I am really sad about all of this. We are playing into the globalist and CCP’s hand. They seek to divide and destroy the movement. You jumped into the fray and attacked Malone when he went after Breggin after he was attacked by Breggin. Frankly I feel like everyone here has been acting poorly in some way. If we really want to help the freedom movement we need to act like grownups. Nobody’s hands are totally clean here. I’m sorry to say I am disappointed in everyone right now. Let’s try and stay United on the fact that we are trying to prevent the WEF and WHO from enslaving all of us forever by using these engineered viruses and these horrific gene therapies. I get it that Malone insulted you and I think that is totally wrong, but you have also insulted him. It’s like a high school fight at this point and it’s sad. I am really just sad about everyone’s behavior. God help us all.

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Wake up! What has Malone done that truly has made a difference to the health freedom movement? As far as "acting poorly" - who gets to decide that, except those involved and those that can do something about it??? Dr. A came to Dr. Breggin's defense - and rightly so! Not only is Malone in the wrong there, but as he appears to garner a lot more media attention than Dr. B, Dr. A and Dr. McC combined, he can thus do a LOT of damage to them, and the movement, than they can to him, or whatever/whoever Malone's really backed by.

Your concern is understandable re. "fracturing" the movement, thus giving power to the WEF & WHO... But, I don't believe that will happen. We are VERY CLOSE to busting this entire DOD op wide open - and then "hurt feelings" will be the last things to care about.

As Neil Oliver says - HOLD THE LINE.

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I think you actually nailed the main issue. As is usually the case, when the new guy/gal on the block happens to garner more attention than those who have been in the trenches for longer...egos get bruised. The example that should be followed is that of RFK Jr - he’s been in the fight long enough to know that welcoming new and powerful players is the smart move. Because ultimately, it gets you closer to the main goal. Getting upset about ‘turf’ is for small men/women - especially if the true goal is of great importance to humanity.

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That's like saying "if Einstein / Openheimer invented the nuclear bomb they must tell us how to switch off the Hiroshima bomb".

What if the mRNA can't be turned off?

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Then he should know that too, and say it.

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No off switch .

Why would Dr. Malone work on mRNA Vaccines for AIDS for the DOD 🤔? THE NAVY HASN'T GOTTEN THAT BAD , HAS IT .

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Dr. Judy Mikovits. Has the cure...📣 🙏💯🇺🇸💪📣

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No she doesn't. She has an idea. If there is hydrogel in the shots, her idea is laughable. If shots are contaminated with Cs137, because they were manufactured in Ukraine, her idea is a laughable. If you ingested Cs137 two years ago, your thyroid is already dead, it is too late to detox from it. Stop making hero's and false gods, these are all very fallible humans.

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Is that the theory now? Cesium tainted vials? In all honesty … just about everything likely has traces of cesium at this point, thanks be to Fukushima.

Regardless , radioactive iodine half life is much much shorter .. the half life of cesium is 100’s to thousands of years depending on the isotope… if it is already inside the body theres nothing she can sell to that fix that problem. Absolutely nothing.

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Not a theory, Attorney Todd Callander uncovered this information via a whistle blower while bring a case to court over the military mandates. He has since found proof of this in the injections. I just listened to this interview he gave last night. https://zeeemedia.com/interview/the-walking-dead-5g-patents-to-turn-people-into-zombies-never-ending-viruses-todd-callendar-lisa-mcgee/

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Perhaps I misunderstood but am assuming you are referring to the Cesium 137.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

I'd be very surprised if she did. She's a fraud who falsified her research, blamed everything on Fauci (who probably didn't even know who she was), has slandered people and claimed that her researched "proved" that vaccines contaminated the blood supply.

I did over 250 hours of original-source research on her, every scientific paper, every article in Science Mag, every court document (she has lied on EVERY SINGLE ONE), everything. Please note that NOT ONE of these eminent doctors (Risch, McCullough, etc), have consulted with her on anything, because she's not credible.

No one will hire her, she ruined her own career. Here's a good summary, written by credible scientists: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/aid.2020.0095

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Which was a completely ludicrous and dishonest production. As a former hard sciences major that had done some small work wit the NSF, I was flabbergasted at her overly embellished, accusatory, "I-am-the-victim" story, where she claimed all kinds of things with NO PROOF.

One rule in science...If you can't prove it, don't claim it until you have credible proof, and it's been REPLICATED. I think she's a bit off, mentally, and is an opportunist.

Far better sources are out there. Yes, Fauci is a horrible man, but he didn't ruin Judy's career...She did that all by herself. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/aid.2020.0095

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Are you for real? Do you know what’s at stake? This will never be a kumbaya moment. Not as long as lives matter.

Dr. Alexander, you are my hero! Please keep fighting for us!

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This is beyond Malone insulting people, he is waging lawfare against them. So far he has sued 5, and sent numerous other threats to sue. This should be all you need to know as to which person you should stop supporting. He was not attacked by Breggin, he was disagreed with. Alexander did the honorable thing by calling out an asset suing 85 year Olds for exercising their God given right to an opinion on a subject they, unlike Malone, are experts in.

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Desmet's book is the key to what's happening right now. Why? Because the book is total trash yet is being promoted widely. Why is that? Why is a book whose central point is that totalitarianism arises naturally due to Enlightenment thinking, and not due to any conspiracy, being heavily promoted? Why is a book that states that those who believe in Covid conspiracy should be handled psychologically?

Why is a book that argues that everyone is a mechanistic thinker, therefore no one stands outside of this thinking and "manipulates," being promoted? Why can't people see that Desmet is talking in circles?

This book is an attempt to engulf the medical freedom movement, split it, and deceive. It's an insidious, dangerous, poisonous book. Why is it being promoted so heavily?


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I agree with you, that book and the man who wrote it are both very dangerous! You know the old saying, timing is everything...well this year they are planning to go after those who refuse their jabs with the label of mental illness and force psychotropic drugs upon them. The CMS budget has a lot of money allocated for this purpose.

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Desmet says nothing about vaccine refusers, and to be fair I don't think he'd label them as mentally ill. But he most certainly labels anyone who believes there was some sort of conspiracy during Covid as psychologically disturbed: that was the point of chapter 8.

Desmet wants us all to believe that totalitarianism evolves naturally and mechanistically due to our propensity for looking at science and data for our answers. But he confuses a faith in technology-- or applied engineering, if you will, which has accomplished much-- with a mindset that finds meaning and value in technology alone and has discarded deeper spiritual/emotional values, such as human connections.

Desmet created a fake society of near-automatons in order to prove that what happened during Covid was due to our own mindsets, and not to any conspiracy.

In essence the book says: there's nothing to see (regarding Covid conspiracy.) And if you do see anything, you're a danger to society. Yes, he really does say that, because the anxiety and uncertainty of the Covid conspiracy theorists can lead to mass formation!

I condemn the book in the strongest possible terms.

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Very well-put, Jim.

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Forget the "insults". You completely ignored the CRUX of Dr. A's article.

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And just what is the "crux" ?? - I guess I missed it

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My comment was directed at a hand-wringing post about being "sad at the infighting" - when the problem is Malone's ridiculous bullying, changes of stance, and lack of forthrightness.

Perhaps you did miss it.

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I found his article lacking in specifics. Could surely have been more economical and informative. Rather than simply blowing off steam. We all have a lot to read. I get it that Alexander is upset about being criticized. The only substance I gathered from the diatribe was that Malone needs to clarify in what way his MRNA work differs from the killer shot being rolled out. Is that the crux you refer to ??

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

Being sad at a turn of events and whining about it, after reading the article, is just weak and useless. And is incongruous with the seriousness of the subject. Blowing off steam is a good thing. And yes, Malone needs to man up and clarify. This lawfare nonsense feels like a way to show people he's not pussy-whipped. It would be genuinely pathetic, if it weren't so malevolent.

