The report, titled “110 Overseas: Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild,” identified 54 Chinese overseas police stations in 30 countries, including 3 in Toronto. Then the question is, WHY?
Omg - this is awful. It's like a cancer spreading all over the planet. Although the countries ' allowing ' this are also to blame. I'm glad I'm not young anymore but I worry for my children and grandchildren. What sort of world are we giving them ☹
The kind we're not willing to fight against....that is...IF. we look at ourselves as helpless poor me's. We'd better do whatever we can to stop them as long as we have breath in us. I don't want my children and grandchildren spitting on my grave saying we were selfish. And lazy and didn't stand up for the truth and left them with a pile of s#@t and left them enslaved.
Thank you for your wonderful informative articles! In addition there is one in NYC as well as the many around the world and in Canada. All done behind our back. So many have sold us out, their palms are greased as they say. It has to stop.
Who is spying on whom? The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance composed of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States to spy on the world.
The police stations have all been set up at the same time in so many different countries-this is coordinated. How did each country allow this? This MUST be addressed
Frances, the agencies and countries you have mentioned, and the many that you did not mention, are doing this information gathering, whether it be right or wrong, for their own purpose. Seemingly for their own benefit. That is quite a different thing than for the Prime Minister of Canada to allow a foreign communist agency into our country to “police” certain people. And how do we know they are not doing much more than that. Things that would negatively affect Canadian citizens and aid Trudeau’s tyrannical, Communist style democracy?
I work with Uyghurs and Hong Kongers in Canada and everytime we have a demonstration we are being watched and photographed by Chinese who are more than likely from the Chinese consulate. Hong Kongers have to wear masks and sunglasses so that their identity is not revealed.
Joshua Phillips from the Epoch Times started his career in journalism investigating the CCP. He did a live report yesterday on this. He also covered his own investigation into the CCP. Imagine living in the US and being called back to China to stand trial for something you've done. You have no idea the horrors these people are capable of. They have killed over a 100 million people that practice Fulon Gong for their transplant business. The CCP is a very lucrative transplant business.
"While the Chinese authorities say these police stations are created to better serve its overseas nationals, the report noted that those stations have been used to “persuade” up to 230,000 Chinese nationals to “voluntarily” return to China to face criminal proceedings between April 2021 and July 2022."
And you need a police station for this because.....?
Either our officials are hopeless naive dimwits or they're traitors.
Nevertheless, they bet on the wrong horse if they are the latter. China is imploding.
There's no comparison between Canada and China. The Chinese and the CCP at least did not send jackbooted thugs to bash truckdrivers. They have declined to touch the mRNA pseudovaccines with a ten foot pole. Additionally, the Chinese have rejected vaccine mandates as unethical and excessively authoritarian.
Tiananmen Square students, the ones who survived the tanks and gunshots, and the Covid sufferers, who survived being bolted in their homes can attest to the kindness of the CCP. Yep their kind of communism is much more respectable than our western thug socialist governments.
I believe the fallacy you are using is reduction ad absurdum. The comments made were a critique of Canada, for their underperformance with respect to matters of medical ethics and medical autonomy, rather than intended as praise for China. What the CCP did in Tiananmen Square was bad, although it's not the worst they could have done. I hope they never use weapons of mass destruction to target civilians in civilian cities such as happened mid last century when two civilian cities were annihilated with nuclear bombs. Is not doing that along the lines of what you meant by "much more respectable?"
Yes they are far from perfect and they have a covid zero policy so they do do lockdowns but they draw the line at vaccine mandates. They're brutal and repressive. However, despite their many faults and the authoritarian nature of their regime they have not been prepared to go as far as Trudeau. Additionally, although Xi can be rightly criticized for many thing, he at least, unlike Trudeau, has never been credibly accused of groping non-consenting women or dressing in blackface.
Omg - this is awful. It's like a cancer spreading all over the planet. Although the countries ' allowing ' this are also to blame. I'm glad I'm not young anymore but I worry for my children and grandchildren. What sort of world are we giving them ☹
The kind we're not willing to fight against....that is...IF. we look at ourselves as helpless poor me's. We'd better do whatever we can to stop them as long as we have breath in us. I don't want my children and grandchildren spitting on my grave saying we were selfish. And lazy and didn't stand up for the truth and left them with a pile of s#@t and left them enslaved.
Thank you for your wonderful informative articles! In addition there is one in NYC as well as the many around the world and in Canada. All done behind our back. So many have sold us out, their palms are greased as they say. It has to stop.
