This is exactly what the satanic world system wants to do globally.

“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come

China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP


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This is insanity. Are the Chinese leaders this dumb, or just this eager to take advantage of a good "crisis"?

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

How come the police, testers and others are allowed out?

They remind me when the testers did NOT have to isolate even though they collected samples from positive people, yet govts locked down people for 14 days for being mere casual contacts. For example, all the households of a pre-school were locked down for 14 days just because one child tested positive in 2021 in NSW Australia!

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Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep is working.

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It never made sense from the beginning in March, 2020, and should have just concentrated on protecting the vulnerable instead of the massive lockdowns of EVERYONE was proof of their NEFARIOUS PLANS AGAINST HUMANITY!!!!

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Where is the worldwide outcry? Where are the human rights organizations? Where are the world leaders condemning these actions? WHERE IS HUMANITY?

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This is not about covid. This is about government control over population. And this model will be adopted by each government - coming soon to the entire world. Has there been a single government in opposition - ANYWHERE???

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

A reminder that a real test was done where they put heavy doses of C19 virus up the noses of healthy people and only about 50% caught it!

Look at the household contacts. Not everyone caught it - not even kids who slept with infected adults.

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Stop testing and the infection will go away.

Modis Operandi: For visuals; to keep The West terrified; to enable and welcome the constant and never ending sinister inoculations

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They are so evil. Disgusting, shameful.

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When are you guys going to get it? There is no spread by infection. My bet is that you'll claim starvation deaths as death by infection any second now.

You're part of the problem.

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The world economies and morality are crumbling😵‍💫

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It’s not about Covid. It’s about CCP control. If it was about the vid they would cease planes flying in and out. They don’t. There is something much deeper happening here.

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Dr Alexander, the Chinese “lockdowns” are 100% POLITICAL THEATER! I cannot tell you WHY Xi is doing this specifically but I have an idea and its NOT about Covid! The Chinese doctors were awarded a National Prize for stopping Covid in February/March of 2020 using Chinese Herbal Medicine which has been my practice for the last 34 years! I can tell you what herbal formulas work because I have successfully treated about 3 dozen patients for Covid using them over the last 2 years! In FACT, the Chinese herbal doctors wiped out SARS Covid 1 in 2003 using pretty much the same herbal formulas with the official death toll for SARS Covid 1 of around 500! I spent 21 years as Registered Pharmacist before switching to Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in 1984-1988 at SAMRA University if Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles! I can also tell you that there are hundreds of herbs that REALLY ARE safe and effective against Covid and every other known respiratory pathogen as well! Our “antivirals” cannot hold a candle as far as safety and effectiveness, to the Chinese herbs because in China the herbal doctors prescribe and compound herbal formulas to the specific symptom picture of the patient! No “One Size Fits All” shotgun medicine like WE have but modified herbal prescriptions to treat THE PATIENT according to their symptoms and not just THE VIRUS…. AND instead of prescribing a number of different drugs, they put all the appropriate herbs together in one decoction! Maybe they dont taste so good, but DAMN are they EFFECTIVE! There ARE OTC herbal combinations for Covid as well and one of them is called: Lianhua Qingwen Jiaonnong and the Chinese government authorized this OTC formula for early and midstage Covid treatment in April 2020!

So you see Xi is either totally nuts or this is political theater and my guess is its to assert his Total Control over the growing Capitalist Class in the Cities..,I believe he will succeed in bringing on a rebellion and his own downfall, just as Mao’s “The Gang of Four” lead by his wife created the crazed teenage killer movement known as “The Red Guards” back in the late 50’s early 60’s which lead to their downfall! Covid wise they “officially” have lost according to Worldometer a total of just under 5000 deaths in all of China since this Kabuki called Covid began!

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Assuming the Chinese Authorities are doing this for health seems like a stretch. Are they really that stupid or is something else like eugunics?

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What I see: pure evil, out on display, showing itself off to the world. See what we will do, even to our people.

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