Always the question arises, incompetence or something else?

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I think the CIA pretends that they're goofy, just to keep us confused

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I wondered which law enforcement agency arresred him and what the circumstances were. According to Reuters:

"Tawhedi and co-conspirator arrested after meeting FBI assets to buy weapons."

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Another scumbag terrorist we are paying cash, food stamps, free medical care, etc. Sickening.

Biden has flown thousands of Afghans here under his special program. Often on USAF jets. Do u get free rides on our military jets?I doubt much vetting is done. Not like Taliban is keeping records and telling Hamala no don't take this one he's a terrorist. Taliban probably sending terrorists here and we fly them here free and support them.

We need Trump bad to end this madness and start deporting, hiring thousands of agents to deport.

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I agree w/your assessment But I'm not confident about what the remedy is. They have placed us in a really bad place. :/

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Hey Elusive, did you see the links I sent? They're right under you CIA comments.

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Hi Yes I did! Much appreciated 😀

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It is complicated. Will be hard to deport so many but at least get the worse ones and stop any more from coming. We are broke money needs to be spent on Americans and repairing the country not foreigners.

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It sure is! :/

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The US seems to be full of these Islamic terrorists. Cole Bridges was another one. He was a US Army Private First Class. Canada and Mexico must be nervous. Is it any wonder Russia is trying so hard to stop the spread of US values in Ukraine.

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The clear and present danger remains through January 20th 2025 unless enough Americans take action. Let's not mince words. Treason is the cause of ALL of The Republic of The United States of America. The same traitors that brought US NAFTA, FTTA and APEC brought US Covid 19, mass murder of American Elders that continues via an assortment of toxic drug cocktails and of the 5 recipies of mRNA Bioweapons when there shoukd have only been 1 recipe. Any Givernment that gives the Farm away to any foreign country no matter how much they hate US, consists of a Majority of TRAITORS. There is zero question if this is true or false. One can only Imagine how many in US Givernment from town halls to the halls of Congress and the whitehouse will show up on Diddy Videos, let alone the Demented Dementites of Hollywierd and Music Cities across The USA. When will American Manufacturers get their REPARATIONS for 3 plus decades of Opportunities SOLD by Absolute Corruption married to The CCP & Mexican Cartels? When will American Consumers get REPARATIONS for Crafted Inflation by Traitors going all the way back to Carter. Every time a democRAT or Deep State Operator takes power, The American People get the shaft. #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #FreedomIsNotFree #MAGA2MEGA

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These situations worsen by the seconds.

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👀Thanks to the Gigler and Branden! 😤🤬

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DEI hire for the cia and or fbi to dislike us, go out and shoot at moving target. At least get the hunting tag for different species not humans.

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Looks like the CIA will hire just about anyone...then throw them under the bus...

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