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The crux is that Paul is incapable of admitting his mistakes, and hence cannot be relied upon as a trustworthy source in the long term.

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You seem to be a Malone GROUPIE . the Honorable Dr. Paul made a stand ! I would trust him over Malone any day. Malone is trying to be our BFF . posting very little important medical studies.

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Nonsense. And if he did create mrna. Who does that? He says it is gene editing. Who desires to destroy what God creates?

Who has worked with the government (grants) to work as a shill for them most of his life. They have never been good, even the ones that "prevented transmission." Never. You should never trust people that are creating "vacvibes" because they created something to need a "vaccine."

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In the short term Malone is trying to Alex Jones people.

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If that is how you feel about Paul then why are you still here reading his Substack?

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👍👍 she seems to be a Malone groupie ( groopsie 🤔 ) .

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LOL....I just couldn't resist, usually I tell myself to just walk on by but this was just too easy.

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Oopsie are you fully vaxxed and boosted? if so thank Dr. Malone. Now find a dictionary ( book) look up vaccine, thats not what you got.

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Didn't they change the definition of that word? Lol

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Yes. from prevent infection and transmission. To . Help prevent severe illness and death .

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BillD77, I am right there with you. I’ve really liked Dr Peter Breggin, Dr Peter McCullough, & Dr Jane Ruby...then I hear things like they’re controlled opposition or something negative. And, it’s like who knows...& it’s just all so sad. Lately, there have been times I just feel sad to be human. But, I will bounce back up, because I know the evil Powers that Be will be getting what they want if they divide us & defeat us. We must succeed in defeating them.

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Only one person is suing people for 10s of millions of dollars. Only one is waging war on everyone else. You don't have to like everything about these people to see only one is a viper.

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This isn't just about Malone being insulting. He is the one who decided to sue others in the health freedom movement who disagree with him. That costs each defendant substantial money. Malone has always been a fraud and I could never understand why the others let him gave the stage at all. He worked with the CIA and DOD for crying out loud! No one should have trusted him from the beginning!

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And don't forget DARPA, that agency alone would make me run.

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Yes we all seem very susceptible to frauds and serial abusers. It has been one of my primary concerns. Either we seem to understand instinctively not to trust someone or we seem unable to do so. We give them power.

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Bill, I used to think the way you're expressing: we shouldn't be divided. I was a paid subscriber to Malone and he even subscribed to my Substack. I quoted him often. At some point, he wrote, "And RIP Wikispooks, which I used to consult often, has been scrubbed from the internet." That happened to be a friend of mine. After contacting him and getting his permission, I posted his contact into to Malone, who thanked me profusely.

Then someone commented on Malone's essay about not being divisive, "You mean like your $25M lawsuit against the Breggins?" I was shocked. He then posted his lawsuit filing, and the more I read, the more sure I was that Malone was still Deep State. And I had exposed my friend to the very people he'd been revealing as nefarious. I couldn't sleep that night but knew that I couldn't be silent.

This is the episode I did analyzing the lawsuit and another based on an interview I did and further evidence. All I'm using is logic, and applying to Malone's own words what he's accusing the Breggins of. Everything that Malone says is slander from the Breggins are things that he tells the court to substantiate himself as a credible professional. Before you conclude that no one's hands are clean, you should read it for yourself. The Breggins list my episodes as #1 & #3 on their page of journalists responding to the suit:



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Something is wrong with Malone. It could be simply a gigantic ego or a need to be uplifted. For me, the red flag was the promotion of Desmet and especially, the lawsuit against Breggin and others. Breggin is 100%, absolutely, no-question-about-it correct about Desmet. So the big question is: why in hell is everyone falling over Desmet and his book? It's obviously psychobabble, in a bad way. Transparently so.

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Thanks for reading my post, Jim. I'm looking forward to reading yours On the Psychology of Totalitarianism. I've written a few times about the Unlimited Hangout article on Covid 19—Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity? It does a really thorough job of debunking Desmet. However, I have some very thoughtful readers who feel that it has an important analysis, and that I should read it. So it's on my list and in the meantime I'm considering that both may be true--we have been intentionally made afraid and vulnerable to fall for the psy-ops AND there's a deep psychosis happening. So I'll read your article with interest!

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Totalitarianism doesn't require mass formation at all. All that's required is censorship, surveillance, and enforcement. Then "mass formation" may result, but it wasn't prior to censorship and surveillance, it followed. Hitler said that the first thing required is "a massive wave of propaganda." Desmet focuses on the hard totalitarianism of HItler and Stalin (much of his thinking is derived from Arendt) but ignores the soft totalitarianism threatened by WEF and company.

Desmet says virtually nothing about censorship except as the masses "ask" for it because they want to be controlled.

I thought the Unlimited Hangout article was excellent and was one of the pieces that got me looking more closely at what Desmet actually said.

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Hi, Jim. I posted my YouTube that responds to your essay: https://youtu.be/KDrgnom5_NM. Your post is very comprehensive and logical, it really does an excellent job of looking at the content of his argument and not making a character attack. I'll have it up on Substack with text and links tomorrow, and I hope you'll engage in the discussion. Thanks again!

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Thanks for the heads up, and thank you!

I tried not to attack Desmet personally. Hence, reference to "PT" (Psychology of Totalitarianism) rather than to Desmet personally.

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You are 100% right. We live in a world poisoned by deep psychosis. I’ve been writing of this off and on for several years. Toxic narcissists, psychopaths, rule the world. They have created an environment of divisiveness, of selecting for narcissism, which plays us expertly. All of us are susceptible to being played by artfully deceptive psychopaths. Sometimes it can even take advantage of our natural sympathetic natures and result in a Stockholm syndrome. It is something I have become all too aware of. They destroy themselves and their cultures from within.

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That's so well-put, KW, as is your whole Substack which I've read before. I woke up this morning thinking that the Eurocentric economy is 100 generations of society serving the ejaculations of men, with children as an unfortunate byproduct.

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You read my SubStack. Impressed. I can’t even do that myself or find anything in it. Need an indexed catalog for people like me, lol. Confusing times for certain. Our kids are really suffering.

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CCP hand? Probably we will find out that CCP rules the USA and used biden administration to impose the mandates. Just ask yourself a simple question: who really rules USA?

I do not have any information about Dr Breggin attacking Dr Malone; Dr Breggin opinion about mass psychosis ideology is correct, in my opinion. It looks like Dr Malone does not act by himself, he has a mission; part of his mission is to destroy the medical freedom movement. If MDs will let themselves used -knowingly or unknowingly- the movement will not be able to bring the radical changes that are needed, so that the horror can be stopped and never happen again.

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People are confused about the Breggin/Malone/Desmet rift. It's not about whether mass formation exists or not; basically, it does. The entire rift revolves around whether mass formation during Covid was induced or not.

Breggin says yes, mass formation was induced (orchestrated.) Desmet says no, there was no orchestration, the mass formation arose spontaneously AND if we don't want another one we need to ensure that society doesn't become anxious and fearful. Conspiracy thinkers are a threat to society because they cause anxiety. This is Desmet's view.

Malone says there's a conspiracy but I suppose he can't read very well because he thinks Desmet says the same thing. But then again, Desmet's writing is deliberately two-sided. Either that, or he's completely incompetent as a writer.

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Probably this is Malone/Desmet game; blaming the Crowd of the mass psychosis and minimalize the role of the perpetrators, for not holding them responsible. Malone and Desmet are protecting the predators, not the victims. Very strange the fact that Malone sued the Breggins.


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Unfortunately it goes far deeper than the hand of the CCP. This is planetary and threatens the Chinese as much as it threatens any of us. Look instead to the International rule of the Corporatocracy. Classic fascism - as advertised by the Davos Country Club set. They believe they own China too.

