“ How would the Americans react if they saw, every day, the Chinese war fleet along the California coasts?”

Or Chinese police stations in American or Canadian cities

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I agree with Stephen, city presence is a lot more intimidating for the Chinese citizens & Americans wonder why they are here? We don’t buy the “ help” narrative.

Also, China & Russian ships were near the Alaska coastline, just a month ago.

Our military is preparing Navy joint exercises with Japan next month. China doesn’t own international waters. If I was a Chinese citizen, I’d love seeing a ship representing freedom off my shores.


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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

What you propose maybe the case, re: China's thin-skinned sense of public humiliation but despite this, it will never ever excuse what the CCP has done to its own people -The Great Famine, social credit system, organ harvesting, lockdowns, no rule of inpartial law and those the CCP are actively repressing such as Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hong Kongers and other nations. It is nothing for the CCP to trample on human rights. I dont care how much humiliation that happened in the past, what matters is what the CCP are doing now. Going on a whole bunch of things, I see the CCP as a transnational criminal organization

1. https://presentdangerchina.org/

2. https://twitter.com/thecfhk/status/1585262471383687172?s=20

And finally the Uyghur group that I have bern working with for the last 3 years

3. https://www.isupportuyghurs.org/

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Exactly. We Taiwanese (not those Chinese migrated to Taiwan after Mao took over China) do not want Taiwan to become another Hong Kong and many China’s neighboring countries also do not want to be bullied. We can’t wait for China to fall apart again so we are not threatened just because they think Taiwan is part of China and all countries have to bow to them.

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Magnificently written Paul, thank you

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We here in the west seem to have a very short memory of history and always think/act in the short term without consideration for the long term consequences. We would do well too treat all nations with benevolence. We do not need China or any other country. We’ve been blessed with a land of vast resources, more than enough to supply all our needs. We should not be trading with countries that do not adopt and enforce our clean air, clean water and labor standards. We have acted foolishly to become dependent upon China for a host of critical pharmaceutical products, rare earth minerals and a long list of other “essentials.” The same can be said for our dependence upon Taiwan for semiconductors and microchips. Anything we have saved in the short run will be greatly outweighed by military expenditures and American lives lost.

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More proof government is the most insane invention man ever invented.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Comparing the Chinese paranoia over having the US fleet near their shores to how America would feel if the Chinese fleet were offshore here is dishonest.

First of all, the US has not declared China an existential enemy. China has labeled the US so. Second, it was the US by defeating Japanese imperialism in 1945 freed China from servitude to one of it’s actual oppressors. There were European colonialists, too, to be sure, but China has not declared them state enemies. China has NEVER acknowledged this debt it owes the US, let alone given thanks to us.

If China were to truly view the US presence within international waters off its coast in a fair light, it would be more as a protector of international order and freedom of navigation, much like Germany and South Korea allow US forces presence on their soil. Of course, since China has hegemonic aspirations, it will never see it this way.

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