Last time I checked the "fact checkers" were almost unanimously still saying that the mRNA jabs are "safe and effective" and have saved hundreds of millions of lives and that, from billions of doses administered worldwide, only a handful of "extremely rare" adverse effects had occurred. Some, like the US uniparty, are still saying that the vaccine contents remain at the injection site and are eliminated from the body within days and that anyone injected with them becomes a dead end for covid because the jabs prevent infection and transmission from occurring
This is now the truth in America, where the Party and Big Brother determine what is truth and where people grow up believing a boy can be a girl and a man can be a woman and can menstruate and get pregnant.
"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' "
Dr. Chris Shoemaker at the Mother's March, Toronto, Canada
"If you continue to take these shots you will die sooner, sadly. That is my news to you as a physician. Bless us all. Mothers, thank you for your energy in coming out to save our children."
And about Dr. Dalgleish-- he deserves big kudos for speaking out early-- although I wish it had been even earlier-- this impressive video, in which he appears with several other UK doctors, was heavily censored:
Why? Because the real men shame and embarrass fake men who are largely cowards and a mere shadow of their ancestors in days gone by. The indicator of judgment is one's deeds. In the former generation before me and in my boyhood days I knew of a man, a farmer who took in a young boy and raised him with his other six children. I know another man whose daughter came to be in the family way and he already had 8 children to support but took her child and with his wife raised that girl with his own. No talk then of abortion, just good men doing the right thing.
Ditto for women...a different place in time and a different set of rules that were all inclined to charity and benevolence. Then came 1969 when turdo the senior legalized abortion and homosexuality as if on cue. The right to murder one's own innocent unborn children was hailed as a right and as if on cue, the stage was set for punishment by a demographic change now on the move.
My own engagement to a woman found a careless resignation to the mores of physical desire. She told me as soon as she knew and we never even thought of the word "abortion." We are the captains of our own ships and it was not the problem one had but what was done about it that mattered. We moved the marriage date closer.
I know that if I had deserted her or took her to an abortion facility that she would have raised the child herself. My mindset was one that sorted out the problem by doing the only thing I had been taught, and we had a son who now is grown. What was my reward? A son who exemplified who and what in a better way what I was and am. The law of Entropy did not apply to him and as proof every woman in my life actually adores him and for the most part, actually love him. Why? Because when things were going to the dogs he rejected it and comported himself according to scriptures while being duly influenced by his grandfather, my father and his grandfather my mother.
I have already mentioned his character and abilities that far surpass mine. Pilots licence, certified arborist, non smoker, shunner of alcohol and weed and any illicit drugs, capable of many things I never could have or did do.
Yet he is the opposite of the white male mechanism of today who smoke weed, vape, drink alcoholic beverages, pursue promiscuity, and live as the peons of the current wokist wanker families of fools. He worked for me as a young teen at five dollars an hour, and at his certification raised his wage to 25 dollars an hour. So he broke the pattern and became a better man than his father, but this is rare though I do know other men in the same mindset.
But the current law of Entropy is contributing to a degenerative malaise heralding a catastrophe as noted when a nation votes into power an ingrate corrupt slime minister as most western nations have done. Never heard of murders, sex trafficking, stabbings, shootings, etc until long after I was married and the father of four children.
I now hear a siren breaking the tranquility of our rural retreat built by myself, my father and youngest brother for the sum of $80,000. thirty years ago but now worth over half a million because of above standard construction and other things unique to houses built anymore out of cardboard wood and sub standard building materials. (nine inch concrete floor instead of the minimum three inch depth now...steel roof with no joints, genuine clay brick, a drilled well with pure cold water sixty feet deep and a supply rate of 30 gallons a minute that draws others here to collect water from my source.
And so it was that I came to walk into a lawyer's office to make a perpetual will years ago making him joint owner on my investments, my real estate, my precious metals, my real property, my business and everything/anything I aquired in the rest of my life. Why? I can trust him and know he will look after my little babies (grandchildren and his three sisters) and the legal arrangement I have totally shuts out the damned corrupt CYSTem of getting its damned greedy hands on my property, the efforts of aquisition done only by two people.
I do not respect the political leaders, most religions, specific law enforcement agencies as dirty and corrupt almost as bad as the prejudicially biased court CYSTem and the political sphere spinning out of control.
Signs abound in the nearest city in lower class areas that are now unsafe, of demands for a "minimum guaranteed yearly income." Homosexual pride flags and/ or emblems are present on most church outside bulletin boards and activities befitting the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah, happen in the late hours of the weekend.
I am not bewailing here, just telling it like it is. I do not judge but in my words make room for the existent judgments of God already done and easily to be found in scriptures.
