One death is not like the other.

Let's assume the Covid story is true- it isn't it is all lies but let's assume this for sake of argument.

The average age of a "Covid death" is equal to or greater to normal life expectancy. So as matter of data fact- even by their own data- a "Covid death" really does not move the dial much at all in terms of "life years lost."

Once we get into "life years lost" as relates to Covid policies we are getting into some huge numbers. If we include lockdowns, deaths of despair, economic fallout, food shortages/starvation, death and damage caused by mRNA injections and other categories associated with Covid policies these numbers are so massive and lasting it makes them nearly impossible to calculate.

Crimes against humanity.

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But it WAS the goal.

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Its true..You can watch The Corona Investigative Committee on Gettr. Dr Reiner shows a video. Session 101. Maybe if they stop the shots, It would stop the spread of Covid. If that part is true! Horrible what they are doing to humans n to the pets as well.

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God, Please watch over and take care of the innocent Chinese people being abused and starved by their own people. In Jesus' name I pray. 🙏

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Amen. She gave her life in witness to the truth and before all. She spoke to us and bore witness as best she could. Remember some of you... the monks of Vietnam who self immolated. Their souls ripple thru time. It’s not in the Christian mode of witness but I think it is a gesture from the heart of a woman warrior. I pray her blood speaks to the Throne together with her husband’s tears. Change will come.

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The US is handing our sovereignty over to the WHO/UN. May 22-28 at the World Health Assembly they will present amendments to the International Health Regulations sealing our fate. And they are also working on an International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response. We need to take ACTION NOW to stop the amendments and demand the US withdraw the amendments they sent to the WHO for the World Health Assembly in May. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD AND TAKE ACTION.



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Karen 100% support you! can you share my video- this may have been plotted in 2015 in a game called the Food Chain Reaction Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWUDobJQDYE HUNGER GAMES WHERE UKRAINE AND STARVATION WERE PLOTTED OUT IN 2015

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WOW. Awesome. I will share but it will be a couple of days. My Substack looking out for the next couple of days is already jam packed. Probably be able to share by the end of the week. I love your humor too.

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I ❤️ that you are jam packed with good work!

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The CCP demons would rather scrape corpses off the street than use up ammunition shooting their people in the head this time.

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It's truly horrifying, and yes, they have in the past eaten each other in desperation to stay alive.

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If this story was pitched to a movie studio, it would NOT be made...the execs would say that it's too violent, unrealistic and unbelievable...it would be hard for people to believe story line......too dystopian they would say......

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Death are not a function of infection rates. Deaths are a function of the failure of prophylaxis & early treatment.

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These globalist authorities are a communist dictatorship they are crazy,they must be stopped.

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When will the world wake up? What will it take? China, a nightmare.

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I supported Trumps policies which worked on energy independence, border control, taxes & foreign relations.

When DrFauci & his virus came upon us my misgivings were verified by the Evil Fauci unleashed during the AIDS era.

Trump was duped by these people & others into locking us down, etc.

Now the FDA has approved REMDESIVER for infants & young children as an early treatment. This is a failed EBOLA drug which actually kills more people than it helps.

53.1% of people taking this die from it. Nickname is”Run death is near.”⚔️🤯⚔️

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If Trump was duped then he is a moron. Anyone can see the evil in Fauci just by looking at him and when he opens his mouth it is apparent even to the blind.

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Not a Trump apologist. VP Pence was running the so called Pandemic Task Force.Pence was in league with Paul Ryan another Trump hater. I am surprised Trump did not over rule these evil bastards after the two week slow the spread shut down. The states took it upon themselves to make the lockdowns tighter. St Anthony of Wuhan prevailed with Bill Gates & the Medical Pharmaceutical Complex to force millions of people globally to receive unproven injections under an EUA. But hey we did it in Warp Speed. It’s safe & effective! LOL

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWUDobJQDYE HUNGER GAMES WHERE UKRAINE AND STARVATION WERE PLOTTED OUT IN 2015 IN A GAME CALLED THE FOOD CHAIN REACTION GAME!! DR. ALEXANDER I'm a lawyer and know your cousin Ken Alexander please review my video and FOI FOI FOI this crazy game.

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I'm catching up on posts after moving at the end of last month. It's only getting worse. All of these people are two weeks more stir crazy and in some cases hungrier and sicker.

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She did the depop hop. Not to make light, but they’re killing us on many fronts. Stock up your pantry pronto, informed friends.

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