No offense, Doc but I think youve underestimated the role of the Drosten PCR test in creating this entire scenario. How do we think we know which of dozens of possible pathogens is the causative agent in Covid 19?? The ONLY WAY is to identify it using the completely discredited PCR test!! There is virtually no other way since most all the symptoms are identical to every other common cold or flu. So DID we ACTUALLY HAVE a Covid 19 Pandemic or is it as Dr Reiner Fuellmich calls it, a “Pandemic of Bad Tesfs”??

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Coming soon to a city near you:

Slaughtering "infected" pets and caging, starving, and beating "infected" people. Wait till the next plandemic which will "get our attention" according to Bill Gates:

“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come

China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP


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I think you are right. Time to assume the worst.

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This is a signal that rising food prices will force decisions to give up pets and/or stop adopting them. Pets will be euthanized by "agencies' for the greater good

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Killing pets signal food shortages coming. Cats and Dogs eat food as a competitive species in times of starvation. It has nothing to do with catching Covid from a cat.

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Great accurate synopsis how the events unfolded, thanks

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Not to be redundant......but when are we going to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start playing offense ???

Another we blew it article and a weekly update of the same doomsday charts are accomplishing nothing at the persuading level of a truth lockdown environment.

If the Medical Cabal is going to just take the money and run.....it's time we do it ourselves.

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we are winding up...and we need you and all who wish to help stop this...but we need to open eyes...many still asleep.

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Just disgusting and evil.

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"I do not believe this COVID emerged in Feb 2020, nor September 2019, I think this virus was out in 2018 even, early 2019 latest…"


The Australian FLI deaths had a huge jump in 2019 only. Years 2020 onward were lower than 2019!

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The Globalists would not release a dangerous virus, that would put them at risk, the Plan in Plandemic...making us go home until we are blue lipped and filming us until death while they take vitamin D...that is the real story.

Covid ain't shit if you treat early

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How odd that none of the major deep state players like Bill G had been touched or whacked by c19. Boris Johnson is the one odd exception that I can recall.

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Talking about taking vitamin D: it is odd that Frauci followers don't follow nor mention that their idol takes 6,000I IU of vitamin D3 daily. Before someone asks me if it is specifically for covid - as someone did - NO! It is for overall immune health. The needs sufficient vitamin D3, among other vitamins and minerals.

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"2007: NSF Grant IIS-0513650 (Italy, France and Indiana University) study addresses FIRST CRITICAL STEP to control a pandemic - shut down International Travel. Given this knowledge why did Fauci tell Trump a Travel Ban was unnecessary?"


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