It is a long rocky road that has no turning anymore and with the help of dirty corrupt agencies like the OPP and a prejudicially biased bastardly injustice CYSTem, with a potpourri of fake leaders, fake preachers, fake everything the outcome ahead is not seen as being anything but confused, corrupt and wokist in its DIEverSHITty.
The die is cast, and in my mind I ponder the coming scenario depicted in scriptures of drug use being so wide spread that even the basic infrastructure of city water supplies, electricity and essential services are not maintainable by the workers.
I will stop there, for I have a scheduled appointment with a bugler to meet me at the graveyard where mother was recently interred. She was a WW2 veteran, joining the army after she graduated high school, and I watched her die unafraid of death. She asked me among other things to have a bugler play the "Last Post" at her gravesite which I will see to this day shortly.
And here is where it all starts and will end with my OIPRD complaints based on the reality of corrupt pigs all over the place wearing cloth masks with less than a ten percentile efficacy rate committing criminal negligence and reckless endangerment on four counts, by a corrupt lying defective detective, two detachment commanders, and others who had she caught the current disease of Covid19, would have been facing a multi million dollar lawsuit for wrongful death of a war veteran who died of natural causes four months away from her 100th birthday.
Yes all is corrupt but the question is do we fight it or ignore it? I choose to fight. And now you all gain a better understanding of who and what I am and why I do and say what I do.
Oh blimey - I just this minute watched Dr John Campbell and Professor Dalgeish's latest video on u tube and I thought to myself - what an absolute star Professor Dalgleish is . He really is one of the TOP TOP cancer specialists on the planet today and we should listen to every single word he says. On top of that he is also a rarity in today's crumbling society.......he is a REAL gentleman. Long may he continue the good fight 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Justice delayed is justice denied for the greater good and the rightful recompense of criminals for their criminality. This is a given in almost every western nation.
Last time I checked the "fact checkers" were almost unanimously still saying that the mRNA jabs are "safe and effective" and have saved hundreds of millions of lives and that, from billions of doses administered worldwide, only a handful of "extremely rare" adverse effects had occurred. Some, like the US uniparty, are still saying that the vaccine contents remain at the injection site and are eliminated from the body within days and that anyone injected with them becomes a dead end for covid because the jabs prevent infection and transmission from occurring
This is now the truth in America, where the Party and Big Brother determine what is truth and where people grow up believing a boy can be a girl and a man can be a woman and can menstruate and get pregnant.
"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' "
exceptional sharing, each word is a treatise on its own
Dr. Chris Shoemaker is one of the biggest heroes of this time.
"Unveiling the Risks: Dr. Chris Shoemaker Exposes the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine | Ottawa Day Three | NCI National Citizens Inquiry CA [Canada]"
Sworn testimony, May 19, 2023. Posted on rumble May 20, 2023.
(Note: mine, with notes, is not the official transcript; you can find that on the NCI site.)
yes, he is
Dr. Chris Shoemaker on Nakahara et al that Shows Hearts Work Virtually 50% Harder Post-Jab (brief excerpt from an interview)
"this is scientific, peer-reviewed with proper data, and that is shocking"
Source video:
Jim Ferguson
( at) JimFergusonUK, Jan 19, 2024
smart guy, sidelined, but brilliant, passionate
Dr. Chris Shoemaker at the Mother's March, Toronto, Canada
"If you continue to take these shots you will die sooner, sadly. That is my news to you as a physician. Bless us all. Mothers, thank you for your energy in coming out to save our children."
Source video:
Dr. Chris Shoemaker at the Mother's March. Toronto December 4, 2022
Free Speech Media
And about Dr. Dalgleish-- he deserves big kudos for speaking out early-- although I wish it had been even earlier-- this impressive video, in which he appears with several other UK doctors, was heavily censored:
UK Doctors Call for Stopping the Jabs Now
(on there are links to various sites that had the video, but many have since gone dark)
Good men are often defamed and despised by fake men.
yes, good sharing
Why? Because the real men shame and embarrass fake men who are largely cowards and a mere shadow of their ancestors in days gone by. The indicator of judgment is one's deeds. In the former generation before me and in my boyhood days I knew of a man, a farmer who took in a young boy and raised him with his other six children. I know another man whose daughter came to be in the family way and he already had 8 children to support but took her child and with his wife raised that girl with his own. No talk then of abortion, just good men doing the right thing.
Ditto for women...a different place in time and a different set of rules that were all inclined to charity and benevolence. Then came 1969 when turdo the senior legalized abortion and homosexuality as if on cue. The right to murder one's own innocent unborn children was hailed as a right and as if on cue, the stage was set for punishment by a demographic change now on the move.
My own engagement to a woman found a careless resignation to the mores of physical desire. She told me as soon as she knew and we never even thought of the word "abortion." We are the captains of our own ships and it was not the problem one had but what was done about it that mattered. We moved the marriage date closer.