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ccp is used as a foil to obscure who really rules the west. The answer has been made so deeply taboo via indoctrination in schools/media that most westerners literally cannot see it no matter how overt and overwhelming the evidence is. Norton is right: It's a corporate cabal, but who rules that? Who has talked about world domination for thousands of years?

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I do not think we can go back thousands of years. We can start with 1945 and the 2 global powers at that time, and then, after 1990, the single so called super power which want to maintain its hegemony in a globalist, unipolar world. The globalist dream has started to crack.

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Look into who has power over freemassonry. DC (military)-London (finance)-Vatican (religon) relationship. Look at the Fascii symbols in the US House chamber, those represents authority. Look at which religious system dominate the SCOTUS at this point, compared to 100 years ago. The truth is hidden in plain sight. People often say if you want to know who holds the power, then find out who you can't criticized, but this is not entirely true if the enemy set up the blame on a certain group. The enemy is more likely to be fallible individuals pretending to be pious and holy, which people wouldn't suspect because they don't know history.


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Maturity of five year olds we have all descended to here. “ But he /she/ it started it” Lol. Time for non twitter time out.

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Agree 100%

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Yep, I subscribed to Malone with the paid option after the Breggins attacked him since I could see this coming from a mile away. Malone has been a consistent source of reliable information throughout the pandemic all the way from the Pfizer biodistribution study from Japan to his worldwide viral appeal to never inject the children with the murder shots.

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Man, that is some brilliant questioning. And the final few words . . . "do you see yourself in a leadership role (CDC et al)?" I do imagine. 👍🏻

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I am not sure who would be more dangerous when filling in the spot left open by Fauci, him or Dr Peter Hotez. I tend to believe Hotez.

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So pay away. Perhaps you can visit the farm and muck stalls. 😂

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Ummm, couldn't be further from the truth.

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Me too, it's middle school bs and must stop. Sick of this crap!

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quit praying to yah for help he established evil to destroy the wicked quit being a coward and counting noses and seek truth fight evil support good damn the consequences

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No no no

no no no no you do not unite with snakes that is insane. be very careful of your allies one poor ally is worse than a battalion of trained and equipped enemy.

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ccp? Look a lil west...

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Thank you for sharing! Love it!

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He is a Limited Hangout!!

He gave the DOD/CIA a timeline to try and sell us that covid came out of Wuhan with his supposed ex-CIA friend!!! He has misled us about the timeline!!!! And now we know it’s compliments of the DOD!!!

Now he’s burning bridges everywhere to disrupt the movement and cause divisions.

He came out of nowhere. The thing that really gave him away to me was when he said he already had a covid infection. But due to long covid he got vaxxed!!!!!

It never made sense that anyone with medical experience would do that!!! It was “the tell”.

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Good catch! For me, it was his crowing about his DOD & CIA contacts on Joe Rogan's podcast, topped off by his lawsuits against Breggin & McCullough.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

He is actually suing McCullough? I thought it was just insults re: The Wellness group that McCullough formed.

And, he was always talking about (aside from the big "invention") what an expert he was in repurposed drugs. So if he knew the vaccine was a no-go, and he knew all about repurposed drugs, why would he have ever gotten vaccinated? (If he actually did.) He's got all the knowledge to protect/cure himself. Makes no sense at all.

And you have to have some serious $$$ to be breeding/showing Lusitanos. Whatever his role is, he's been well compensated.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Good catch re. Malone should have known all along about repurposing drugs, such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc.!!! So, his never pushing for their use during the Plandemic despite the FDA/CDC/WHO discouraging/disparaging/banning their use, is yet another charge to lay at his feet.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

I've heard him in more than one interview talking about his work over the last decade in repurposing drugs. So he gets shot-up as opposed to laying in some ivermectin? He's already got it in the barn. It's part of the seasonal worming rotation. 😂

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To be fair, he got the vax very early, right at the start, before anybody knew about the bad stuff.

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But if he INVENTED the tech, as he claims, he obviously knew all there is to know. And Moderna had never produced a successful product in the 10 years they've been in business.

He had immunity, he'd already had covid, and he could cure himself with repurposed drugs. I don't buy a thing that man says, he's been suspect from the get go.

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WEF pays well.

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too bad those people won't be taking that money with them, only the memories of havoc they helped create will come with them to the other side.

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Not only did RM not promote use of ivermectin, he actively disparaged its use. In the summer of 2021, he tweeted his support of his "good friend" Andrew Hill - who most know by now is a fraud. I suspect he's deleted the tweet from his timeline, but it's still available via threadreader. https://threadreaderapp.com/convos/1407794264969523200

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I suggest you read his story as told by his wife, what the pharma people did to him, stole his patents, etc, how they had to start over, SEVERAL TIMES, had lost everything.

You can start a horse farm with just 2 horses, my cousin did it. And it's hard work if you do it all yourself, as the Malones did, PLUS working full time, both husband and wife.

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My questions exactly...just strange. Goes to show we're the ultimate advocate of our own mental and physical health.

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I forgot to mention....

He came out bashing the RNA vax as unsafe but yet he got vaxxed!!!!

I’m like HUH?? Say what? Lol.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Yes--he WOULD have known before it was even invented that it would be dangerous and useless and yet he got injected? I smell a rat.

The thing is--what is the point of the limited hangout--the only thing I can think of is it's a distraction. They are doing far worse things to us--through food, water, air? and need us focused on this disastrous injection. If not that, then what?

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Hi R U Kidding me.

Did Malone really get injected with the alleged poison?

Did any of the govt or corporate or private high-flyers?

I say not. They all got saline.

As did tens of millions of others.

Hence tens of millions can say: "hey look momma, no side effects".

What's really in the alleged toxic shots at any rate?

And don't show me some Spaniard/Latin American "Fifth Column" home video by nutters at a resolution of ten trillion times alleging self-assembling zombi sci-fi structures.

This is all such nickel and dime tedium by desperados and I'm getting bored, because the content is now so thin and the subscribers who pay so small and the subscriptions so insignificant; so unless you have say 5, 000 paying subscribers at $5 a piece - $ 25,000 per month in revenue - you're pissing in the wind.

And how many Substack "authors" have such a following?

What a bummer.

What a waste of everyone's time and some people's money.

Just shows how easy it is fool some of the people some of the time.

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You had a choice to read or not to read my comment. You chose to read it.

Say what you want, the issues I raise are valid.

Best of luck to you.

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I hear you on the saline, however with substack I think there's an exponential component. The wave of rising awareness is building, and some of the people that got injured by the modification (those willing to swallow their pride) will be looking for answers. That's my optimistic view of course. Plus I believe if we can empower one person with truth, then that creates a butterfly effect for all of us.

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Same as Steve Kirsch, no? Steve is double vaxxed.

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I actually believe Steve. He was just an ordinary guy on the ground with liberal leanings who likely just fell into step with the narrative. I mean, come on, who would have expected this to be a pre-planned, DOD-financed medical experiment? But Malone--30 years of mRNA science in his bones and following its failure every step of the way. 3 decades of failure. Knowing how it really works inside the human system and how many cancer patients it killed (who keeps track!)--no way he took it.

Steve, you, me--we're different.

I did not take it because I knew anything about mRNA--All I knew was the narrative sounded off --kind of pre-planned and slick, and lacking any substance--and I had been wondering about (keeping mental track of) pharma for a long time after having seen documentaries (PFCs/Dupont) and news items about certain drugs like Vioxx and Oxy, and knowing the FDA and CDC were a revolving door for pharma. A child from the 80s, I recognized false advertisement. That's all I had. And all I said was, "I think I'll wait."

And that was just the beginning.

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"I mean, come on, who would have expected this to be a pre-planned, DOD-financed medical experiment?"

I've known this was the NWO order plan since 1987, but I didn't know when it would happen. It's the reason I never vaccinated my kids (early 90's). I've been called a conspiracy theorist for most of my life.

