern Doctor’s substack related to this topic.

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I’m glad to see some docs are finally waking up to the tragedy of jabbing our young children with needless and toxic poisons. The next leap is to

realize that virology is a pseudoscience whose main goal is to justify the vaccine industry.

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I'm 65 and my husband is almost 70 years old. We didn't have all these vaccines, just a few and we turned out fine. Doing my homework through all this Covid, found out that our children don't need any of these vaccines, also read Turtles All The Way Down about vaccines. Our daughter has done a lot of research on childhood to adulthood vaccines, read many books from doctors on this subject, her and our son in law watched the whole Candace Owen's series on childhood vaccines on Parler. Our 3.5 year old grandson hasn't had a vaccine since he was 14 months old and our new almost 20 week old granddaughter hasn't had one and neither will be getting any. They all take vitamins, D too. Doctor's Kory, Cole, Paul Merrick and many others have done their homework on childhood vaccines, and say they would never have their children get one single one if they had to do it over again. Doctor Kory posted it on Twitter as well, boy did the big medicine docs come after him. Haha! The only thing good about all this Covid crap, is parents are waking up to the vaccine/big med scam and the powers that be can't handle it. Get healthy, go outside and get exercise, cut your carbs, seed oils, eat good beef, veggies and real food.

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Yes, the questions are now coming thick and fast. COVID has provided the impetus to look behind the door for the boogey man. Those poor families that have endured (vaccine) damage to their precious offspring may have had more vulnerable children like canaries in that proverbial coal mine we all reside in.

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The upside to this tragedy? So many people have become aware of the dangers of vaccines. Apparently, these kill and malady shots have been going on for a long, long time.

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