; evoking memories of the country's stringent anti-virus measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Just remember China has too many humans and they will kill as many of them as they can get away with. China and the USA developed the virus and the vaccine for that purpose. If you want to know what comes next, look at China now. Get ready for Bill's next plandemic and he's got the vaccine for it ready to go. Aren't you glad Biden's got your back?
Pneumonia is not even a contagious disease or disease at all, is it? It is a state of infection with various causes. It is the result of some insult to the lungs. That is what I read. I have a friend who gets it nearly every year (late fall) from flu or forest fires or just about anything.
Have there been any videos of chinese citizens' flopping over in the streets, falling straight down ( so they can conveniently put out their hands at the last moment to break their fall ) , all the while in another convenience, a camera just happens to photograph the scene from behind ( to conveniently obscure the hands trick ) ?
CHina will succeed in their goals with this outbreak if they can terrify Western countries, and the U.S. into unnecessarily shutting down and imposing totalitarian measures in the name of "keeping us all safe." Let's pray we aren't dumb enough to fall for it again. The book "Snake Oil" by Michael Senger talks about Xi Jinping fooled us once. Hopefully he won't fool us a second time. Shame would be on us for falling for the same prank twice.
What's wrong with YOU for asking these questions? Don't you know that what happened was NEVER about a "pandemic"? Don't you know that the TRUE goal was global theft, control and to further a Globalist agenda? When you accept the reality of what took place, and why, then the things we are seeing make perfect sense.
I had a heart attack 2nd one. Why??? My Cardiologist had rules Covid rules masks the whole bs shooting match. So I wouldn’t go they wouldn’t fill my heart meds and WHAM another heart attack thanks you monster Drs, you suck im going to sue. Just biding my time…
Like Germans Chinese are compliant robots fuck the CCP fuck the Talmudic Jews I’m fighting till the death if need be. Fuck fuck RINO scums they’ve all been blackmailed by them and Mossad monsters I’m spitting mad
China has had centuries of epidemics and have developed huge nutraceutical alternatives in their health care facilities. Typically the population will be asked in the hospital if they want to be treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine or Western drugs. If you've ever walked through a China town you will see herbal stores ready to serve the general population. In India you will see Aryvedic, Korea, Taiwan, Japan are the same. Bill Gates and the WHO has bamboozled the western public into believing that only modern medicine can solve this epidemic. Same with malaria. In the 50's artemisia was used as an injectable and still is with far greater success than Bill Gates programs. There are no patents on herbs so it's cheap to the public.
I think this is fake. Many of the videos out of China showing body bags etc with Covid were fake....if the kids were still masked up then we have no worries....although the bacteria under masks here in Florida were found to be more harmful and not really in the environment in enough proportion to harm the rest of us.......unless it is done on purpose......although i saw on Redacted that lockdowns are coming but I did not listen.....
And you think it's going to stay there? LOL. It worked before, it will happen again...Say NO now...and mean it. Keep and eye open this time...
High time for that revolution our Founders talked about...
Just remember China has too many humans and they will kill as many of them as they can get away with. China and the USA developed the virus and the vaccine for that purpose. If you want to know what comes next, look at China now. Get ready for Bill's next plandemic and he's got the vaccine for it ready to go. Aren't you glad Biden's got your back?
Pneumonia is not even a contagious disease or disease at all, is it? It is a state of infection with various causes. It is the result of some insult to the lungs. That is what I read. I have a friend who gets it nearly every year (late fall) from flu or forest fires or just about anything.
Have there been any videos of chinese citizens' flopping over in the streets, falling straight down ( so they can conveniently put out their hands at the last moment to break their fall ) , all the while in another convenience, a camera just happens to photograph the scene from behind ( to conveniently obscure the hands trick ) ?
My first question: are the people presenting with this vaccinated using mRNA or similar Covid vaccines? If so, nothing to see here folks.
Of course - everyone does what they are told in China so majority jabbed.
Watch WHO “take charge” and decide on how this will be handled???
CHina will succeed in their goals with this outbreak if they can terrify Western countries, and the U.S. into unnecessarily shutting down and imposing totalitarian measures in the name of "keeping us all safe." Let's pray we aren't dumb enough to fall for it again. The book "Snake Oil" by Michael Senger talks about Xi Jinping fooled us once. Hopefully he won't fool us a second time. Shame would be on us for falling for the same prank twice.
What's wrong with YOU for asking these questions? Don't you know that what happened was NEVER about a "pandemic"? Don't you know that the TRUE goal was global theft, control and to further a Globalist agenda? When you accept the reality of what took place, and why, then the things we are seeing make perfect sense.
Noice how it's about the kids this time. It's a better sales model for the lunatics.
I had a heart attack 2nd one. Why??? My Cardiologist had rules Covid rules masks the whole bs shooting match. So I wouldn’t go they wouldn’t fill my heart meds and WHAM another heart attack thanks you monster Drs, you suck im going to sue. Just biding my time…
Like Germans Chinese are compliant robots fuck the CCP fuck the Talmudic Jews I’m fighting till the death if need be. Fuck fuck RINO scums they’ve all been blackmailed by them and Mossad monsters I’m spitting mad
Playing the international BioWare games again.
China has had centuries of epidemics and have developed huge nutraceutical alternatives in their health care facilities. Typically the population will be asked in the hospital if they want to be treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine or Western drugs. If you've ever walked through a China town you will see herbal stores ready to serve the general population. In India you will see Aryvedic, Korea, Taiwan, Japan are the same. Bill Gates and the WHO has bamboozled the western public into believing that only modern medicine can solve this epidemic. Same with malaria. In the 50's artemisia was used as an injectable and still is with far greater success than Bill Gates programs. There are no patents on herbs so it's cheap to the public.
It worked 4 years ago, so why not try it again? If we fall for this hoax again, then we get what we deserve.
I think this is fake. Many of the videos out of China showing body bags etc with Covid were fake....if the kids were still masked up then we have no worries....although the bacteria under masks here in Florida were found to be more harmful and not really in the environment in enough proportion to harm the rest of us.......unless it is done on purpose......although i saw on Redacted that lockdowns are coming but I did not listen.....
your transnational shadow government exposed
Gotta stir up everybody’s PTSD & keep the fear goin! Wonder if the citizens will fall for this crap AGAIN?