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The patent was set aside by Salk (where he originally developed it), then he went to Vical, where the patent was set aside because of a dispute between those 2 companies. Then the animal trials didn't turn out well, but it was for a different application...Remember this was over 30 years ago. Who of us, in our careers, are the same now as we were 30 years ago, especially in such a field?

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Not the same or different—- but still having superior knowledge, context and understanding. You don’t turn into a moron because 30 years pass. And the animals trials were a huge failure because it killed them, rendering the issue of “application” irrelevant.

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So? He knew/knows as much about it as anyone else, and likely a lot more. He also has the deeper knowledge of the mechanisms that you need in-depth understanding of---there is no way he just injected himself with that junk. Not to mention his affiliation with government--he knows how it works.

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I'd say so. Yes.

Self-interest dressed up as altruism. Politicking BS.

Professional conmen.

Just like Musk - a shit-head with zero formal training and experience in law or human rights - is now telling a Brazilian judge that he (the judge) is censoring public opinion in Brazil.

Do me a favour.

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That judge is an absolute dictator and a tyrant. Judge, jury, executioner.

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Hi oopsie,

Brazil isn't the US and never will be. It's a very different society.

The alternative media is perhaps pulling at your "freedom loving" heartstrings.

I made a comment about Musk telling off Brazil, not about the alleged "dictator" judge. Do you even know his name or background?

But seeing you made an indictment against the current Brazilian govt, let's carry on with that theme.

Bolsonaro - a throwback from 1970s US installed Latin American dictators (to counter the fake "communism threat") in all likelihood was a US installation because the US already had traction with him.

Further, does the US not benefit from agribusiness and mining ops in the Amazon, and increased gun ownership?

Yes of course.

All the same, Bolsonaro went rogue with covid-topia and this is when things changed and he fell out of favour with uncle Sam. Poor Uncle Sam.

Lula may be a piece of shit, but he lifted 40m people out of poverty and had two highly successful terms. Which contemporary US president did that? None, only destruction and black ops playing with other sovereign states' stability and innocent citizens' lives like the US was a video game main protagonist.

However, you can't keep looking at the world always through the fake perspective of Donald Trump - that EVERYTHING is a premeditated plan; that EVERYTHING is deep-state; because as much as the US likes to believe she's the marionette of everything that's happening right now, it simply cannot be.

Faith is very powerful, so is disappointment on account of misplaced faith.

I see Paul Alexander vs Robert Malone slugging it out like two schoolboys having a scrap; and I laugh, but then I'm saddened because Paul, in my view, made an error of judgment in maligning Malone in such detail - but that's Paul's call and he'll live with the consequences.

It's a difficult world to navigate where much of what you're fed - mainstream and alternative - is all BS.

One must try not to deal with EVERYTHING on an emotional level because that's what all appeals are to - both mainstream and alternative.

A nice day to you and remember, WE'RE ALL on the same side here.


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Do you a favor how? Our own government helped this WEF liberal steal the election in Brazil. They have nothing there--but a lot of people. The CIA funded the theft. The entire country knows it. Who cares what Elon says.

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See my above comment.

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I call bs on that one. Out of alllll the people dropping and dying are any of them the elite? Politicians? Prime Ministers? Maybe they got the kamala switchnlade style injection?

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Hey there Alien Observer,

If I claim to have invented Kentucky Fried Chicken, then I eat Kentucky Fried Chicken.

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Perhaps you're misreading what I wrote in an earlier comment and so you're barking up the wrong tree.

I'll quote it again.

"Did Malone really get injected with the alleged poison?

Did any of the govt or corporate or private high-flyers?

I say not. They all got saline.

As did tens of millions of others.

Hence tens of millions can say: "hey look momma, no side effects".

So what I am saying is Malone took NOTHING.

He only said he took something.

And the KFC methaphor is to say what he said he took was mRNA because he is the alleged (and you now say confirmed) creator of it.

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And his lawsuit to silence Dr. Jane Ruby .

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So much info...glad we have groups and people here like you that can help digest it all. Thank you.

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He came out of nowhere. The FIRST thing that struck me - like who the hell is this guy?

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He came out of nowhere but was on the cover of the .economist December 2019 magazine 🤔🤔🤔

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Really? Oh man... The Economist is the fave of the WEF & other Globalists...

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Yes .. right next to the 4 horsemen. One of which looked like the statue of liberty wearing a mask .

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Yep, right next to a stork bringing a barcoded baby!!!

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Seriously? That "Malone" look-alike is supposed to be Walt Whitman. The Economist undoubtedly still doesn't know who Robert Malone is. Everyone needs to take a breath.

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Where does Walt Whitman fit Next to the four horsemen , one wearing a mask, as well as a stork with a bar code ? You can say its whoever you think to fit your narrative , but it looks exactly like Malone.

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Just what are all y'all smoking? https://www.economist.com/weeklyedition/archive?year=2019

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I dont see any horsemen or malone's. pass me that bong.

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I must admit this was also my point of doubt >> when he said he already had a covid infection. But due to long covid he got vaxxed, huh?

The man was preaching the dangers of mRNA but gets vax'd and continues his speech about dangers. . . When clever people talk/act stupid, ding ding ding >>> there's deception under the dirty blanket.

Me think he is controlled opposition. Don't let him poison the well please.

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He got the shots to virtue signal and allow him to travel when the rest of us lepers were locked down. He must show how important he is by his jet-setting to exotic places.

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At one point, the vax was touted as a protection and cure for those with LC. My best friends daughter had LC, very early in the cycle, and her doc said he thought the vax would help.

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Ditto! He took the vax when most of us here suspected this was a problem. EUA, no thanks! mRNA, no thanks. And why would he, Covid recovered not be able to see that he had natural immunity? Then state he had a reaction after the 2nd jab. What is his motivation? Who is he and what does he know? He worked with the DOD & the CIA. IS HE A PLANT HERE IN THIS MOVEMENT? SOMETHING IS OFF!

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In his defence…. He did say he took the jab to be able to travel. I personally know people that did it for that very reason. I still agree with many of the questions in the above comments….. medically he should have known better…. Unless he fell asleep at the wheel and thought that perhaps the technology had overcome earlier problems…. It’s possible.

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Yes we all know folks who took the experimental injection to just get back to normal. But a guy who definitely KNOWS all the animals died in their clinical experiments, does THAT guy take the jab just so he can travel?

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Back in 2020, everyone was shunning and vilifying the infected injured who suffered thousands of reactions not in WHO's small collection. So, one of them coined the term Long COVID to give this group an identity. Long-time sufferers were herded into being jabbed by being bombarded with lies claiming the shots would alleviate or eliminate their symptoms. Malone said he was one of them. There were injured medical doctors who fell for this. People were desperate to stop their horrible suffering and return to normal.

Sometime later, Malone said in an interview he was jabbed in order to travel to a conference abroad if I remember correctly. It was no longer the first story. Don't know if he changed it again.

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I've come to the same conclusion and I think limited hangout is exactly the right term. As I wrote in a reply to the first comment, I was one of his 'groupies'. When he sued the Breggins and I started looking at the facts, it sent a chill down my spine. I don't think these are fun and games, spy vs. spy cartoons. The Deep State is ruthless.

When I looked him up on my friend's WikiSpooks site, the description was squeaky clean except for one name to whom Malone was a 'person of interest'. That turned out to be another friend, Joe Atwill, author of Caesar's Messiah about the Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus. I called Joe.

His response was exactly what you're saying--no one who understood what was in that shot would have ever injected themselves. And the long covid story is even fishier.

With that validation, I knew that I had to publish:



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I found that strange as well, that he said he vaxxed himself with something that he himself helped to create. Wouldn't he have known the downsides?

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There was a very long spread of time from his early patents in the 80’s until the newer products and the various new developments in delivery of Mrna into cells.