Their pain is coming....there is a price that traitors pay.
Trudeau and his “RESPECT” for the communist regime has allowed this.
How do we know they are not spying, or worse, on Canadians! #Trudeaumustgo!!!
Who is spying on whom? The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance composed of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States to spy on the world.
Didn't Trudeau allow the Chinese Military to train in Canada? Very disturbing.
More disturbing was the Trudeau government's objection to the cancellation of these training exercises.
Damned straight!
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
Trudeau is a traitor...he will be gone....forever
The collusion from within is the sole reason we struggle now.
As time passes, so the battle lines become clear.
The police stations have all been set up at the same time in so many different countries-this is coordinated. How did each country allow this? This MUST be addressed
We have “leaders” who will do anything for money and power. They detest us.
Frances, the agencies and countries you have mentioned, and the many that you did not mention, are doing this information gathering, whether it be right or wrong, for their own purpose. Seemingly for their own benefit. That is quite a different thing than for the Prime Minister of Canada to allow a foreign communist agency into our country to “police” certain people. And how do we know they are not doing much more than that. Things that would negatively affect Canadian citizens and aid Trudeau’s tyrannical, Communist style democracy?
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
Trudeau love China CCP....this is wrong.....they should NOT be here!
I work with Uyghurs and Hong Kongers in Canada and everytime we have a demonstration we are being watched and photographed by Chinese who are more than likely from the Chinese consulate. Hong Kongers have to wear masks and sunglasses so that their identity is not revealed.
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
They are in the US as well.
Joshua Phillips from the Epoch Times started his career in journalism investigating the CCP. He did a live report yesterday on this. He also covered his own investigation into the CCP. Imagine living in the US and being called back to China to stand trial for something you've done. You have no idea the horrors these people are capable of. They have killed over a 100 million people that practice Fulon Gong for their transplant business. The CCP is a very lucrative transplant business.
New York has one also.
What in the unholy f*ck is going on in Toronto??
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
I believe that there is one of these stations set up in NYC.
Yes in Manhattan...
"While the Chinese authorities say these police stations are created to better serve its overseas nationals, the report noted that those stations have been used to “persuade” up to 230,000 Chinese nationals to “voluntarily” return to China to face criminal proceedings between April 2021 and July 2022."
And you need a police station for this because.....?
Either our officials are hopeless naive dimwits or they're traitors.
Nevertheless, they bet on the wrong horse if they are the latter. China is imploding.
Imploding or expanding?
China's long-term trends and demographics are ugly.
There's no comparison between Canada and China. The Chinese and the CCP at least did not send jackbooted thugs to bash truckdrivers. They have declined to touch the mRNA pseudovaccines with a ten foot pole. Additionally, the Chinese have rejected vaccine mandates as unethical and excessively authoritarian.
Tiananmen Square students, the ones who survived the tanks and gunshots, and the Covid sufferers, who survived being bolted in their homes can attest to the kindness of the CCP. Yep their kind of communism is much more respectable than our western thug socialist governments.
I believe the fallacy you are using is reduction ad absurdum. The comments made were a critique of Canada, for their underperformance with respect to matters of medical ethics and medical autonomy, rather than intended as praise for China. What the CCP did in Tiananmen Square was bad, although it's not the worst they could have done. I hope they never use weapons of mass destruction to target civilians in civilian cities such as happened mid last century when two civilian cities were annihilated with nuclear bombs. Is not doing that along the lines of what you meant by "much more respectable?"
That's not exactly what I hear from China.
They have their control mechanisms.
Didn't they lock down Shanghai?
What do they do to people following Falun Gong, the Uyghurs. Probably the worst human rights violators.
They don't need vax mandates, they have other methods to make you comply
Uyghurs in East Turkestan are being starved under the pretext of lockdown
Yes they are far from perfect and they have a covid zero policy so they do do lockdowns but they draw the line at vaccine mandates. They're brutal and repressive. However, despite their many faults and the authoritarian nature of their regime they have not been prepared to go as far as Trudeau. Additionally, although Xi can be rightly criticized for many thing, he at least, unlike Trudeau, has never been credibly accused of groping non-consenting women or dressing in blackface.
Trudeau seems to like the Chinese system, he's done a modified version using of their system, using mandates vs complete lockdown,
if he didn't get the push back , there would have been more mandates on everything which = lockdowns for many.
China is a brutal system,
But I do understand your point. 👍
WHY IS THIS BEING ALLOWED!!!Biden and all senators and representatives are Traitors