4 cases myocarditis per million pre COVID era, now it is 25,000 per million, yes 25 thousands per million! myocarditis today is due to the COVID mRNA gene injection vaccine until proven otherwise
So angry & the jabbed won’t listen. How do we hold them accountable and stop jabs? I had to get booster shots for work in autistic classroom ( ironic) in 2001. By 2003 I was unable to work! Dr gave me the blank stare when I asked why I suddenly had so many autoimmune issues. Their answer- you are depressed. We need to stop the entire industry.
No kidding! Modern medicine is hopelessly captured by Big Pharma. Now all we have is this extremely corrupted Facist drug cartel running the entire system! Bring on the bulldozers!
My cousin works for Merk & won’t discuss why her daughters are forbidden to take Gardasil! She looks down in me because of my illnesses. Sold out & hell bound .
Be aware parents that other children my convince your child to take the C-19 jab without your knowledge. My child’s high school friend told my child that she should get the vaccine without my permission cuz California now allows them to get it without parental consent. I’m glad My child told her no, that it’s something she would never do or ever want.
Very sorry. That must be extremely upsetting and frustrating for you. I’d heard for the first time these past 3 years, schools described as brainwashing, compliance seeking, conformist, rote and regurgitate learning silos. It wouldn’t be far off the mark to attribute this to the way Universities are heading.
It is not so much they are heading there. They have been vital channels of lies and Marxist ideology now for generations.
If the medical community and regulators have been captured...and tech and politics...and military and policing...and near all else...to imagine that universities have escaped thus far? Quite the opposite. They have become the epicenter of the globalists expansion and quest for complete domination.
I’ve been asleep at the wheel. Until 3 years ago most likely I would not have entertained your comment. Now.... you’ve written quite a frightening reality. Capturing the youth is just good planning on the cabal’s behalf.
A couple pillars of Marxism are no private property...and no God.
Maybe you belong in the second formula? Not likey the first.
WEF promotes..."You will own nothing...and be happy." That includes...(and by importance is number one)... you.
You will be property of the government...just as they are doing with our children via education...turning children against their parents.
Trudeau was in fine form last winter when he deployed nameless military thugs against unarmed, non-violent protesters. He stole their choice of bodily autonomy...their freedom...security and their bank accounts.
Trudeau, Freeland and Sighn are all devotees and graduates of the WEF.
The Gov. Canada website hosts a large section on transhumanism...which is the foundation of the Great Reset's, Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Find me a mainstream media outlet or universty speaking up about this in negative terms...and I will send you a bag of gold dust I got from my garden this summer.
If you got one of the covjabs...you became part of the experiment in gene modification.
Technically...when a biotech company modifies the genetics of a living organism...they can patent the organism and claim legal ownership. This has been addressed already months ago...but let that sink in.
Pfizer, Moderna,etc... all achieve the same end. Modification of your cells at the molecular level. Changing their function.
Much like the programmable central bank digital currencies in the making.
Total gubment control...total ownership...totally in the plans for the very near future.
Everything is heading in the same direction if you are willing to open up your mind and look at the details in full color..on display.
Today I will visit with a pastor who is totally asleep to the world around him...and by choice. I pity him.
Capitalist and Atheist. But wide awake and learning fast. That is astonishing that the Canadian GOVT would devote space to transhumanism. Australia hasn’t been so bold. Not openly anyhow.
"Hindsight is 2020 vision" as they say. Too late now except to convince them to NEVER take another one! Would have been better to keep them out of school. Thank God this life is just a brief sojourn here. Cheer up: existence is eternal!
This is heatbreaking for the children. I am speechless. It's to the point the parents need to be held accountable too. The children are our future. What can we do to stop this?
Big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA gene altering injections murdering people is nothing new. Before covid it was probably around 250,000/year. Now with covid and pain drugs, it's climbing towards 1 million/year. No worries mate....every product big pharma makes and markets is "safe and effective", back by numerous independent trials and studies, back by rock-bottom scientific evidence, and approved by the FDA and CDC. That is still what the majority firmly believes, sadly.
Apparently our regulatory agencies are captives of the industries they are paid to regulate, but Congress says little and does nothing. Is it because most members of the House and Senate are invested in this highly profitable industry that refuses to seriously look into the cause of these deaths and injuries because it would be self-incriminatory and hurt stock values? Americans are being killed by bad products and bad policies and elections seem incapable of fixing our problems. A sad state of affairs!
Please provide a reference for the research study McCullough refers to. The link I found (chttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288/) reported a high incidence of cardiovascular side effects but low incidence of myopericarditis). While McCullough is a really trustworthy source, I think it is important to read the article carefully and critique it open-mindedly.
That's an increase in myocarditis cases of 6,250 TIMES, or 625,000%!
Which isn't all that surprising since that recent study showing that 100% of shot recipients had elevated troponin levels, indicating at least some heart muscle damage.
I really thought people would take to the streets when this started happening. Just shows how effective the PsyOp has been.
Because people are obedient until Soros organizes a peaceful protest.
To which you need to bring marshmallows on a stick!