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His DoD roots are all we needed to know. Bravo for exposing this globe trotting, pro vax grifter!

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He practically crowed about his DOD "roots", and his CIA contacts, on Joe Rogan's podcast... I didn't listen to his entire shtick on there, but enough to make me very wary of who, and what, he might really be. His lawsuits against Drs. Peter Breggin and Peter McCullough were the icing on the cake. No-one truly interested in health freedom would do such a thing. NO-ONE. Yet, he went there.

Dr. A makes excellent points here, esp. that if Malone truly did "invent" the mRNA technology, then he is at the very least partly responsible for this horror show currently playing out.

And, if he really did "invent" it, then he should come forward to try to figure out how to counter it, stop it, reverse it, etc. - help heal those injured by it - and work to stop this technology from being used ever again. Yet, he most certainly has not done any of that.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:16

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There are some patents in his name. I stumbled upon a nice timeline for this tech yesterday but lost the link. If I find it again, I'll compare the two.

The problem is the infected and injected versions of the agent have been creating autoantibodies which attack the body somewhere.

=> Infected: This study looked at monoclonal antibodies for the spike protein, nucleoprotein, envelope protein, and membrane protein. These reacted with 28 out of 55 human tissue antigens increasing risk for developing or worsening autoimmunity and multi-system disorders.


=> Long COVID: This study found autoantibodies circulating and inflammatory markers 12 months after infection.


=> Injected: This is a literature review for autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions after being jabbed.


There are ~150 known autoimmune diseases. I'm going to compare that list against the adverse reporting database. Probably most or all of the former are in the latter.


People who experience severe reactions probably have high autoantibodies. Those with mild to no reaction probably have low autoantibodies. Antibodies have a half-life of ~73 days (when half are gone). Inflammation, stress, exposure to the spread/shed/injected version of the agent, and perhaps some other things will increase or regenerate them. The global cult wants us all to suffer autoimmune diseases.

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Pilate washed his hands after giving in to mob rule and ordering Jesus to be crucified. Matthew 27:24

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It seems to be what Malone is doing currently in distancing himself from the technology he created. He admitted taking the vax was the biggest mistake of his life. He shouldn't sue anyone.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Agreed. What he SHOULD be doing is HELPING... helping stop this shit, helping those who have been harmed by it, helping ensure it's never used ever ever ever again... And, issuing a public apology for his part in all this! Yet, here we are. And, what's he doing - suing Dr B and Dr. McC for his hurt feelings.

BTW, we have NO proof that he actually took the jab, only his word - which, at this point, is pretty meaningless, at least to me. I doubt everyone "in the public eye" that claims they took the jab, but especially gubmint folks, "entertainers", and HIM. But, if we get a sample of their blood, we can examine it under a microscope - if their red blood cells are misshapen and clump in long strings, then, yes, they took the jab. There are numerous videos on Bit Chute showing this.

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I don't believe that all jabs are created equal. If Malone's controlled opposition, the WHO & WEF are set to override Constitutional and other governments around the globe. We were never informed what's in the vax, why "they" are reducing Earth's population... This much is obvious: the SARS-COV-2 origins weren't natural. Synthetic virus designed by computer as well as the nanotechnology mRNA vax. The level of horror is unfathomable but of biblical eschatological proportions. ELE, an Extinction Level Event. The target global population is to be ~500 million. What's coming? Why now? Why is the NATO and especially the United States pushing Russia into a potential nuclear war, defending nazi corrupt Ukraine? Asteroid or comet impact imminent? Emergence of Antichrist and great tribulation? Your thoughts are appreciated.

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That was the first Twit poll and mob democracy in action. Crucifixion by poll results. Barrabas won.

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"Dr. A makes excellent points here, esp. that if Malone truly did "invent" the mRNA technology, then he is at the very least partly responsible for this horror show currently playing out.

Let me play that logic back to you.

God invented all that there is. Therefore God is responsible for this ongoing mass murder. Let's pray to this God now, shall we?

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You mean Robert Oppenheimer?

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"

Could be Robert Malone ?

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

It's very easy to label Oppenheimer as THE bad guy behind atomic weaponry. However, HE was not funding the development of nuclear weapons, HE was not pushing for them to be developed, HE was not the one whose intent it was for it to be made into weaponry... IT WAS THE US GOVERNMENT - more specifically, THE US MILITARY.

Does that ring a bell for anyone... THE US MILITARY WAS BEHIND NUCLEAR WEAPONS, AND NOW BEHIND THE CONVID BIOWEAPONS... They have lots of other "wonders" in store for us, too.

Does that completely exonerate Oppenheimer from his part in the development of nuclear energy? No, hell no. But he did not want to see that power made into weapons. And, he paid a high price for his part. And, recall, too, the timing of the Manhattan Project - if we hadn't developed it first, the Germans/Nazi's were well on their way to doing so. It was developed - supposedly - to AVERT it's actual use. Can the same be said for mRNA technology??? No, hell no.

Malone, if - IF - he was truly involved in the "creation" and/or development of the mRNA technology, then he will pay for it. And, as he's doing absolutely nothing to try to help those harmed by this crap, that reveals he has no reservations or feelings of guilt about his part in this, unlike Oppenheimer. And, like Oppenheimer, MALONE (or whoever invented it) HAD SOMEONE(S)/SOME AGENCY(IES) BACKING THE MRNA TECH - or, did he get the idea all on his own???

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He claims he's the Father of mRNA technology . If this is a BIO WEAPON. he owns it . I follow him , he showed no remorse and sure seems to preach a lot of forgiveness. As if all these people involved were just stupid, not knowing what they were doing .

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I'm sure you're the type of person who is opposed to the 2nd Amendment. Am I right?

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Seems your brilliant powers of observation are on par . 100% incorrect as usual . Started shooting , hunting, reloading and competition shooting back in the 70s. Sorry for ya .

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You argument is like this. X invented something. Y does something bad with the invention. Therefore it's the inventor's fault.

The argument against 2nd Amendment goes something like this. X did something bad with a gun. Therefore guns are bad and must be banned.

Do you see why I thought it highly probable that you are opposed to the 2nd Amendment?

Turns out that you are just a highly illogical person. My apologies for assuming that you formed your beliefs based upon logical examination of your beliefs.

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No but Oppenheimer was smart, cognizant, sensitive and well able to detect the sinister intent of his work. Just one more toxic narcissist acting just like a toxic narcissist. They are everywhere. We reward them In This society.

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After all, Oppenheimer didn't actually drop the bombs on Japan did he?

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As I said in my previous comment - if Oppenheimer, and the many others working with and under him, hadn't developed it first, the Germans/Nazi's were well on their way to doing so, and they certainly would NOT have hesitated to drop such bombs on ANYONE. And, it wouldn't have been to stop attacks, it would have been to DESTROY the people and perhaps occupy their lands. We have to keep the history of the times in mind when looking back, and before passing judgement.

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Oh that’s good reason. Sounds like five year old mentality. “But he did it first!”

Understanding what happened is not the same as passing judgement. Since we had presumably defeating the Germans this was interesting. We certainly had an evil agenda dropping these on Japan. Plus we brought in these Nazi scientists and used them to help develop our own brand of weaponized totalitarianism.

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Japan unit 731 . We executed German mad scientists and recruited Japanese mad scientists to continue bio weapons research for the good old USA .

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Bingo, they just need a so-called good reason. A-bomb , MOAB , VX nerve gas , Napalm..... Why would the DOD need a Vaccine for HIV? STD ?

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He was quoting from ancient Indian mystical texts. Please educate yourself about these things before spouting off.

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Most whistleblowers are similarly credentialed, so that alone is not enough to convict him of anything nefarious.

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Perhaps. But, a tactic of a controlled opposition "dissident" is to sow discontent, and to poison the real heroes. Dr. Malone needs to let up on this. I've learned a lot from his writings, and I have no hard evidence he is bad, but something feels a bit off to me.

