Weird thing happened to me. I was with a work associate several work days. We both got covid. I took IVM, HCQ, Zinc, D and Xlear nasal spray. Nothing much happened to me. My coworker is double shot, tripple boosted and is really sick.

His young kids are very sick.

In Portland Oregon seems all the kids are sick, all been shot twice and boosted once.

This is no shit. This is really getting very serious.

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My friends son in Portland has cv 6 times and vexed. Baby and baby mamma 6 times too

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My brother in law recently wrote that he had gotten a total of 4 vaccines...two initial shots and two boosters. He also noted that he has had Covid 4 times now....but thank goodness for the vaccines so he didn't get too terribly sick or end up in hospital. What can you say to this kind of idiocy?

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ABE, antibody enhancement, it's intended to re-infect and amplify and spread to those around the shedders. This is a Plandemic of the "vaccinated." If you know of anyone taking them pls ask them to stay away from society for at least 90 days.

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So is it clear that it takes 90 days to stop this shedding?

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No, I don't know? It's just a number I feel more comfortable with being around them! The jabbed need to be locked down and kept out of society. I just knew it was going to be the case. Mostly because all of the talking heads were reading from the same script, saying the opposite!

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I remember way back when this started there was a slide deck where on one slide it said would take 6 mrna vaccines to finish the series. That is all it said the page before and after gave no clue what was meant by that. Did they know 6 shots kill? Is that what that slide meant???

This was very early, when they said 2 and done. So, it was surprising to see the slide saying 6.

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The original plan by Pfizer was 10 shots. I’m in Australia and our govt purchase 250 million doses for a population of 25 million people. A lot of people got at least one shot - we were literally prisoner, people felt they were coerced or forced by mandates. By the boosters only 30% uptake. Not my Ch by way of “free” choice here. We live on a big island and now the G20 is backing international vaccine passports we are still not ever going to be free. If you think 6 is bad the WHO has indicated they expect everyone to have 500 vaccines by 2030. This is just the first round of insanity.

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In the Uk the health service” codes” were apparently set up for 6 shots from the start.

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Remember that too. Do you know why?

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I don’t but I clearly recall it being reported.

At the time there was comment re cynicism re money but just maybe it was more sinister? ( which is now my view)

Whatever is the case it was clearly planned from the start which even then was odd at Astra Zenecca at the start said two shots was as ll that was required!

And we know what happened to AZ….

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The main component in the shots is the same or similar (or instructions to make it) as the spread and shed versions. So, your co-worker was poisoned 6x versus your 1x. One cannot develop immunity to this.

I don't know why everyone reacts so differently. There are nonvaxxed who follow recommended protocols and still become very sick and even hospitalized. In the past month, I've seen a couple nonvaxxed report diagnoses of advance cancers a few weeks after experiencing a mild infection. I suspect these are actually blood clots.

Something respiratory has been going around. Some have been calling it or testing as the flu, some for cold, some for RSV, and others for COVID. Eye, ear, nasal, and throat infections have been going on. Some have said they or their kids have been sick back-to-back for several months. Any of these can be reactions from various shots, shedding, or something else. Over half of American kids have had their bodies screwed up before the COVID shot roll out.


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IMO, I think that they never intended on Herd Immunity because they KNEW that the jabs shed, spike and MRNA- so ultimately we will all be vaccinated- choice or not. God help us all.

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I think it is related to original antigenic sin in part. (Why some non vaxxed get a worse case.) My mom kept a 'baby book' listing our worst illnesses growing up. The ones that really got me were the bad outbreaks from Asia in the late 60's, and mid-70's. (I never get sick for the most part over the past 20 years.) We were all around vax shedders last Christmas Day (none of us got the clot-fibroid shot) and everyone but me got mild cold symptoms. A couple weeks later I got the Wuhan Flu bad. Others in my symptom situation I know went to hospital and were there for weeks (thankfully the hospital failed in killing them.) Thankfully we had some prophylactic ivermectin that kicked in over 24 hours. Back on feet quickly and after a month smell sense was back to normal. So I think original antigenic sin must play a role.

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You can't get something that DOESN'T EXIST! You had some kind of TOXIN get into your body. It could even have been ELECTRICAL MAGNETIC. PERIOD. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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There is no Covid in China. Using Covid as an excuse to totally CONTROL population. They are building Covid prison camps as we speak. They have hundreds of thousands of surveillance cameras. All of these brave protestors know they will be seen and face horrific tortures but my prayer is that they will prevail. I feel they will by Gods grace. Military tanks brought in today . Haven’t seen the outcome of that.

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What planet are you living on...what a pile of mule muffins

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Why is Xi killing his own people? No western leaders unerring a word.

