COVID in China and the US is a tool of oppression. Their lock downs are to impose a compliant population. The plandemic and the policies that followed have nothing to do with health. Everything they recommend is the opposite of what should be done.

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Well, China has a weak healthcare system and large population. That would be one of the reasons..


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And this guy is from Australia where the Aussies are treated nearly as bad as Chyna on a much smaller scale.

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The first thing that stood out was UC. My mother retired from UC after 28 years. If she saw how leftist it is now, she’d lose it. But most importantly, the way China treats their own people tells me all I need to know (need an organ from someone that doesn’t agree with China?). Or how about the Belt and Road Initiative (so they can put countries in debt to “own” them). I personally want nothing from Chyna. Or UC. The Communist country and the University LIE. The USA sold us out to Chyna. It’s sickening.

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I hold world leaders responsible for the thousands of lives that could have been saved had the truth been told about vitamin D. Even doctors who were bullied into not prescribing hydroxycloroquine or ivermectin, could have helped their patients boost their immune systems with adequate vitamin D levels.

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It is easy to laugh at the Chinese Communist Party actions over Covid. It looks too stupid to be believed. But the evilness of it keeps one from laughing.

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I doubt it is any more than superficially about Covid in China. There is probably a component of it that’s designed to prevent bank runs. Same thing may be coming here sooner than we might think.

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Maybe the China lockdown has more to do with their banking crisis that it does with curbing Covid. That's another 18 million people who can't easily access funds or contest against accounts frozen.

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Good point.

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This is strange for a government who wants to keep their economy growing and is trying to surpass the US. Especially considering covid is not the destructive virus we were led to believe it was.

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And Chyna helped create the lie (CONvid) and meddled in the 2020 election. Now China can do whatever it wants to the USA. I’m sure Biden and the Cabal are quite cozy with China. Where do you think the wokeness came from?

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You would be right

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It appears that China is also engineering its own financial demise for the eventual goal of implementing a militarily controlled population and depopulation.

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They already Have a militarily controlled population. So it's probably depopulation. Mao murdered millions of Chinese to gain compliance. China has to "Do It's Part" to become the annoited NWO Empire.

What is More important to the Sheeples of the USSA is as the ChiComs Rise, the USSA democRats & rinoRats knell.

But then there's NFL Football that can't be neglected to Pre-pare for the coming Economic Catastrophe. The "Normies" ...... What can be said, They Never, Ever have listened or done anything different as the Reality is Shifting beneath their feet. Seismic Shifts just ahead.


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How do we know these lockdowns are really about a zero covid policy? This could just as easily be about population reduction. To borrow Dickens' line: “If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." Dickens understood very well the Malthusian mindset then, as we should now.

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I still think there is something they know that we don’t. They are only Angering their population because their citizens see what is going on in the world.

I also look at the demographic issue of too many old people and not enough young people. Losing the old and infirmed would not be a bad thing for China so why are they trying to prevent it

Something else is coming. I feel it.

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To be a little facetious ... what they know is how to strip a person of their conscience and their humanity and turn them into automatons of the state. The heart and soul of these non-person "automatons" lives behind an inner wall and has no say about anything. They do one thing . . . follow orders. It starts with very young children. Somehow the Chinese Communist Party can mentally go from "kill and torture the people" to "rule the world." Stupidity be damned.

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“The virus/pathogen responds to any 'pressure' you place on it and China underestimates the non-pharmaceutical intervention's capacity to drive evolution/adaptation e.g. mutations”

This is a nonsensical statement. Viruses have no capacity to “respond” to anything.

I’ll just repeat what I, a Ph.D. in the biological sciences, 4 year postdoctoral fellow in neurobio/pharm/phys, and 16 years doing DNA sequencing and genotyping, said earlier:

There is not, any such thing as “pressure” that a virus is “trying” to overcome because, as I heard some German researcher channeling Jurassic Park say, “nature will find a way.”

People talk about bacteria “developing” antibiotic resistance. They are incorrect if they imagine a group of bacteria being given a challenge and then doing what would be the bacteriological equivalent of all the best scientists and engineering putting their collective crania together to solve a particularly thorny problem. And then, Yay! Break out the champagne because they have found the answer and now the whole bacterial population will be able to use that breakthrough to get on with their pathological business.

That’s not how it works at all.

Any sufficiently large population of bacteria will have a great many traits. Some of these contribute to their susceptibility to certain agents that will kill them, whether chemical, ionizing radiation, or heat or cold. There are variations in these traits amongst the bacteria that vary the degree to which they are susceptible to any of these.

So when, say, an antibiotic is used to knock out a bacterial infection, that means that most of those bacteria had a trait that allowed that antibiotic at that concentration to disrupt their cellular processes enough to kill them.

But in that large population there are bound to be a few bacteria that are not quite as susceptible to that as the rest.

This means they are relatively more resistant. If your innate and later adaptive immune systems can’t take them out quickly enough, they will proliferate and, if they get lucky, infect someone else who will now be said to be infected with an antibiotic-resistant strain of that bacteria.

If things get to the point that, across a large human population, the resistant versions live long and prosper while the susceptible ones continue to be wiped out, you’ll end up with a new major player on that particular bacterial disease front.

People will talk about how the bacteria “evolved” a trait to “counter” the antibiotic. That is, of course, complete nonsense.