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Agreed. One political strategy I have employed my entire life is to be harsher on the candidates I am more aligned with, which have always been conservatives or pseudo-cons. Have hated the Buish's, and former Dems like Trump due to this fail-safe. Have even gone back and reassessed my one time admiration for men like Reagan, who gave us the first No Fault Divorce Laws in Kalifornia, and then granted amnesty to way too many Mexicans.

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I stopped, trusting him after he sued the Breggins and I see the lying eyes he has. Not a fan of Berenson - since I learned he is a liberal against Bolsonaro. Wonder how well he will like living under Communism?

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I also stopped following Malone when he sued The Breggins. I stopped following Berenson when he came out against Ivermectin. He will be a useful Idiot, under communism.

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Berenson is a strange duck. I think he gets an early impression of someone and lets it influence his reporting. But now we can see he pegged Malone early. Somehow. Maybe he will say more now that this is blowing up.

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That is correct. Berenson drilled Malone relentlessly on Tucker Carlson.

I thought Malone was just taking the high road while it played out. But by his face and mannerisms, you could tell Malone was out of his league.

And I think Berenson is a high handed arrogant prick with a narcissistic core. Berenson is a true manipulator, a liberal with TDS. A true Bi-polar.

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I stopped following Malone after his tour to visit the Pope pandering these injections and getting the APPROVAL of POPE for this idiotic tour.

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Very good reason indeed. No one, but no one, seeks the approval of the Pope without being part of this either by ignorance or intent. Church and State.

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Have distrusted Berenson from the outset. It is pretty easy to tell by their behavior here what they are motivated by. Would you like a list? Maybe a list of the 20 or so indicators that someone is trying to scam you?

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I stopped following Berenson, too. I just found him nasty...His nasty attitude toward Ivermectin/Dr. Kory, his nasty remarks about Naomi Wolf on Twitter where she's been banned so unable to respond, his presentation of himself (this is my impression) as "I'm the smartest guy in the room -- always -- on just about everything."

Later, Alex. 𝑴𝒖𝒄𝒉 later...

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Yes, highly highly competitive. Almost pugnacious.

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Have always found him and his wife boring and full of it.

I can't stand people that sue people - but suing the Breggins!


However I would like to sue the Malones to stop using my name.

The Bidens too for that matter.

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💯 agree

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Dr Paul, thanks for your honest, open response to Robert Malone. You have connected the dots brilliantly and with the grace of a true warrior (no BS). How can Malone claim to have invented the MRNA delivery system and be on the side of "well, it's dangerous". He always recommended it for seniors which is a false flag. It's either good for all or bad.

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I read a recent Malone substack where he went into great detail about the mRNA delivery system and all the promise he and others had for it. He is not the inventor of the COVID vaccines. It seems like emotions have gotten extremely intense and that is skewing facts.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Although I'm subscribed to his substack, I no longer read it after his suing Dr. B. That was the icing on the cake for me - he unequivocally showed his cards at that point.

So, it's interesting timing that NOW he's giving some details re. the mRNA technology... Like, the spooks/think tanks behind him realized that he needs to be seen to actually know something about this technology, or his cover is well & truly blown.

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I don’t think his ‘cover is blown’. From early on in 2021 when he first started appearing on Bannons WarRoom, he was open about DARPA and all his work with DOD. That is what actually made him so interesting and important to the discussion. He was an ‘insider’ who was giving us some excellent Intel. Similar to several other military folk Bannon has on who worked on bioweapon development in the DOD. It’s information we need but rarely get. If you go back to Malones initial appearances in public to now, you see a man who has gone through an incredible transformation. He was completely unprepared for what was to hit him. He was very green under the gills.

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If your discovery was killing people around the world, wouldn’t you be screaming the message at every opportunity the risks? Instead, he chose to become a celebrity acting as if he has no connection to the vaccine. Without lipid nanotechnology the mRNA technology would not exist. His income is directly related to government and pharma as much as Fauci’s income is.

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Thank you, I'd forgotten about his WarRoom stuff... But, I think you're wrong that "he was completely unprepared for what was to hit him" and being "green under the gills"... I think he's been rehearsed & guided by those very agencies in what he's done & said since, because of his caginess about certain things, especially re. how the mRNA tech works, and the timing & content of what he reveals. And, that he's shown absolutely no interest in trying to help figure out how to mitigate, stop, reverse this horror show, or help heal those injured by this crap. THAT says it all to me - "ye shall know them by their fruits" - he's got bad fruit in spades and his good fruit is extremely lacking.

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I will never forget that it was Malone who brought the Japanese Pfizer biodistribution data to public attention and who made perhaps one of the most successful viral videos advocating against vaccinating children with the mRNA crap.

Dr P.A., in constrast has been so busy "fighting" demons that he hasn't realized he has been spitting against the wind and has not achieved anything worthwhile.

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Does anyone know why Malone sued the Breggins, btw?

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Yes, the Breggins slandered Malone and Desmet in a completely fact-free vitriolic outburst.

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At some point, Malone had to ask, what are you putting into the delivery system? No matter, it was designed to carry gene editing technology for a number of purposes. Gene editing is the elephant in the room, the delivery system is designed to be part of that.

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And then step in line to actually have the injections, that never made sense to me.

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Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents1, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? In that case, he’d be accomplice to genocide.

RFK, Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson... Freedom fighters are doing a great job waking people up, but they don’t lead changing of the rigged system of slavery and death, freedom action. We are heading straight to the next PLANdemics (1000 P3 labs and 67 P4 labs are working full time... thousands of scientists creating new gain-of-function Frankensteins).

Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power in so many countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services), especially, where there's no money trail.

The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.

If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).

A school mate confessed: “Your argument looks all right but if I go that way, I won’t be able to enjoy life.” Some are unwilling to enter the rabbit's hole because they know that they won’t find wonderland at the other end, just nightmare-land, THE end of our world. Just as Cypher in Matrix movie, they’d rather forget all of it and live the good life (good lie) rather than join the resistance in a painful David-Goliath war “doomed to be lost”.

By failing to acknowledge THE plan and its huge Achilles’ heal (or clay feet), instead of fighting for a sure victory, they become collaborators of the enemy. Tolerating global genocide means being accomplice to murder.




















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Great work putting so much of this puzzle together!

3 responses:

1) Yes, it may be the Masons/Freemasons (whatever you want to call them, or whatever their true name is) behind this, or other secret societies, or "elite" families, or bankers, etc., or most likely, some combination thereof. I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket - I'd keep my options open, so to speak. And, there are plenty of options, and options overlap. There's a lot of history here and many multiple-tentacled connections that we don't know about or the full extent of yet.

2) Your schoolmate and others with similar gelatinous spines are not only "aiding in genocide", and "accomplices to murder", as you rightly point out, but they are also helping to murder/genocide themselves. That might be a good point to bring up to them. ;)

3) DAVID WON, not Goliath. :)

God bless.

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Well said!

