I can still remember how I felt when my breasts started to develop, I hated it. I was worse when my period started, I really didn't want to be a "woman" I was small chested so I didn't want to wear a bra and to me that meant I was still a child. Being my mom passed away when I was 10 didn't help but my dad was great and I had an older sister to talk to. I just wish Chloe had had someone she could have talked to back then and this would not have happened. Can you imagine the millions of kids around the world who've gone thru this butchering, suicides are at an all time high. I know this fad will end but sadly the suffering of these kids will not.

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every sensible person needs to hold fast. do not use pronouns, do not use faulty grammar (they is...), do not even entertain the lie that there are more then 2 genders. what will happen when all these mutilated people wake up and realize that they were really either males or females and are now nothing but lifetime medical patients? this is criminal and has to stop even while the current administration aids and abets it

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Luke 17:2. It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin.

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Chloe is such a pretty and feminine, brave young woman. It defies comprehension.that someone could have been so depraved as to think it justified to remove her breasts while she was a child when there was no medical indication. Children's prefrontal cortex

which governs their ability to self-regulate emotions properly and to make rational decisions is not fully developed until they are 25yo on average. Girls tend to mature a bit quicker but not 12 years quicker. There is no way she could have given informed consent. As for the potential of a child to become suicidal if they don't get their own way, whatever happened to the notion that this was abnormal and a reason for mental health treatment. In the US, deviance has been normalized and normality has been pathologized. Unfortunately, the US exports its deviant values to the rest of the world, often seeking to impose them by force. US values are reviled by Christians and conservatives around the world who want nothing more than to live a traditional conservative Christian lifestyle free of US depravity and degeneracy.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Nothing but a cash cow for hospitals. If you haven't seen the video of the hospital admin saying how great this was because "there are so many procedures and so many follow up appointments." Like all other evil, thr love of money at the expensr of a child.

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What happened to protecting children from others and themselves. They are children. They are not young adults. The legal age to drink is 21. Changing our sexual identity is an adult decision. Even then all the negative long term consequences must be shared with anyone undergoing these medicines and surgeries. Do these medical procedures really bring happiness or just bring new medical issues.

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Chloe is such a pretty and feminine, brave young woman. It defies comprehension.that someone could have been so depraved as to think it justified to remove her breasts while she was a child when there was no medical indication. Children's prefrontal cortex

which governs their ability to self-regulate emotions properly and to make rational decisions is not fully developed until they are 25yo on average. Girls tend to mature a bit quicker but not 12 years quicker. There is no way she could have given informed consent. As for the potential of a child to become suicidal if they don't get their own way, whatever happened to the notion that this was abnormal and a reason for mental health treatment. In the US, deviance has been normalized and normality has been pathologized. Unfortunately, the US exports its deviant values to the rest of the world, often seeking to impose them by force. US values are reviled by Christians and conservatives around the world who want nothing more than to live a traditional conservative Christian lifestyle free of US depravity and degeneracy.

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