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There is a One World Order agenda amongst several nations and organizations such as WEF,WHO, UN and others. China is all about it and one goal is world wide depopulation and trans humanism. Do some research for example on Klaus Schwab and Noah Huwari(sp?) The Covid virus and “shot” got them off to a great start (bioweapons) The depth of the evil is mind numbing. The US govt,big tech and corporate world are tied into China big time so as horrible as it seems US is turning a blind eye. Biden and co. Are single-handedly destroying US. There is no nation with open borders and energy independence is key.

Praying for God’s intervention and salvation across this world.

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Sad but true.

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US helped create it, why wouldn't they turn a blind eye?

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.....the only anti virus for the world, being HACKED right now is to establish your relationship with Godhead....this can be immediately acheived by chanting this MANTRA

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

It's free and it really works because God is transcedental to the material realm...

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Watch the Biden regime do another lockdown.

Alex Jones is predicting it.

Love him or hate him, he has been right at least 90% of the time.

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A lockdown for what?

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The next pandemic.

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Dirty secret is China doesn't want to save its elderly. They are a drain on the commie system. With their disastrous one-child policy in place for so long, there aren't enough youngsters around to support the aged. So this is a 'medical' way to enact a 'solution'.

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This is one of the reasons I have come to believe that whether planned or not, the damage is intentional. This was known to be the result of lockdowns. Doctors warned us that this would happen and they did it anyway.

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My understanding is that previous COVID infections (never mind the clot-shot) does not protect from the new variant XBB? So, if true virtually every one is potentially susceptible.

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See above. Immunity is not absolute but the immune system recognizes non structural proteins which show up early during infection eg RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. These proteins are shared across such viruses and do not mutate easily as this would stop the ability to reproduce. Our bodies do not solidify antibody memory to coronaviruses for a reason. Thats why you can get a cold over and over. It's not a no-infection immunity but it is very broad. It's a trade off. It's nothing more than a cold at this point.

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Xbb? Reference please

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5G bringing EMP's to you! Disrupting iron in the blood hemoglobin and thus screwing with oxygen uptake. CAUSING a toxic environment.

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No china likes the anal swabs too much. They can't stop themselves. Somebody said China is paranoid for a biological attack , covid is just cover. They test for all kind of agents analy. Lock down just in case because they are helping Russia. This is why they test even trucks with cotton swabs. They think what's being brought into country might have bioweapons sprayed on...

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It’s unbelievable what is happening in this world. Omicron and BQ presents as a common cold. Symptoms include cough, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, headache and possibly fever. Not everyone will present with all symptoms. This is such BS & it has nothing to do with health and safety. China needs to go buck wild and pull a Sri Lanka

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The CCP falling would weaken the WEF and UN also. Lets hope the people can do it.

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We have to remember the shinese can pull the plug and disconnect from the wlrld/internet at anytime. We're seeing what someone wants us to see, and could easily be shut down. May not even be real? The question is why? What's the tyrants next move?

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They PRESENT as a common cold because THEY ARE a common cold. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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Read dr Walter chestnut.. he says it's the spike in infection doing damage.. everyone at risk for this vascular attack .. it ain't mere cold🤌

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China has much more serious problems than the coof. Their economy is collapsing so they have decided to beat people into submission and protect the CCP at all cost. They don't care at all if they have to murder 100 million of their own citizens in the process because they would still have 1.3 billion people left. That's the state of affairs right now.

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They've got over a billion people. The survival of the current government depends on exerting an extreme level of control when you've got that many people who could potentially overthrow you.

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China methods are whats in store for all of us if we dont resist resist resist.

Never forget what Dr Mike Yeadon warned us 2 1/2 years ago.

"Your government is lying to you".

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Wrong! Their lockdowns are all about preventing the Chinese citizens going to the bank since the CCP’s finances are in trouble! There had been bank runs in some of the cities and the lockdowns are to prevent anymore of those. Why would anyone believe the CCP when they say they’re doing COVID lockdowns??? The CCP has stolen from their people/slaves!

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So true, everything they made up as rules to protect us from a virus that did not exist was all intended to destroy our immune system. Even staying inside reduced our sunlight to increase or vitamin D levels. Isolation destroyed our social lives to make us depressed, etc.

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My take on this is rather different i.e. I do not believe it has anything to do with ZERO COVID. I believe it is more about taking back control & re-gaining obedience, by keeping areas/people of China which have become a little more Western than is acceptable to the dictator. This has the additional bonus to the dictator, of interrupting the supply chain to the West, and provides them an excuse to continue to call for the reduce the costs for resources they need e.g. Australia's coal & maintain their stance on blocking many imports.

Those in the white haz mat suits, I'm certain, are there because of all the 'social justice points(?) they can gain for siding with the government.

The dictator cares not for his people, Z.C. is just an excuse to gain back control.

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COVID ideology is the real lethal pandemic. Help others wake up!

Free “wake up” movies!

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!

Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!


Presented by Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech (rwmalonemd.substack.com):


Based on 2000 papers: https://bit.ly/research2000

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China has too many men.

China has too many elderly.

China is killing their people.

Whats new !

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