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It completely stands to reason that there are chaos agents, spies, and provocateurs in the world of medical freedom, and it stands to reason that there are people in alternative media who are in it for money, or power, or fame, and it stands to reason that sudden fame, often accompanied by the fear and danger of a world where incredibly powerful and rich and anti-human elites or corporations or state actors or just some jerk on social media, who might or might not be a catfish or pharma stooge, can hurt you or doxx you or threaten you, but I also think there is a lot of free floating boiling helpless rage in all of us who know what is happening. Countries have fallen, institutions have fallen, this Russian Roulette shot has harmed thousands, perhaps millions, killed more, and they keep advertising it and pumping it into whoever lines up for it. It doesn't end. No testimony before any government body stops it. The press spews on murderously and trivially as it we were living in the Reich when no one believed the news coming out of the concentration camps, not even when a man set himself on fire in London to try to wake people up. I'm sure there is controlled opposition; of course there is. All I want to point out is that we are all, so far, helpless to stop people dying suddenly or taking the shots or the damnable governments from knighting murderers or euthanizing the poor and disabled and normalizing that. I just feel we all need to ask ourselves how much of our rage and division, aside from it being manipulated, because duh, of course it is, how much of it has nothing to do with other people, even spies or controlled opposition, but has to do with the unbearable heartbreaking helplessness and boiling helpless rage that we all feel. I just feel everyone needs to ask that of themselves with honesty before focusing on who is what. How much of our rage belongs to the actual criminals and forces and structures, the EVIL, the EVIL that is about as much of an Antichrist as I can imagine, and how much do we feel about actors and writers and public figures in the medical freedom movement? How much anger is being displaced? Every single person genuinely committed to fighting this battle is under extreme pressure both internally and externally. It is incredibly hard to know, and it gets worse all the time, not better. But remember when Gollum whispered to the weary starving Frodo, like Iago in Shakespeare, that Sam wanted the ring? That he was eating all the food? I just finished a book by the mythologist Orthodox Christian convert Martin Shaw who said we are really fools if we don't recognize that there is something in the cosmos that is against us, metaphysical, that wants us not to flourish. Call this what one will, it is here with us now. Everyone who knows what is happening or has been harmed or bereaved is carrying a weight that is unimaginable bravely. Everyone brave. Everyone.

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Thank you for this beautiful writing Cynthia Ford.

Yes we are all, most of us, brave to be here at this time.

Yet I do not think Malone is.

Or his wife.

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You made me want to read Martin Shaw's books. Thank you Cynthia.

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Outstanding. Thank you for that. Turning on each-other and backbiting is not helpful to the cause and does more harm.

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Awsome. I'm French Canadian and cannot write this beautifully (well, neither in French or English for that matter! LOL!) Of course there is "something" against us! And it's called the devil; he's a liar, cheater, s..t disturber, and wants to kill us before we even realize he exists... Our very core knows what 's going on, thus the rage. Please folks, know what the real battle is, the apostle Paul knew and warned us of the real perpretrators of this. Also predicted for the coming end. Stand strong in the Lord.

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Actually, his substack is not for free. I cannot subscribe bc I can't afford it. How come you let me comment without subscribing? You cannot comment on his. He says that's to stop the trolls. Really?

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Yes, they are feeling betrayed and angry and Dr. Malone would like to be the leader of the resistance, and I feel his frustration, but when you are a leader you need to be clearheaded and provide guidance and communicate with people that don't agree with you and learn from them.

He can't do that when he is feeling betrayed and angry.

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Dr Judy from Stew Peters Show called him out as a fraud months ago. It was interesting that she stated this so early. She didn’t trust him and it’s starting to look like this is the case.

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Not taking sides, but Stew Peters is a clear harbinger of lies and deceit and falsehoods. We need to be objective, rational and allow all parties to respond and defend themselves against any accusations. Stew Peters regularly pushes BS falsehoods and nonsense. I'm not attacking Dr. Judy at the moment-but if you wanna go down that route cite a credible source and purveyor of information to retain credibility.

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I realize that Stew Peters can be a bit over the top with the carnival barker vibe, but he's certainly willing "go there". And you cannot say that "Died Suddenly" was not a wake up call, albeit crude, for many people.

People complained that a couple of the examples were people who didn't ultimately succumb. I just sensed that they were working in haste - one of the pictures was a 22 year old college kid from a town near me. He only died in October - and the movie was released shortly after that.

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I do agree he does allow an open forum for people to "go there" though. And of course I'm not stating we shouldn't critique the "died suddenly" issue. Look, it's tragic how a young man unfortunately passed in an untimely manner near you, and most likely is attributed to the jab. I guess the point i was trying to make and what frustrates me is when we are trying to show evidence and convince the people, when there is any semblance or possibility of doubt it destroys our own arguments. I guess I'm biased because I made the mistake once once supporting my narrative by sharing a Stew Peters video once to some colleagues while negating to vet the content. And then later took the time to do my due diligence and realized the mistake I had made-since that point I have been highly skeptical of Stew and the more I made a deep dive the more I began to realize the content he produces warrants significant scrutiny before being shared and is NOT A TRUSTED SOURCE OF INFORMATION

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Has Dr. Judy offered any help about the nanotechnology? I've not seen much. She has written a lot of cryptic stuff about her late husband.

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That's what I'm saying Racine.

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And that's why she's named in the lawsuit. 😂 How dare she.

What a despicable creep. $25M - trying to Alex Jones people.

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Narcissism and duplicity hidden beneath a fluffy beard, that’s the gentleman farmer named Bob.

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Don’t forget his “humble” beginning as a carpenter who aspired to be a doctor. Total Hollyweird crap!

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OMG... Jesus was a carpenter. Wow - I hadn't put that together before! Is Malone comparing himself with Jesus? LOL.

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No, carpenters are freemasons.

Jesus never identified as a carpenter. Man identified him as one.

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Hahaha 🤣 Finally someone says it loud enough for the back of the room to hear!!!

I called him out for being a devil when i saw a clip of him talking about spooks, quantum technology, bla bla bla on some show … while wearing a corona tie . He was on the cover of the .economist 2019 cover for a reason, as he is part of the theater. So many things wrong about him .. not to mention he is suing the doctor couple who disagrees with his mass psychosis assessment?? … this guy is a snake

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He never should have gone after the Breggins. What a total LOSER!

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Didn't the Breggins go after him first?

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Do you mean a difference of opinion regarding mass formation psychosis? So a difference of opinion gets you sued for 25 million? You're kidding, right?

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I think Breggin in has claimed that Malone is Deep State. That's a pretty scathing attack on Malone's integrity.

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They always leave that part out. 🙄

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Yes, people have very selective memories when it suits their worldview.

They also tend to interpret all new facts in the context of their current worldview. When a new belief would oppose their current worldview, they will lash out against it.

This happened with the Breggins. They appear to be married to the narrative espoused in their book published early during the pandemic. All new ideas were to be viewed through that prism. When Desmet put forth his theory of mass formation and Malone approved of it, the Breggins went on an attack vs Malone and Desmet since this idea of mass formation would be contrary to the preferred narrative of the Breggins.

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Anyone who has followed the Breggins know that their MO is to toss out scathing accusations. Until now, nobody responded to them bc they haven’t had much influence. So they haven’t done anything different with Malone and Desmet. It’s crash and burn with them and they move on. This time, Malone and Desmet asked them to talk about their accusations. They aren’t used to this. They refused and continued their attacks. Malone was shocked. But, this is how the Breggins have always operated. They just didn’t realize that someone would finally take them seriously. Honestly they should’ve taken Malone’s attempts to talk to them as a compliment. He valued their opinions enough to want to discuss their statements. Versus ignoring them as irrelevant. They persisted and he has sued. Now they have an opportunity to back up what they’ve said. There will be discovery. Malone will be in a courtroom and the Breggins can ‘expose’ Malone and prove their case. Instead of standing by their statements, they defaulted to victim status. That, to many, showed them to be blowhards and bullies. If you believe in what you say, stand up and show up. Instead, they’ve pulled the ‘poor us’ card, we are ‘old’ card. They could’ve said GAME ON MALONE, open up a GoFundMe for legal costs and forge ahead. They didn’t believe Malone when he told them to stop. Live and learn.

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This is one side of the story. The real story is that the Breggins are 100% correct about the Trojan horse, Desmet. See here https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/11/investigative-reports/covid-19-mass-formation-or-mass-atrocity/?ref=Unlimited+Hangout-newsletter

I've looked at Desmet's book closely and have written about it here: https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/on-the-psychology-of-totalitarianism

Something is deeply wrong when such a misleading, deceptive book as Desmet's is promoted heavily. The amazing thing is that people like Malone either can't see through it, read it with eyes closed, or are part of the agenda of "nothing to see here" that Desmet pushes.

