If we have learned anything it’s the politics and politicians behind COVID is far worse than the virus itself .That is where the real danger lives

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That is assuming there IS a virus.

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Lockdowns intended to show the Chinese people they have no personal autonomy. Has nothing at all to do with public health.

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There isn't a damn thing about any of this that has anything to with public or personal health - not the social distancing, not the false imprisonment of citizens in their homes, not the "lockdowns" (a prison term BTWP) of business and human activity, not those face masks that force you to breathe 10-100X as much CO2 as is allowed by OSHA - yes the same CO2 that is supposed to be destroying planet earth, and not those nasopharyngeal biopsies that they are calling NP "swabs." NONE OF IT! Can't give my name but my pronouns are: told, you, so.

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Guess what, Paul? This is a preview of what the WHO will do to us.

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Of course the "Klaus Schwab Club" depopulation loving world leaders will allow it too.


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The KS club admires the productivity, domesticity & pliability that China achieved with its population, once Mao got that ball rolling in that direction. Imposing a similar styled NPC-culture upon their new western "undeclasses" suits their vision for the west perfectly. Klaus has not been shy in his admiration.

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if we don't stand strong, we will find this here every time someone sneezes

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We knew this would happen.

And my neighbours would fully go along with it. The psyop was really that effective.

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They are just wanting to finish everybody off.

It couldn't be more obvious if they tried. 🤷‍♀️

Maybe I'm just an old cynic.

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No. You arent just being cynical.

they must annihilate the middle class entirely and all memory of its lifestyle, individuality + the inherent values & sensibilities that made such aspirational living possible.

Their idealized subclass will have no concept and thus no unruly or inconvenient expectations for personal privacy, property ownership, human rights, freedom of speech, independent thought or self-determination.

Thats where we are at folks. Its time for pervasive no compliance. Neighbors be damned. They are already NPCs. Discount them.

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I think I have read that there are those who have proposed the same in various regions of the West. They certainly have for mask mandates.

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Unless the WHO international health regulations are scuttled, this will be imposed worldwide. The vote on alterations got bing CCP power of the rest of the world will be imposed by n all of us. The amendments will be voted on in May and bypasses Congress and parliaments and constitutions. Go to James Roguskis Substack page and lobby your politicians. Otherwise we all end up in a digital health prison.

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We DID lock down for influenza

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The older generation seeking (again) to preserve themselves at the expense of their progeny. It's obviously a widespread, ahistorical anomaly. Elders USED TO want to preserve their offspring. To have it flipped around now (sacrificing the young to protect the old) is probably a biblical sign.

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Stupidity at best.

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We cannot help any other countries and people’s until we put America back on sound footing. How? Stay tuned…

FACT…You cannot stop ANY of the evil from these maniacal psychopaths! Stay tuned…

Why are any of these murderous events still unstoppable with no accountability? Is it because of lack of UNITY of efforts and action on anything that matters?

I think it is past time for EVERYONE to unify behind serious strategic planning experts, right?

Judges 7…GIDEON’s ARMY of 300 men that pray and do something that matters!

Are YOU looking for that army YET?


Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and counting)

P.S. Keep an eye on Lex Green @ news with views.com…serious background!


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Revolt they would. But with digital control they cannot. And this is coming to your town soon

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Soon they will just cut off your electricity and cBDC

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Yes that’s coming for certain

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This will be implemented across the world once the WHO treaty passes....stay tuned....

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Policies in China are subject to changes if enough people voice their strong disapproval. Covid policies were suddenly relaxed after protests were shown overseas. Beijing is very sensitive to international views on local "uprisings".

Such protests are about personal freedom and is not threatening national security. As such, even Beijing will relent and adopt different policies.

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