I know that if I had deserted her or took her to an abortion facility that she would have raised the child herself. My mindset was one that sorted out the problem by doing the only thing I had been taught, and we had a son who now is grown. What was my reward? A son who exemplified who and what in a better way what I was and am. The law of Entropy did not apply to him and as proof every woman in my life actually adores him and for the most part, actually love him. Why? Because when things were going to the dogs he rejected it and comported himself according to scriptures while being duly influenced by his grandfather, my father and his grandfather my mother.
I have already mentioned his character and abilities that far surpass mine. Pilots licence, certified arborist, non smoker, shunner of alcohol and weed and any illicit drugs, capable of many things I never could have or did do.
Yet he is the opposite of the white male mechanism of today who smoke weed, vape, drink alcoholic beverages, pursue promiscuity, and live as the peons of the current wokist wanker families of fools. He worked for me as a young teen at five dollars an hour, and at his certification raised his wage to 25 dollars an hour. So he broke the pattern and became a better man than his father, but this is rare though I do know other men in the same mindset.
But the current law of Entropy is contributing to a degenerative malaise heralding a catastrophe as noted when a nation votes into power an ingrate corrupt slime minister as most western nations have done. Never heard of murders, sex trafficking, stabbings, shootings, etc until long after I was married and the father of four children.
I now hear a siren breaking the tranquility of our rural retreat built by myself, my father and youngest brother for the sum of $80,000. thirty years ago but now worth over half a million because of above standard construction and other things unique to houses built anymore out of cardboard wood and sub standard building materials. (nine inch concrete floor instead of the minimum three inch depth now...steel roof with no joints, genuine clay brick, a drilled well with pure cold water sixty feet deep and a supply rate of 30 gallons a minute that draws others here to collect water from my source.
And so it was that I came to walk into a lawyer's office to make a perpetual will years ago making him joint owner on my investments, my real estate, my precious metals, my real property, my business and everything/anything I aquired in the rest of my life. Why? I can trust him and know he will look after my little babies (grandchildren and his three sisters) and the legal arrangement I have totally shuts out the damned corrupt CYSTem of getting its damned greedy hands on my property, the efforts of aquisition done only by two people.
I do not respect the political leaders, most religions, specific law enforcement agencies as dirty and corrupt almost as bad as the prejudicially biased court CYSTem and the political sphere spinning out of control.
Signs abound in the nearest city in lower class areas that are now unsafe, of demands for a "minimum guaranteed yearly income." Homosexual pride flags and/ or emblems are present on most church outside bulletin boards and activities befitting the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah, happen in the late hours of the weekend.
I am not bewailing here, just telling it like it is. I do not judge but in my words make room for the existent judgments of God already done and easily to be found in scriptures.
It is a long rocky road that has no turning anymore and with the help of dirty corrupt agencies like the OPP and a prejudicially biased bastardly injustice CYSTem, with a potpourri of fake leaders, fake preachers, fake everything the outcome ahead is not seen as being anything but confused, corrupt and wokist in its DIEverSHITty.
The die is cast, and in my mind I ponder the coming scenario depicted in scriptures of drug use being so wide spread that even the basic infrastructure of city water supplies, electricity and essential services are not maintainable by the workers.
I will stop there, for I have a scheduled appointment with a bugler to meet me at the graveyard where mother was recently interred. She was a WW2 veteran, joining the army after she graduated high school, and I watched her die unafraid of death. She asked me among other things to have a bugler play the "Last Post" at her gravesite which I will see to this day shortly.
And here is where it all starts and will end with my OIPRD complaints based on the reality of corrupt pigs all over the place wearing cloth masks with less than a ten percentile efficacy rate committing criminal negligence and reckless endangerment on four counts, by a corrupt lying defective detective, two detachment commanders, and others who had she caught the current disease of Covid19, would have been facing a multi million dollar lawsuit for wrongful death of a war veteran who died of natural causes four months away from her 100th birthday.
Yes all is corrupt but the question is do we fight it or ignore it? I choose to fight. And now you all gain a better understanding of who and what I am and why I do and say what I do.
I will not proof read, I have no time.
Always Edward
Oh blimey - I just this minute watched Dr John Campbell and Professor Dalgeish's latest video on u tube and I thought to myself - what an absolute star Professor Dalgleish is . He really is one of the TOP TOP cancer specialists on the planet today and we should listen to every single word he says. On top of that he is also a rarity in today's crumbling society.......he is a REAL gentleman. Long may he continue the good fight 🥰🥰🥰🥰
for sure, thank you for this
When will the murders and evil doers be punished
Justice delayed is justice denied for the greater good and the rightful recompense of criminals for their criminality. This is a given in almost every western nation.
Any day now.