Obama Holder Susan Rice Lisa Monaco all know what they are doing. None of these people except for of course Biden who doesn’t know what he is doing and acts as a scripted mouthpiece for the above named Marxists. They are hellbent on destroying this Republic Obama has stated his agenda from the time he was sadly nominated to run for President. The fact that he won twice should suggest to any of us with a modicum of critical thinking skills knows their plans to be totalitarian dictators has been their end game. Please stop giving g the Biden Admin a hall pass for stupidity. They are acting out their orders from Obama it is that simple! He needs to be arrested for treason it’s a long time coming

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Mr. Fn Fool.

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Yes, most if not all of your Krew realize the perils that have been created by this administration. Unfortunately those who do not are the ones that believe Mr clusterfuck himself FJB just ran a 5-minute mile last month, that he's keeping our borders safe and free from violent criminals, that Ukraine deserves $1Billion/wk💰💰💰 from our depleted budget, that Ukraine can win, that 'vaccines' are safe & effective, Fauci is our savior, Hunter's laptop is Russian espionage, MAGA are neo Nazis, Trump is worse than Hunter, yada yada. They're not waking up Doc🥱🫠🥺🤫

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Biden, protecting all his chemical labs in Ukraine...

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Yes these idiots will cause WWIII........

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Taiwan is a sitting duck like buthead has made the U S.

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It is a flustercuck. President Trump posted a single post/word on his social media page today: WW-3

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To be honest I'm tired of it all, maybe this the true "great reset' in Bible ...if so bring it on!

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I think that, from the perspective of this puppet “administration”, they’re enjoying great success in destroying this country, which has been their goal.

I think they may be stupid enough to believe they can control what comes next. But they can’t, at least not for long.

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It is time to acknowledge the possibility Biden is compromised. Incompetence on this scale suggests there is an intentionality to it. When viewed through a prism that he is *trying* to destroy the country, the seeming incompetence begins to make more sense.

Biden has been lying to the country for at least a decade while reaping tens of millions of dollars directly from the Chines government and military. FACT.


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A vote for Brandon was a vote for chaos, moral decay, and economic decline.

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The reality of life on this planet is that there are lots of us and not many of them, the super rich that is and it is the super rich who have the most to lose if China, for want of this argument, were to take Taiwan, even if it could, which I doubt.

The super rich are clever at scaring us the multitude into fighting their fights for them with our bodies and lives, while they sit at home, comfortably ensconced by their wealth and position, unconcerned at our eventual fate.

Personally, they are so far up the human biology tree, that I never get to see any of them, from my lowly position in life and if they get in a maddie over events they cannot control, well, I don't give a blind fuck - if they don't like it, they should do something about it and not use us as their expendable ammunition.

Change - put another log on the fire and put another channel on the TV please!!

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Keep pulling that Tiger's tail & it will end very very badly.

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Dr. Alexander, the US is increasingly seen as a nation of LGBTP, drag queens in schools and advocates for child transgenderism.

The SCOTUS has found that the founding fathers believed it so important that Americans be able to practise sodomy unimpeded that they included a " right to sodomy" in the US constitution.

Is it any wonder that the Chinese are disrespecting the US?

American values have changed.

Remember those videos of female only audiences cheering on drag queens in schools?

I read the news article below today and I immediately thought about what it says about US values and why China is becoming emboldened.

The woman in the story in the article at tbe link below, and who is charged with having intimate relations with a dog, would to the readers of that publication in China be seen as a fairly typical US woman of today, putting contemporary US values into action.

Moment Mississippi woman, 19, is arrested over video showing her 'having intercourse with a DOG'


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War is the health of the state. Joe Biden and the Democrats see a Red Fist of Russia and China winning as a blood transfusion.

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