What a beautiful, beautiful headline ~ "Africa may have reached the pandemic's holy grail." If only people would pay attention to how it's done!

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China is not socialist or communist. It is the most advanced capitalist country I have evr been. China is communist in name only. It’s corporate technocratic biosecurity state and WEF’s model for the world.

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IMO, it is communist using a free market economy...rules centrally iron fist but knows that only way to survive is free market, thats why it could not let go of Hong Kong, dont care for the people, just the money.

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Sounds like many people you have your own definition of communism. Fine, but China is not really that much different than the US or Canada. Many countries in the world don't care about their people. Look at the imprisonment of protesters during the Freedom Convoy here in Canada. Then the suspension of our Charter and Human Rights. Then there is lock-downs, experimental gene therapy, fighting proxy wars through another country) China is not an exception to that. Neither are we here in the West.

We need to stop vilifying the other. We are the other. Wake up.

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There was never a pandemic. Plandemic, genocidal PSYOP planned years in advance. Population control and culling of "useless eaters" worldwide. Vaxx - bioweapon attack on humanity.

"The World Bank document titled “COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM AND PROPOSED 25 PROJECTS UNDER PHASE 1” was made available to the public on April 2, 2020. According to this document, the expected COVID-19 Project Closing Date is March 31, 2025."

Coming to a city near you: Slaughtering "infected" pets, and caging, starving, and beating "infected" people. Wait till the next plandemic which will "get our attention" according to kill bates.

“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come


Meanwhile in Canada:

Following the Footsteps of the Third Reich: Canada Announces Medicalized Murder of the Mentally Ill

History Repeating: the use of weaponized psychiatry in the recent past


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If you ask me,this is their way of extending the virus indefinitely. The more boosters you take the more variants, the more boosters. Etcetera.

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Under Mao, CCP just filled mass graves with their citizens after the bullet to the back of the head. Starving them to death in high rise concentration camps conserves ammunition. Demonic democidal psychopaths in charge there.

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How do we really know this is happening and not propaganda organized by the pro-China forces in the US? Are we going to fall for the same thing again? Is this the ‘vote by mail variant?’ Sure has that same feeling as 2020.

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its either we share and inform each other or we do nothing, I like the former; and you take what you want from it; you do not need believe but the images and videos and reporting sure supports this; do you have information to say otherwise? It does not matter, we have been lied to by everyone, today, we go on the offensive and we attack back and even use their tactics...

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The problem is that the information exchange takes place between 1% of population, who are able to think and analyze. The rest (herd) refuses to listen, watch and accept any facts. They operate by only the data instilled into their minds. Hence, this education activity happens only between like-minded people. How to expand this circle? Do we need more evidence, aka vaccine deaths for that?

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The people shown collapsing in the streets certainly was fake.

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Thank you for your amazing efforts to educate and wake us up!!!

I agree that if we don't smarten up quickly, this is what we can expect, as I think those authors have been producing much of the footage we have been seeing.

I believe that Othello’s Iago has been busy at work! As we recognize one of his shenanigans, he spins another terrifying web of lies.

We were the ones who quickly spotted the covid hoax and I know my pride surfaced, thinking I can’t be bamboozled like all the sleepyheads.

I’m 62 and thus completely indoctrinated by the cold war narrative, thus was very quick to latch onto the Xi/Putin propaganda and it has been the hardest nut to crack in my knoggin!

It has taken my son, Matthew, founder of the Canadian Patriot Review almost 2 years to recognize my own assumptions of China & Russia.

I listened to his words, but they didn’t sink in until one day I did an appraisal of my own totalitarian government.

I was then ready for the educator, learning to look top-down into the history of those nations, their struggles, their 5th columns, successes and failures.

We hear both sides using the same words, but with juxtaposed actions. We, in the west have changed the definition of words and even hijacked terminology, with new meanings.

I pray that I will be quicker to recognize Iago’s next lie, so as not to be snookered yet again.

I think you will find Matt’s latest interview on TNT Radio helpful too:

China is NOT the Enemy: Biowarfare Realities Past and Present


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In America, most apartment doors open INWARDLY... that is, into the apartment rather than out into the hall... Does this welded bar do any good? https://youtu.be/x0YLLkr7VfU

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Those who continue to reach their arms out for the bioweapon jabs, obediently wear masks, and willingly forfeit liberties will be responsible for that happening here. Our corrupt government and the psychotic globalists will take it as far as we allow.

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I’d like to see that. More than half the US population is armed and not with legal weapons. They’d be fools to try something like that here. No?

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Bet'cha there's more legal weapons than you think.

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The more vax, the more decease and deaths. Very logical but the herd refuses to get it. Good for Africa!

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That was done to scare people so they would take the vaccines down the road. It's fake.

Like this

Corpses standing up in the rear mirror, after the camera is done filming


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Everyone needs to see this video


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