How f'd up can one country be? --- And other "free" countries want to emulate them!

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These people are relentless,cold calloused communist monsters. I watched on video as two in bio hazard suits beat a dog to death and I understand that this is happening on mass.

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The WHO treaty is galloping forward to beat the midterms. A war time president is dropping in the polls to 33 per cent., and clasping air instead of shaking hands. Unheard of! So they need to advance the regime change to globalist Gates future under the banner of green. Canadians who are aware desperately need their freedom allies in the US to shoulder into the fight. Only a Republican and free US can fight the WHO treaty coming to make us all Shanghai. Biden will sign. Louder still friends. Le pen needs to beat Macron. It's Blackrock WEF globalist control vs for the people's freedom. With you all the way! Thank you for all you do. ❤️ we are all being called.

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