There was a change in the populations of the one versus the other bacteria, but the individual members of one population didn’t change into members of the other. They individually didn’t go through a product upgrade because of a “challenge” that they “faced” and “overcame.”

The greater number of inherently weak ones (low resistance to the antibiotic) were supplanted and overrun by the inherently stronger ones (higher resistance to the antibiotic). The change was not at the individual level.

When people talk about dinosaurs evolving into birds, they are talking about the successive supplanting of one population by another. They are not talking about something like an individual shapeshifter ability.

So when folks talk about a vaccine “putting pressure” on a virus to change into something else because “nature will find a way,” they are engaging in picture thinking nonsense.

What they are saying is exactly equivalent to someone claiming that building an 8 foot wall that keeps out most people will put “pressure” on the “criminal community” to “produce” crooks that will be capable of getting over an 8 foot wall because “criminal nature will find a way.”

Coronaviruses, on the one hand, compared to other RNA viruses, are less likely to mutate because they DO have an error correcting mechanism at work during replication. Influenza, on the other hand, is so prone to mutation that almost 50% of each succeeding replication are variants. It’s just what they do, irrespective and independently of any adaptive immune response.

Talk about viruses “responding” to “pressure” and “evolving” is a convenient way of talking that gives people the feeling that they’ve explained something. But they haven’t explained anything because they’re describing a situation that, in reality, does not exist.

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What Dr Alexander describes as pressure is exactly what you've described with antibiotics knocking out the weaker bacteria....leaving the more resistant bacteria to become the dominant strain. For you write a dissertation over simple semantics is wasting our time....but of course you haven't violated his free form of allowing free user comments. Maybe you could pick a fight where it matters more than an iota.

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Well, if you had bothered to read what I said you would have seen it’s more than semantics.

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Potatoe/ Potato some scientists get wrapped around their own conundrums, imo.

Practically how does this affect me?

Simple Truth: ALL LIFE FORMS ARE SEEKING TO SURVIVE. The human body is an aggregate of cellular Life Forms and also Depends on other cellular life forms for energy & survival.

Survival is Success, Succumb is Defeat.

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Viruses, leave them alone and let nature do it's thing? Is this the answer to achieving herd immunity?

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No, keep trying to make effective viral protein vaccines with a large number and variety of antigens for truly dangerous diseases, not frigging common cold viruses like C19 against which there is already a high level of immunity due to previous experience with other closely related Coronaviruses.

This is exactly why the multiple common cold virus families with around 200 members ARE common colds. There is enough homology across the whole lot of them that as you develop antibodies to one, you have increased resistance against others that share common proteins.

The greater that number and variety of antigens in a vaccine, the closer you will get to immunity following infection but without the risk of infection.

The viral RNA products have the gene for a single viral protein, not even the protein. You have to suffer viral infection with that gene and ALL the immunological consequences to get antibodies to just that ONE protein. A virus mutates that one, you’re still defenseless.

But if you have antibodies against 100% of the virus’s proteins, the mutation of a single protein doesn’t leave you unprotected.

See how these assholes of Covid Inc are applying the in-app purchases concept? It’s literally as insane as it is lucrative for them.

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Again ZERO COVID only makes sense IF the virus "manipulators" the chinese military responsible for "the virus" are basing ZERO COVID on their understanding of the long term destructive effect of their "manipulated" virus. Then ZERO COVID MAKES 100% SENSE as a tactic in their strategy of "UNRESTRICTED WARFARE"

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Or, maybe the Chinese are protecting a subgroup from encountering a newly released covert pathogen.

Don't forget, the US military, the US CDC and the US NIH were involved in funding and developing the virus. So, it's been a cooperative effort between the US and CCP.

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subgroup meaning ccp members and military? Yes some things are quite clear. Others I can only surmise from a reading a piece here, a piece there, each providing a glimpse at what is deep in the weeds. I just have to think that once the chinese got their bio security lab from the french and we know who gave them the technology, the chinese military took over and expressly developed sars2 as a bio weapon with express intent to use it in unlimited warfare - witness fentanyl. No doubt the nih/cia was over there trying spy?, cooperate?, collaborate? What is their record of ever doing what is right?

From what people see deep in the weeds and write and talk about They developed the sars2 and a wimp version sars2 with few spikes with few of those spikes able to"act" and were developing a vaccine for the sars2 and testing in people they infected with the wimp sars2. for some time. so Yes why not a "newly released covert pathogen"

What arrived in Italy and around the world in a month was not the wimp sars2. An American eye witness, in wuhan airport the day the lock down was announced, observed a manner of departure of the elites indicating they were forewarned. Not hard to imagine who and what was leaving among them.

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Dr. Alexander, I recently watched a 2 hour discussion between Stephanie Seneff and Jessica Rose. It was awesome and covered many topics. One thing they marveled at was how dangerous and obviously manufactured the spike protein is and that it has many ways to cause damage. They postulated that China may know about the lethality of spike and that is why they are going for a zero tolerance policy. I have also been reading Walter Chestnut, who agrees that both the vaccine and the virus cause serious damage. What say you?

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The domination of China sadly !!

And depopulation ,?

How come China is supposed to be the arch enemy of the US ,

Yet the are hand in hand with their bio weapons , and financing gain of function

In their Woohan labs , courtesy of financing them by dr F;;auci !!

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🤷🏽‍♀️ It's like warning Democrats about the \/. Maybe decreasing 'some' population isn't necessarily a bad idea. Same goes for CCP.

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