My son had myocarditis and a 2nd degree AV block. Bedbound for 6 months now.

He is 17.

Previously healthy and athletic up until 6 months ago. I believe he was shed on.

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So sorry ~ prayers up!

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Thank you ❤️

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So your son did NOT get the vaccine? You believe it was shedding from a vaccinated person? Unfortunately, I find that feasible.

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No vaccine never. And had covid previously and was fine.

Suddenly within 2 days of feeling unwell, he has high troponin, d-dimer, cholesterol, and more. Diagnosed with AV block and myocarditis.

He was a skinny healthy athlete prior. I believe his teachers were immunized around the time he became ill, as they were complaining about having to do so.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

I'm so sorry! Our elderly church members carried on Jan-Feb (bragging about getting the shot) and we conversed with them (meetings). I had nose bleed for 6-8 weeks (blessed to have a mild reaction to possible shedding). I had a couple of nosebleeds in childhood and now getting it? SMH

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Sorry to here, maybe he could benefit from this:

I-RECOVER POST-VACCINE TREATMENT PROTOCOLhttps://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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Thank you. We have an flccc dr and he is making slow but steady improvement.

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Great news.

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My prayers for you son and all of those who have been affected. The shedding has us all worried. I had a sore throat and congestion after my husband got the J&J. There was no other exposure to anything other than being exposed to him post vax. I refused the shot and quit my job when i learned they were going to be mandated. We have all been exposed to shedding to some degree. No way to avoid it unless you completely shut yourself off from the world.

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So much for their"herd immunity". Their shots have caused "herd infectiousness".😵

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This is not the first time I heard the spike could be shed to someone else through touch. God help us, they may end up killing more than the 90% they were after. I think in the beginning they said that if 75% got the jab it would get rid of the pandemic. Now what do we believe other than we need to put them away while there is still enough of us to do so.

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I'll wait for the Politifact fact-checkers to tell me what to believe about this.

On second thought, I bet I can at least get them started. Let's see. "Correlation is not causation." And also some libelous statements about the people who did the study. That's how we do science now.

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l refused the covid vax for myself and my elderly mother but unfortunately I did not have a say in my fathers care. l spoke with my father by phone the day after his covid vax as the Age Care home he had living in for 3-4 years had been in lockdown for a few weeks. My father told me he was feeling unwell the day after the injection and could not get out of bed which was unlike him, unfortunately he was dead on day four. Nothing more was said?

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So so sad.

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I’m sorry for your loss. My friend who works in a nursing home has seen many pass away within a couple weeks after receiving the shots.

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Thank you. He took it last year and I kept looking for symptoms and I didn’t connect the shots until the February hospitalization when they found the clot in his neck. Always checked for congestion or cold symptom and called the dr right away. He had follow ups after this for that but didn’t get to the next one. I told the icu drs about what happened in February and brought the records but they seemed to discount me and didn’t connect it. I wish I could have just got him an antibiotic and left. His heart stopped the day after his initial stay bc there was a clot stopping his breathing and I heard he aspirated on his blood. Who would let that happen? Why did they let that happen? Then was put on a ventilator. I can’t change it and I can’t bring him back and my world, my whole world is broken and hurting. I was his wife and nurse at home and I wasn’t able to stop him passing.

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Someone needs to be held accountable for all these deaths and they are still pushing the sh--t......

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So 'Natural Causes' as shown on the many recent death certificates where the dead are buried without these tests.

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Yes, my like is a thumbs up. This is how it goes in the eugenics program of the [spiritual failures described as demons/psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists/thieves/liars/hypocrites and their enablers/robots] who are in charge of this Extinction Level Event.

It has been predicted we will all end up losing the physical shell, but nothing of spiritual value will be lost. In the words of my mentor, take it or leave it.

“This is a war of essences” - words of my mentor also.

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So incredibly sad. Thankful for Dr Ladapo’s statement for 18-39 y/o males need to avoid the shot. I hope that more state SG’s will take a stand. I would like to know more about the shots affect on the male heart & why a greater risk of death from myocarditis than females? Hopefully more answers are coming.

I had the privilege to hear you speak today at the Covid summit at the Villages. All the Frontline Dr’s are such an inspiration. I have tremendous respect for all of you and what you have sacrificed to get the truth out in support of healthcare freedom.

Thank you!

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Does the vaccine cause pneumonia?

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It damages the immune system, would be my semi educated guess. Dr Alexander and others have discussed the suppressed immune response to infectious disease and increased susceptibility to cancer. My sister who is double vaxxed and boosted is just getting over RSV & pneumonia. This is the 3rd time I’ve learned of an adult get RSV n my circle. All vaxxed. My kids had it when they were very young. I did not get sick with it.

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After my husband received the Pfizer, he got pneumonia In august, January, then a clot was found in his cartoroid artery in February, and in August again got a really bad case of pneumonia and heart issues and passed away last month. He has gotten pneumonia before but not so much like this time. Oh my heart is so sad with grief and pain.

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I blame the vaccine. Especially since of all the blood clots and bleeding that happened in his lung, in his brain, and in his esophagus but they don’t know why.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I’m hearing more and more stories like this. Almost everyone I know has lost a parent, spouse, or relative over the last 2 years.

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I'm fearful (trying to trust in God fully though) that I'll outlive my daughter. She has had health issues her whole life (bowel surgeries) and she took 3 jabs. Since early this year, she has to take 2-3 hour naps. I've suggested talking to doc (her labwork was not discussed from a previous hospitalization (bowel obstruction)) and have been begging her to at least take iron. I plan to see her next month in another state and my func. med. doctor gave me a list of 4 supplements that could help her. I pray she and others will survive this horrible scourge.

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:( I hope and pray too.

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What we have done to our young generation is criminal. On many levels.

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Are there not stains for for spike and nucleocapsid that can definitively reveal covid vs vax?

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What have been the mechanisms in global hierarchy to diminish autopsies ordered for suspicious deaths?

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