Do you really think the Malones are suffering so much from what Breggin said that Malone needs to sue for 25 million? Because he's now reduced to poverty and had to sell all his horses? Because no one will listen to him anymore? No, he still has a huge, paying substack army and still gets to jet around and give his opinion on what's going on.

What's really needed for totalitarianism? Total censorship, total surveillance, and total enforcement. No "mass formation" needed at all. We could all be unwittingly slipping into total censorship and total surveillance. Yet Desmet says absolutely nothing about the real and true causes of the political being we call "totalitarianism." Instead he pretends that it's all due to "mechanistic thinking."

Are you a mechanistic thinker? Is anyone you know?

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I highly suggest you read Malone's Substack if you are looking for a balanced view on this issue. He addresses everything in regards to Desmet. Again, if the Breggins are right, let them fight it out. They are acting like victims. They have slung mud for years. Let them back it up. This isn't just a disagreement. Have you read the quotes of the allegations by the Bregins? It's a bit rich to suggest this is a mere disagreement.

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I've read Malone's substack and was first introduced to Desmet by Malone, of course. I read Desmet's response to Breggin. I was on Malone's side. When I first heard Desmet, I thought him brilliant.

Then Malone sued Breggin, and that's when I started to listen to what Breggin was saying. And, I read Desmet very carefully and took extensive notes, and did more research. I suggest you pay more attention to what the Breggins are saying and less to what Malone is saying.

I was a paid subscriber to Malone and a frequent commenter there. After Malone sued, I dropped his substack.

Bottom line: Breggin is 100% correct regarding Desmet's book, which is complete trash and highly deceptive. Why anyone would defend Desmet is beyond me.

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Since you seem to have tracked the dispute between Malone and breggins (which frankly doesn’t seem to hold a $25m price tag) could you also please explain the malone against peter mccollough dispute?

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Will have to research that one. Dr. Malone appears to be concerned that The Wellness Company is promoting supplements that are identical to Dr. Zelenko's Z Stack product. Malone formed a close bond with Zev and was with him in his last days. Perhaps he is concerned about Zev's legacy. Will have to find out more.

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The Wellness Company (TWC) is partnered with Zev's lab. That's why the supplements APPEAR identical. The TWC founder, Foster Colson, met Zev during the pandemic and they forged a relationship which now includes a partnership between the two organizations.

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Being kind has not been working very well lately, Doc Paul. Don't play nice; those days are over. Your righteous indignation is inspiring. Kick ass and take names.

Berenson is just pissed that Naomi Wolf has brass balls and he is still looking for his.

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No, Bereson being on the left has gotten to watch Wolf for 4 decades. I also was first introduced to her in the 1990s, being from the antiwar left. She betrayed us repeatedly over the decades until in 2016 she ended up right where she began, shillin for Hillary. She'll f you guys too, and pretend like this never happened. She lost her audience completely when she f'd over Bernie in 2016, you guys are all she has now, and I guarantee she hates you. You'll see.

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Interesting insight. I tend to trust her, but now I have my antenna up. If she is going to eff us, how do you think she'll do it?

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Such a nice compliment for Naomi ^_^

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And Albert Einstein’s theories led to the atomic bomb. Fauci is responsible for crimes against humanity, not Malone

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If - IF - Malone truly "invented" mRNA technology (as he endlessly claims to have), or even some part of this horror show & crimes against humanity, then he IS responsible, at least partly!!! WTH is wrong with you?

OR, are you a troll???

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Don’t start playing that game with me. Is Mr. Winchester guilty from everyone murdered from his firearm inventions?

Is Van Braun guilty from every missile which killed innocents used in war?

We can agree to disagree but your name calling is lame and plays into the CCP and WEF hands of sowing division in the movement.

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His wife was screaming in 2021 (yes, 2021 - when we already suspected the shot was a medical nightmare) that he wasn't getting credit for his work, his invention. You can't be screaming for credit, and then think you're blameless when the SHTF.

Discernment isn't sowing division. It's thinking straight.

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That is just not true. Malone was being discredited as having no knowledge about MRNA technology...and at that time he was the ONLY qualified one speaking against it. It was fairly imperative that they knock that on the head early ( by disclosing the patent numbers), otherwise the whole world would’ve be on the back-foot re. fighting this sh.T. If we believed MSM back then the world would’ve laughed at Malone and his warnings....and though some were aware, millions of others would’ve been much slower to come to it

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Wow... You're actually saying that Malone, if he "invented" mRNA tech, should NOT be held responsible for the damage & death it's causing??? Because... Mr. Winchester should not be held guilty for everyone killed with one of his and his company's firearms. What exactly has Malone done to stop these deadly shots??? What has he done to help those injured from them??? He even stated that he found out after changes had been made to it to make it even more "effective" (sorry, forgetting his wording), yet what did he do to stop it being rolled out & jabbed into people's arms??? Not a damned thing.

Big difference between these 2 examples. One, the firearm, is completely controlled by the user. Oh, right, except in Alec Baldwin's case. The other, an injectable, given with NO warnings of potential adverse effects (and NO safety studies or long-term studies) to those accepting it, the "user" has NO control over what it does once it's in their body.

You never followed lessons in logic very well, did you?

BTW, Wernher von Braun was a Nazi.

And, I SUGGESTED you might be a troll - I did not call you one. So, you don't seem to read very accurately either.

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If Malone was working for the government when he allegedly invented mRNA technology, it is likely he signed away many of his patent rights. Besides, a patent is just a ticket to the courthouse. Malone would have had to get a judgment to stop anyone from doing anything with the technology.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Hmm. I don't know what patents Malone holds, but some others have said that he's benefitting monetarily from this nightmare. However, to my knowledge & recollection, he has NOT described making any attempts to talk to the pharma company making the changes, or trying to stop them, or get them to do more studies, etc., including a judgement such as you're mentioning, before they rolled it out. Now, why he didn't attempt any of those things is a good question. Was it because he didn't hold certain patents & felt he had no leverage? Was it because he did hold certain patents & wanted the potential remuneration? Was it because he was working for the gubmint & he had no say? Or, maybe because (he has said) he believes the technology has potential for useful uses? Was it because, if it could be useful, then he'd want the accolades? Hmm.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

I’m not a patent attorney, but I am the sole inventor on a few patents. It is allowed for others to build and test your invention for evaluation purposes royalty-free. Also, the harms from mRNA technology have only recently come to our attention. My understanding is that Malone’s patents have expired and are therefore powerless, as is he to ask third parties not to use them. Patents are of limited usefulness, in my experience. They look nice hanging on the wall. ;)

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You don’t benefit from patents once they’ve expired. Why do you think ivermectin was blocked from being used..?...no money to be made from it

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If they bastardised the technology and hid the dangers then that should be laid at Kariko and Weissmans feet...not Malone

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He received no royalties from them at the time...as trials were abandoned back then anyway. If anyone, it’s Kariko and Weissman who should be hauled over the coals. The fact is, that the dragging out of past patents was merely to show how corrupt institutions can write something/someone out of history if it suits them.

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He’s categorically stated he makes no money from them...they’re just basically keepsakes...like an old photo...that proves you were there. You were surmising about his motives. I think we’re all looking for people to blame....I personally don’t think Malone is one. He abandoned the MRNA research due to safety hurdles that seemed insurmountable. The Salk Institute did some shady business around all this back then. It’s not a secret...Malone has addressed the subject extensively a couple of years ago in a long interview....if I can find the link I will send it to you if you would like 👍

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this is why we love you Paul.

and why i'm not on twitter

see lioness of judah above (brilliant) also this for essential looks into this controlled op https://sagehana.substack.com/p/the-history-of-how-mrna-vaccines

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