So angry & the jabbed won’t listen. How do we hold them accountable and stop jabs? I had to get booster shots for work in autistic classroom ( ironic) in 2001. By 2003 I was unable to work! Dr gave me the blank stare when I asked why I suddenly had so many autoimmune issues. Their answer- you are depressed. We need to stop the entire industry.
No kidding! Modern medicine is hopelessly captured by Big Pharma. Now all we have is this extremely corrupted Facist drug cartel running the entire system! Bring on the bulldozers!
My cousin works for Merk & won’t discuss why her daughters are forbidden to take Gardasil! She looks down in me because of my illnesses. Sold out & hell bound .
Be aware parents that other children my convince your child to take the C-19 jab without your knowledge. My child’s high school friend told my child that she should get the vaccine without my permission cuz California now allows them to get it without parental consent. I’m glad My child told her no, that it’s something she would never do or ever want.
I have 3 kids.
All poisoned...mentally...now physically.
Thank you universties.
Very sorry. That must be extremely upsetting and frustrating for you. I’d heard for the first time these past 3 years, schools described as brainwashing, compliance seeking, conformist, rote and regurgitate learning silos. It wouldn’t be far off the mark to attribute this to the way Universities are heading.
It is not so much they are heading there. They have been vital channels of lies and Marxist ideology now for generations.
If the medical community and regulators have been captured...and tech and politics...and military and policing...and near all else...to imagine that universities have escaped thus far? Quite the opposite. They have become the epicenter of the globalists expansion and quest for complete domination.
I’ve been asleep at the wheel. Until 3 years ago most likely I would not have entertained your comment. Now.... you’ve written quite a frightening reality. Capturing the youth is just good planning on the cabal’s behalf.
A couple pillars of Marxism are no private property...and no God.
Maybe you belong in the second formula? Not likey the first.
WEF promotes..."You will own nothing...and be happy." That includes...(and by importance is number one)... you.
You will be property of the government...just as they are doing with our children via education...turning children against their parents.
Trudeau was in fine form last winter when he deployed nameless military thugs against unarmed, non-violent protesters. He stole their choice of bodily autonomy...their freedom...security and their bank accounts.
Trudeau, Freeland and Sighn are all devotees and graduates of the WEF.
The Gov. Canada website hosts a large section on transhumanism...which is the foundation of the Great Reset's, Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Find me a mainstream media outlet or universty speaking up about this in negative terms...and I will send you a bag of gold dust I got from my garden this summer.
If you got one of the covjabs...you became part of the experiment in gene modification.
Technically...when a biotech company modifies the genetics of a living organism...they can patent the organism and claim legal ownership. This has been addressed already months ago...but let that sink in.
Pfizer, Moderna,etc... all achieve the same end. Modification of your cells at the molecular level. Changing their function.
Much like the programmable central bank digital currencies in the making.
Total gubment control...total ownership...totally in the plans for the very near future.
Everything is heading in the same direction if you are willing to open up your mind and look at the details in full color..on display.
Today I will visit with a pastor who is totally asleep to the world around him...and by choice. I pity him.
Capitalist and Atheist. But wide awake and learning fast. That is astonishing that the Canadian GOVT would devote space to transhumanism. Australia hasn’t been so bold. Not openly anyhow.
"Hindsight is 2020 vision" as they say. Too late now except to convince them to NEVER take another one! Would have been better to keep them out of school. Thank God this life is just a brief sojourn here. Cheer up: existence is eternal!
smart kid 💕👍💕
This is heatbreaking for the children. I am speechless. It's to the point the parents need to be held accountable too. The children are our future. What can we do to stop this?
Unbelievable! Sharing this information.
That statistic, 25K cases of myocarditis per million, is nothing less than mind numbing and horrific beyond words :o :o :o
It’s only a 6,250x increase. Are we sure that’s statistically significant? 😅
💉spike or graphene oxide damage?💉
Big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA gene altering injections murdering people is nothing new. Before covid it was probably around 250,000/year. Now with covid and pain drugs, it's climbing towards 1 million/year. No worries mate....every product big pharma makes and markets is "safe and effective", back by numerous independent trials and studies, back by rock-bottom scientific evidence, and approved by the FDA and CDC. That is still what the majority firmly believes, sadly.
Mass murder by committee.
Too bad people I know pretend that’s misinfo
Apparently our regulatory agencies are captives of the industries they are paid to regulate, but Congress says little and does nothing. Is it because most members of the House and Senate are invested in this highly profitable industry that refuses to seriously look into the cause of these deaths and injuries because it would be self-incriminatory and hurt stock values? Americans are being killed by bad products and bad policies and elections seem incapable of fixing our problems. A sad state of affairs!
Please provide a reference for the research study McCullough refers to. The link I found (chttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288/) reported a high incidence of cardiovascular side effects but low incidence of myopericarditis). While McCullough is a really trustworthy source, I think it is important to read the article carefully and critique it open-mindedly.
That's an increase in myocarditis cases of 6,250 TIMES, or 625,000%!
Which isn't all that surprising since that recent study showing that 100% of shot recipients had elevated troponin levels, indicating at least some heart muscle damage.